FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

The agents never did post an image of the steel core columns they say they believe existed, the ones FEMA depict in this graphic. This BTW, is the ONLY depiction of any kind in existence of the core of the Twin Towers from official sources.


They never did recognize when the ex mayor took the public copies of the plans that are traditionally stored with civic center documents. guiliani took the plans and the photos that show the concrete core.

The perpetrators would not want you to recognize that.

Move along, people, move along. Nothing new to see here, just the same "cut and paste" you've seen many times before.

There's plenty of new things to see in other parts of the board. Much more interesting than what you see here.
What does everyone think about the oil spill in the Gulf. Do you think it is BP's fault or the government's that safety rules were not followed? I think the blame lies with the government, because they had inspections far more often than BP did.

What say you?
What does everyone think about the oil spill in the Gulf. Do you think it is BP's fault or the government's that safety rules were not followed? I think the blame lies with the government, because they had inspections far more often than BP did.

What say you?
a little of both
Take note Chris in the post above .. two members in discussion.

Something which seems to be completely alien to you.

The fact is that the false social group comprising this psyops is making themselves obvious.

People read you know. If they are not posting, what do you think they are doing. They know I've posted links showing that agents here not only lie, they use the same lies over and over even after they are exposed.

No agent has ever "exposed" this. That is because it is evidence.


Evidence is not exposed, it is nullified with equal and opposite evidence. Because the evidence of the concrete core is verified independently, you must produce the same.

Your text and bogus links or references are inconsistent with themselves or each other. Most importantly the steel column core structure the agents promote is NEVER seen on 9-11 in the core area. None of it.
the fact is that Christopher A Brown is a delusional dipshit that needs serious professional help

pay your fucking child support, dipshit
Agents are not allowed facts, only lies, they support lies with lies. The reverse of what agents post if most often true.

If this is not true an image from 9-11 showing steel core columns in the core area would have been produced years ago,
Agents are not allowed facts, only lies, they support lies with lies. The reverse of what agents post if most often true.

If this is not true an image from 9-11 showing steel core columns in the core area would have been produced years ago,
yes, agent christopher a brown
No agent has ever "exposed" this. That is because it is evidence.



All this exposes is that the steel core did not fall at "free fall" speed like you goofballs try to claim.

By the way, are you ever going to get current with your child support payments, or do they have to keep coming by to empty your pockets???
The agents lack of independently verified evidence and off topic ad hominium expose their agenda protecting the secret methods of mass murder used to kill 3,000 in 20 seconds.

The refusal to recognize violations of law which deprive the public of the buildings plans show they have no intererst in lawful government. Since the cause of death cannot be properly determined as building collpase without the building plans, NIST did not have them, the agents are working to deprive those 3,000, and their families, and all Americans of the Constitutional right to equal protection of law.


The agents do not consider what kind of lives our children or any Americans will have without the Constititution.
Logically only evidence can be used to show that a post is null. You have used no evidence, therefor your declaration of a null post is not logical.

Indeed, you have made a null post.

Your false social group assembled by the perpetrating infiltrators of the US government pretends there is substance in these kinds of acts. There is none. The acts are treason.

The object on the left is an end view of the west concrete core wall of WTC 1. On the right is structural steel. If there were steel core columns they would be standing on the left with their interconnecting bracing. This is logical, agents do not do that in service to the truth.


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