FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

goof-o-phera shows photos showing steel core columns and calls them something else
yet he has NEVER shown a single clear photo of a concrete core
Yep, it's definitely a steel core.​


Hey Rattus,

We know this already .. but I guess we have to educate Chri$$y .. and will no doubt be formulating more lies to counter the excellent evidence you have provided, which shows the steel core as depicted in the FEMA schematic, within footage from 9/11.

But I guess the IDIOT will continue operating on the auto pilot subconscious level while ignoring the real conscious world where things actually happen.

Nice one Ratt

Stann :eusa_angel:
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The stalker agent ought to post in the proper thread for the false social group platitudes of the psyops,


Or, if you are going to pretend to be an idiot, this thread is appropriate.


This thread is about a massive deception. FEMA misrepresented the core structure of the tower to NIST. This construction imkage shows elevator guide rail support steel not "core columns". The butt plates on the tops of the support steel show the method of joining FAR TOO weak to be core columns.

there is nothing "false" about this group
it is a group of SANE people, telling you that you are batshit fucking INSANE
agent chri$$y is like a bot on a yahoo chatroom. You know the ones, they send you a pm touting naked girls and try to lure you away to their website. That's as far I ever went with it so I don't know just what happens after that. I surmise that it involves sending money to some naked girl with a camera.
Anyway, these bot things come into the room pretending to be real people, when in reality, they are indeed software. They promise titillation, and only offer a glimmer of that in the form of illusion, just like agent chri$$y.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that
The perpetrators will be very upset that you've been exposing the operation with incompetence as is well demonstrated with the usual incoherence and profanity.

The cause of death for 3,000 murders and I've proven here in this thread with the help of all opposition who have well proven they have no indepedently verified evidence to support that the steel core columns FEMA defines as the core structure of the Twin towers ever existed.

The Twin towers had a steel reinforced cast concrete tubular core and you psyops is trying to conceal that fact, ........... with nothing.
you are a fucking clown
like i would give a shit what the perpetrators think when you dont have a fucking clue what you are talking about

Not only do I have a clue but I have defined the structural elements of this image showing the elevator guide rail support steel in the core of WTC 2, that you and the perpetrators want to call, "core columns". On top of them are butt plates which are not strong enough for "core columns", which must have 100% deep fillet welds.

The plates appear at around the 5th floor, which means 105 floors of supposed steel core columns bear on what you and FEMA want to call a column and there is no interconnecting bracing shown in the FEMA core diagram.


and after asking you to define those structures and you failed to respond, I described them, but you have no interest in any truth, so did not notice and still do not know.

BTW, for those sincere about learning about the actual structures, first, the concrete was poured no further that 7 floors below the top floor, so it's somewhere below in that image.

Research the foundations for the truth movement has been led to believe are core columns. You will find they are a stack of steel cribbing called a "grillage", it was set on a thinn concrete pad. No resistence to lateral forces as a "core column" must have.

The columns that did exist surrounding the concrete core, above seen with floor beams crossing them, below, seen across the far side of the core, the spire, the west, while the east concrete wall topples into the core area,


had a deep foundation that actually extended below the concrete core foundation and essentially surrounded the core foundation pinning into the limestone formation below to resist tilting.

here, reposting a quote from your post from a year or so ago, so you don't have to post it again.
The spire is outside the core structure. Your images do not provide a location.


If that were a concrete core there would be lots of diagonal bracing. No images including construction photos show diagonals.

They could not have existed because they would have blocked halls and elevators.
I guess I've gotten peoples attention.

The core of the twin towers was a steel reinforced cast concrete rectangular tube. Here is a piece of the shear wall construction of WTC 1, east core wall, about 400+ feet off the ground it appears around 4 foot thick.


Original video
YouTube - 9/11 WTC North Tower Core, HAVE YOU SEEN IT?

Very special 3" high tensile steel made in DOD steel mills was custom ordered for the core walls.

This is an image from a helicopter of the same 80 foot tall piece of the WTC 1 east end concrete core wall falling into the empty core area

Surrounding the core were 24 massive box columns called "interior box columns". They were the vertical elements inner wall of the outer steel exoskeleton that supported the floors. The inner wall is framed with "I" beams and that is what is seen peeling away from the core in the helicopter photo linked above.

Here is the core of WTC 2 standing at 1/2 height.


Does that look like FEMA says it should in this diagram?


If I told you the truth movement got its plans from silverstein properties and that there were no official plans to be found and that guiliani took the WTC documents of NYC, while state court judges will not uphold a FOIA to get the public documents returned to public offices, would that fit the picture I present?

As I said in the "oathkeepers" thread. Minds are like parachutes, they only work when they are open. Critical thinking is needed here, dealing with many aspects since well before 9-11. A trend of lawlessness and manipulation is seen in high places that is blatant, all behind secrecy historically associated with cold war intelligence.

There are many true Americans working in the United States government, what's left of it. We need to help them to purify it before they are safe to do their jobs the way they know they must be done. The way we need those jobs done.

Accordingly it is time to lose all animus for Americans you feel are different from you. Lose the divisions created by 50 years of media manipulation. Return to the simple, sacred values of the Constitution reaching back in time to take the best of social contracts and bring them forward a new, for us, if we can keep it. This is the only action that can protect us from an infiltration that has occured on a very deep level.

Freedom is not free. Giving up some misconception of intentions about the beliefs of fellow Americans who are mislead, as if you are not, is a small price to pay for unity adequate to protect the Consitution.

here ya go agent chri$$y, reposting this for you from 2009

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