FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core



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Your false social group of the psyops belongs here.


You have no evidence or you could post it here. Since you cannot, I will post the only evidence of the core in existence, and it shows a concrete core.

I posted it for you already, Piss-Breath, but here it is again since you're just a mentally defective imbecile.



Now turn me in, or admit you're guilty of misprision of treason, you imbecile.
Your false social group of the psyops belongs here.


You have no evidence or you could post it here. Since you cannot, I will post the only evidence of the core in existence, and it shows a concrete core.

I posted it for you already, Piss-Breath, but here it is again since you're just a mentally defective imbecile.



Now turn me in, or admit you're guilty of misprision of treason, you imbecile.

I demand to named as co-conspirator, otherwise turn yourself in!
I posted it for you already, Piss-Breath, but here it is again since you're just a mentally defective imbecile.



Now turn me in, or admit you're guilty of misprision of treason, you imbecile.

I demand to named as co-conspirator, otherwise turn yourself in!

Damn right, he should have us all hauled in, or surrender himself as being guilty of misprision of treason himself. If he doesn't name us all, he is part of the conspiracy, and a government agent.
Now turn me in, or admit you're guilty of misprision of treason, you imbecile.

I demand to named as co-conspirator, otherwise turn yourself in!

Damn right, he should have us all hauled in, or surrender himself as being guilty of misprision of treason himself. If he doesn't name us all, he is part of the conspiracy, and a government agent.

Abso-fucking-lutely! This is an outrage of the highest order, I'll tell you what!
Besides, everyone knows the WTC towers had apple cores.

Here's my proof.


And here's my independent verification.

Who do you think sold them the apples? - Thornton Mellon

I made pies from the rest of the apples. - Granny Smith

We used paper mache and elmer's glue to stick them together. - Little Billy Jones, age 5
From the man who sold the apples to the WTC project...

Efforts to conceal by obsfucation are easy to see. That you have no evidence is easy to see. That you work to support the FEMA deception is easy to see.

The deception is easy to see. Look, no diagonal braces. This cannot be with steel core columns. Look, butt plates. Butt plates are far too weak to be joining sections of steel core columns.


That is why the core is empty in all 9-11 images.


The WTC 1 spire is located outside the core area.
Hey Goof-0, just to show you I'm a nice guy, here's your favorite song.​
agents always, and misleaders always, refer to the elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns". However, the total lack of diagonal bracing and the precense of "butt plates" joining vertical sections of steel together show the FEMA deception.

Locating the spire eliminates misrepresentation of steel outside the as being "core columns".

The spire. The first row of elevator guide rail support is adjacent and inside the concrete wall, sandwiching it.

The empty core, left of the core wall is easily seen.

The concrete wall lightly silhouettes the interior box columns outside the concrete. Floor beams connect them. Elevator guide rail support steel adjacent sandwiches the wall again.

The spire is outside the core area.

After the spire of structural steel and the concrete wall detonates under it (horizontal rebar), inside of it, the vertical rebar is seen.
I foolishly referred to Goof-0 as "human" once.

I guess I'm guilty of Misprision of Species. I'll just sit here and wait for the cops to show up on that one, too.

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