FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Sorry, can't respond to the change of subject. I challenge you to prove NIST had plans and identify which official entity holds them.

Plans for what? You don't make any sense.

Plans for the Twin Towers.

this has already been debunked. LERA has the plans and they cooperated with NIST. You can ask robertson himself if you like but he thinks you are a complete loon and wont reply to you. :lol:

LERA | Leslie E. Robertson Associates
here's some more reading for you....

"Under contract to NIST, Leslie E. Robertson Associates (LERA) constructed a global reference model of
each tower using the SAP2000, version 8, software. SAP2000 is a software package for performing finite
element calculations for the analysis and design of building structures. These global, three-dimensional
models encompassed the 110 stories above grade and the 6 subterranean levels. The models included
primary structural components in the towers, resulting in tens of thousands of computational elements.
The data for these elements came from the original structural drawing books for the towers. These had
been updated through the completion of the buildings and also included most of the subsequent,
significant alterations by both tenants and The Port Authority. LERA also developed reference models of
a truss-framed floor, typical of those in the tenant spaces of the impact and fire regions of the buildings,
and of a beam-framed floor, typical of the mechanical floors.
LERA's work was reviewed by independent experts in light of the firm's earlier involvement in the WTC
design. It was that earlier work, in fact, that made LERA the only source that had the detailed knowledge
of the design, construction, and intended behavior of the towers over their entire 38-year life span. The
accuracy of the four models was checked in two ways:
• The two global models were checked by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM), also under
contract to NIST, and by NIST staff. This entailed ensuring consistency of the models with
the design documents, and testing the models, e.g., to ensure that the response of the models
to gravity and wind loads was as intended and that the calculated stresses and deformations
under these loads were reasonable.
• The global model of WTC 1 was used to calculate the natural vibration periods of the tower.
These values were then compared to measurements from the tower on eight dates of winds
NIST NCSTAR 1, WTC Investigation "
Junk text. Where is the image of this core on 9-11 when the towers were coming apart before hundreds of cameras?


All I see is a concrete core.

Yes, truth with evidence to verify it is all I have.

Independently verified evidence of the concrete core.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work for justifying explanation for collapse, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
Christopharter said:
All I see is a concrete core.

Says it all really .. you have concrete cores in your eyes .. go get your eyes checked out and perhaps get some of that concrete removed .. then with crystal clear vision .. your world will change .. and you might just see the TRUTH.

Fat chance I know .. but helpful suggestions is what sane people do, to try and help the helpless .. :eusa_whistle:
Yes, truth with evidence to verify it is all I have.

you dont have any evidence. all you have is your delusional bullshit. you say robertson identifies a concrete core. he doesnt. the newsweek reporter does. then newsweek contacts robertson and gets an actual quote from him saying it had a steel core.

you are such a lying fucking jackass. its a shame you dont use all this energy to actually PAY YOUR FUCKING CHILD SUPPORT.

more proof that stupid people shouldnt breed. :cuckoo:
What plans for the twin towers are you suggesting the NIST didn't have?

The plans that included 6inch, DoD supplied and guarded C-4 coated re-bar, 4 foot wide elevators, and butt plates.

Oh, I missed that part. I feel so stupid.

No need to feel that way. You're new. It will take you a little time to review all of Chri$$y's bullshit, and get up to speed.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Goof-0-phera. An amazing world where steel turns to concrete, and engineers are quoted for things they never said. Where blurry, fuzzy, and out of focus pictures are the coin of the realm.
Goofer, NIST did not have any of the plans for the Twin Towers. All I could find in their product documents about sources was a disclaimer.


you missed this then....

(well, we all know you didnt miss it. you choose to ignore it since it doesnt support your INSANE claims)

Under contract to NIST, Leslie E. Robertson Associates (LERA) constructed a global reference model of
each tower using the SAP2000, version 8, software. SAP2000 is a software package for performing finite
element calculations for the analysis and design of building structures. These global, three-dimensional
models encompassed the 110 stories above grade and the 6 subterranean levels. The models included
primary structural components in the towers, resulting in tens of thousands of computational elements.
The data for these elements came from the original structural drawing books for the towers. These had
been updated through the completion of the buildings and also included most of the subsequent,
significant alterations by both tenants and The Port Authority.
LERA also developed reference models of
a truss-framed floor, typical of those in the tenant spaces of the impact and fire regions of the buildings,
and of a beam-framed floor, typical of the mechanical floors.
LERA's work was reviewed by independent experts in light of the firm's earlier involvement in the WTC
design. It was that earlier work, in fact, that made LERA the only source that had the detailed knowledge
of the design, construction, and intended behavior of the towers over their entire 38-year life span. The
accuracy of the four models was checked in two ways:
• The two global models were checked by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM), also under
contract to NIST, and by NIST staff. This entailed ensuring consistency of the models with
the design documents, and testing the models, e.g., to ensure that the response of the models
to gravity and wind loads was as intended and that the calculated stresses and deformations
under these loads were reasonable.
• The global model of WTC 1 was used to calculate the natural vibration periods of the tower.
These values were then compared to measurements from the tower on eight dates of winds
NIST NCSTAR 1, WTC Investigation
Last edited:
Goofer, NIST did not have any of the plans for the Twin Towers. All I could find in their product documents about sources was a disclaimer.

you missed this then....

(well, we all know you didnt miss it. you choose to ignore it since it doesnt support your INSANE claims)

Under contract to NIST, Leslie E. Robertson Associates (LERA) constructed a global reference model of
each tower using the SAP2000, version 8, software. SAP2000 is a software package for performing finite
element calculations for the analysis and design of building structures. These global, three-dimensional
models encompassed the 110 stories above grade and the 6 subterranean levels. The models included
primary structural components in the towers, resulting in tens of thousands of computational elements.
The data for these elements came from the original structural drawing books for the towers. These had
been updated through the completion of the buildings and also included most of the subsequent,
significant alterations by both tenants and The Port Authority.
LERA also developed reference models of
a truss-framed floor, typical of those in the tenant spaces of the impact and fire regions of the buildings,
and of a beam-framed floor, typical of the mechanical floors.
LERA's work was reviewed by independent experts in light of the firm's earlier involvement in the WTC
design. It was that earlier work, in fact, that made LERA the only source that had the detailed knowledge
of the design, construction, and intended behavior of the towers over their entire 38-year life span. The
accuracy of the four models was checked in two ways:
• The two global models were checked by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM), also under
contract to NIST, and by NIST staff. This entailed ensuring consistency of the models with
the design documents, and testing the models, e.g., to ensure that the response of the models
to gravity and wind loads was as intended and that the calculated stresses and deformations
under these loads were reasonable.
• The global model of WTC 1 was used to calculate the natural vibration periods of the tower.
These values were then compared to measurements from the tower on eight dates of winds
NIST NCSTAR 1, WTC Investigation

NIST had the full and complete plans
Goofer, NIST did not have any of the plans for the Twin Towers. All I could find in their product documents about sources was a disclaimer.

you missed this then....

(well, we all know you didnt miss it. you choose to ignore it since it doesnt support your INSANE claims)

Under contract to NIST, Leslie E. Robertson Associates (LERA) constructed a global reference model of
each tower using the SAP2000, version 8, software. SAP2000 is a software package for performing finite
element calculations for the analysis and design of building structures. These global, three-dimensional
models encompassed the 110 stories above grade and the 6 subterranean levels. The models included
primary structural components in the towers, resulting in tens of thousands of computational elements.
The data for these elements came from the original structural drawing books for the towers. These had
been updated through the completion of the buildings and also included most of the subsequent,
significant alterations by both tenants and The Port Authority.
LERA also developed reference models of
a truss-framed floor, typical of those in the tenant spaces of the impact and fire regions of the buildings,
and of a beam-framed floor, typical of the mechanical floors.
LERA's work was reviewed by independent experts in light of the firm's earlier involvement in the WTC
design. It was that earlier work, in fact, that made LERA the only source that had the detailed knowledge
of the design, construction, and intended behavior of the towers over their entire 38-year life span. The
accuracy of the four models was checked in two ways:
• The two global models were checked by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM), also under
contract to NIST, and by NIST staff. This entailed ensuring consistency of the models with
the design documents, and testing the models, e.g., to ensure that the response of the models
to gravity and wind loads was as intended and that the calculated stresses and deformations
under these loads were reasonable.
• The global model of WTC 1 was used to calculate the natural vibration periods of the tower.
These values were then compared to measurements from the tower on eight dates of winds
NIST NCSTAR 1, WTC Investigation

NIST had the full and complete plans

No, that is not stated. NIST did not have the plans. Your false social group cannot invent facts.

The disclaimer is from the NIST product. Your info . . . well, we don't know where it comes from.


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