FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Of course you've posted none, ever.

The perpetrators are not served by evidence.

CriscoFEARa, the NULL POSTER, posts another null post.

<<** YAWN **>>

Meanwhile, it is crystal clear that NULL POSTER is unable to post a single credible bit of evidence of a concrete core.

All the bullshit he has tried to foist off gets totally refuted and the NULL POSTER's only response is to lamely and unpersuasively repeat his lies. Ho fucking hum.

Unmanly lying Troofer scum sucking pussy-boi, CriscoFEARa, the NULL POSTER, has nothing of any value to offer.

And Chri$$y will be back later today, reposting all of his usual debunked drivel.

Because he has to.

This moronic "concrete core" theory is his entire life. He breathes, eats and sleeps it. If he were to somehow see the light and realize he has been deluding himself for the last 8 years, he would suddenly find himself with nothing to live for. He wouldn't know how to function in a world that didn't revolve (in his mind) around a concrete core.

Null Poster, the unmanly dishonest cock sucker, would free up so much time that he might even give some thought to getting a job to support his own children. What a fucking lowlife scumbag that cock-gobbler is.
Well guys I liked meeting all of you (save one; chris) And this has been a lot of fun. But I will not support this little weasel nor empower his BS any longer. he has shown no desire to prove his theory or hold it up to fair scrutiny or debate anything regarding it. All he does now is repeat himself and nay-say all counters without any thing other than his rambling nonsense to support it...

Therefore I cannot, nor will not empower the POS any longer. it would be different if he were actually interested in proving his theory, or even in logical and honest debate of it. But the the evidence is all too clear he does not intend to prove nor debate his theory. All he wants to do now is generate hits on his webpage and get his theory enough fame (or infamy) to generate an income for his lazy ass...

I will no longer acknowledge this POS, even if it is for ridicule or amusement. I do not intend to support a useless and soulless individual, and even bashing him in here does that to some degree. The only way to stop these types is to deny them everything even our contempt. And that is what I intend to do from now on. Letting his threads die in obscurity is the only medicine for this plague.....

I will no longer post in this POS's threads period. I will be around the board and post in the conspiracy threads/boards but NOT in his threads.... Again he is useless and the only way to stop him is shunning... Later taters...

I've been doing that for years .. ignoring him .. but occasionally when I come across his moronic postings and doing his " leg in the door " routine .. (which I caught him doing at the Avatar Forums) .. I always feel obliged to contact the admin and point them to the Break For News thread which went to 430 pages of debunking his repetitive shit .. they get the message fairly quickly and bann the fucker straight away.

I will also point them to this thread now, and the usual line up of forums where he is banned ... I once made a free forum for him, but he only got one member to sign up !

Hah, slaky pretends to fold, and pretends he had a relevant question, pretending what is the proven structure is theory, all in service to secret methods of mass murder. Another cog in the perperators false social group for their post 9-11 internet psyops.

Never did the slaker explain what this was IF NOT concrete.


never did slapy produce an image from 9-11 showing what FEMA said the core was.


Never did slok recognize that the ex mayor had conducted violations of law enabled by state courts to deprive the public of building plans.

That is what identifies an agent.
Hah, slaky pretends to fold, and pretends he had a relevant question, pretending what is the proven structure is theory, all in service to secret methods of mass murder. Another cog in the perperators false social group for their post 9-11 internet psyops.

Never did the slaker explain what this was IF NOT concrete.

never did slapy produce an image from 9-11 showing what FEMA said the core was.

Never did slok recognize that the ex mayor had conducted violations of law enabled by state courts to deprive the public of building plans.

That is what identifies an agent.
you are too fucking stupid for words
Just 'cause I have your methods of misprision figured out doesn't mean you have to forget that you have no independently verified evidence.

Concrete is verified independently as the core of the Twins.

Then we see concrete on 9-11, toppling into the empty core area.


The concrete relates to the secret methods of mass murder so you won't like that fact. However, you will be unable to show there were steel core columns and you will refuse to recognize the violations of law that deprive the public of the building plans for the Towers.

These kinds of things mark you and your false social group as agents. Evasion and deception, collusion and collective ad hominium expose that you are working together.
Just 'cause I have your methods of misprision figured out doesn't mean you have to forget that you have no independently verified evidence.

Concrete is verified independently as the core of the Twins.

Then we see concrete on 9-11, toppling into the empty core area.


The concrete relates to the secret methods of mass murder so you won't like that fact. However, you will be unable to show there were steel core columns and you will refuse to recognize the violations of law that deprive the public of the building plans for the Towers.

These kinds of things mark you and your false social group as agents. Evasion and deception, collusion and collective ad hominium expose that you are working together.
Christopharter said:
Utter bullshit removed to provide higher server speed for relevant comment

How about this Chris .. we will still dis-agree with your shit even if you apologize for wasting our time ..

.. and then YOU need to apologize to all the other innocent people you have infected with your diaTRIBE of nonsense.

That sounds about fair to me ..

Stann :eusa_angel:
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And Chri$$y proves me right with not one, but three, postings of his usual bullshit.

Just more proof that he has no actual evidence, just a few old, tired, debunked items to live his whole life around.
All agents text is truly null. When the murder of 3,000 is the issue, this is reasonable. Due process, equal protection of law, Constitutional issues, lawful government, these are paramount motivations for Americans.

Those posting here who do not respect laws and the Constitution they are made under, or refuse to recognize when laws are violated by government, are only safely considered agents of treason serving the infiltration of the US government, if the citizens with allegiance to the United States who are witnessing the behaviors of all posting on this issue, seek to support and defend the US Constitution.
It is logical that agents would want to dismiss info they've been trying to ignore in service to the infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder.

This behavior does not make the evidence any less than it was and is. Their total inability to produce an image of the steel core columns from 9-11 or to even provide a reasonable explanation for what images show IF NOT CONCRETE, shows they have no substance and are conducting subterfuge.


The north side concrete core base wall of WTC 1. Note the 3x7 hallway running the length of it.

Move along please, there's nothing new to see here, just a bunch of repeated drivel. There's plenty of posts in the Environment section that will hold your interest, and provide new material.
It is logical that agents would want to dismiss info they've been trying to ignore in service to the infiltrating perpetrators of mass murder

your delusional rantings are meaningless. you show no evidence of a concrete core.

null post.
The agents never did post an image of the steel core columns they say they believe existed, the ones FEMA depict in this graphic. This BTW, is the ONLY depiction of any kind in existence of the core of the Twin Towers from official sources.


They never did recognize when the ex mayor took the public copies of the plans that are traditionally stored with civic center documents. guiliani took the plans and the photos that show the concrete core.

The perpetrators would not want you to recognize that.
dipshit agents of Al Qaeda think they can simply repost the same delusional bullshit and it wont be seen as delusional bullshit any more
agents of Al Qaeda are such fucking delusional dipshits they dont even pay their child support
The agents never did post an image of the steel core columns they say they believe existed, the ones FEMA depict in this graphic. This BTW, is the ONLY depiction of any kind in existence of the core of the Twin Towers from official sources.


They never did recognize when the ex mayor took the public copies of the plans that are traditionally stored with civic center documents. guiliani took the plans and the photos that show the concrete core.

The perpetrators would not want you to recognize that.

all these lies were debunked already.

null post.

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