FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

If agents refuse to recognize violations of law depriving 3,000 murder victims of due process and the nation of equal protection of law, it is certain they do not care about a solitary Americans right to subpoena evidnece and witness.

The ex was living at a small estate with her parents who enable her addictions, the kid was fine. They suffer now from a lack of justice then. All children suffer now because their economy has no work for them and they are totally dependent.

But is you do not care about violations of law that enable treason, why would you care about children?

Logically you would not. Accordingly you are guilty of attempting to use "emotional reasoning" to conceal treason. Meaning you are posting in the wrong thread again idiot. POST HERE WITH MISPRISION ACTIONS.

The ex was living at a small estate with her parents who enable her addictions, the kid was fine. They suffer now from a lack of justice then. All children suffer now because their economy has no work for them and they are totally dependent.

But is you do not care about violations of law that enable treason, why would you care about children?

Logically you would not. Accordingly you are guilty of attempting to use "emotional reasoning" to conceal treason. Meaning you are posting in the wrong thread again idiot. POST HERE WITH MISPRISION ACTIONS.


:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
On 9-11 we see a concrete core,


the buildings engineer, Robertson, identifies a concrete core.

Accordingly, FEMA lied. There were no steel core columns in the core area an no agent has posted any evidence from 9-11 showing them.
On 9-11 we see a concrete core,
only if your fucking delusional
the buildings engineer, Robertson, identifies a concrete core.
LIAR, he said no such thing
Accordingly, FEMA lied. There were no steel core columns in the core area an no agent has posted any evidence from 9-11 showing them.

you have even posted photos that prove there were steel core columns in the core
you just make a delusional claim they are something else
On 9-11 we see a concrete core,
only if your fucking delusional
the buildings engineer, Robertson, identifies a concrete core.
LIAR, he said no such thing
Accordingly, FEMA lied. There were no steel core columns in the core area an no agent has posted any evidence from 9-11 showing them.

you have even posted photos that prove there were steel core columns in the core
you just make a delusional claim they are something else

Chri$$y would refuse to see steel even if someone was beating him to death with it.

I can hear it now, "Stop hitting me with that concrete bar".
Errors and spam by agents attempting to conceal treason.

Does this,


look like what was seen on 9-11 for the core of WTC 2?


No. The image from 9-11 looks like a concrete core just like Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 describes. Just like the engineer of record describes. Just like deAugust Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. the structural engineer certified in 12 states describes.

Again, if it is concealment of treason you are going to conduct, YOU ARE POSTING IN THE WRONG THREAD. Post here.

Errors and spam by agents attempting to conceal treason.

Does this,


look like what was seen on 9-11 for the core of WTC 2?


No. The image from 9-11 looks like a concrete core just like Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 describes. Just like the engineer of record describes. Just like deAugust Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. the structural engineer certified in 12 states describes.

Again, if it is concealment of treason you are going to conduct, YOU ARE POSTING IN THE WRONG THREAD. Post here.


Crude and obscene spam from an agent of treason attempting to conceal treason belongs in the thread where agents confront the law that they will be punished under for concealing treason.


Stop pretending to be an idiot, post appropriately on topic agent.


From now on, this thread will have no topic. You're full of shit, and your threads will be too.

Get used to it.

All your base are belong to us.

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