FEMA fighting Trump Lies

Ever hear of Google? Why do I need to answer your questions when the answers are so readily available on Google.

Having said that, I will do you the FAVOR of answering your question, given that you show no ability to find it yourself.

To begin with, FEMA has already supplied $45 million on disaster relief. More is needed but the Republicans have held back on supplying those funds to FEMA for Disaster relief
You're addressing future money funding. I asked when Mayorkas said they were running out of money, where did it previously go?
FEMA has put up a website about myth vs fact disaster relief in an attempt to fight the lies that Trump is spreading.

Trump keeps spreading lies about FEMA such as

Trump FEMA Claim Debunked: Agency Not Running Out Of Money Because Of Migrants

Trump is not only lying about things as important as disaster relief funds but did badly himself during his administration:

Trump’s Failures on Tornadoes and Derechos


Trump refused disaster wildfire aid to California in 2018 because it’s a blue state, report says

Trump has shown a bias toward red states and against blue states, Is this a man that is for Americans or only for those that back him?

This is not a man that should be president of the United States
They have more than enough on their plate and don’t need shit like this.

Trump is chaos. Everything and everyone he touches is soiled.
Trump plays his followers. It's a source of glee when he can manipulate you with a lie.
I don't give a shit about Trump.

What I have seen and read are the empirical testimony of folks that are affected.

When the government tells us the victims are lying? meh, you are on the wrong side of this.
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It is a disaster, isn't it. Certainly the right has classified it as an unmitigated disaster, so what exactly are you criticizing?
Its a crisis not a disaster... Biden uses word games to write illegal executive orders... Biden created this crisis... if anyone should cover the cost... it should be him Kamala and the DNC....

This guy seemed credible, until the point where he said the victims of this disaster are lying.

It’s a funny joke, but you are avoiding the fact that republicans are creating stories to attack Dems that have no validity.
It has nothing to do so much with Dems, it has to do with the agenda of global elites and institutional investment corporations.

The Dems just happen to be more amiable to those interests.

. . . and the really awful thing? The establishment is on a full on gas-lighting operation. What are the victims of Maui saying? What are the victims of E. Palestine saying?

Oh. . . for folks like you, everyone is just lying.

Its a crisis not a disaster... Biden uses word games to write illegal executive orders... Biden created this crisis... if anyone should cover the cost... it should be him Kamala and the DNC....
Whatever you say. You evidently are more intelligent than me.
So you think that nothing is better?
The folks that live there have to re-build, b/c the government doesn't want them to.

And that is what they're getting, NOTHING.

It matters little what I think or feel, only the facts are important.

And the facts are, unless the wokesters at FEMA bleev you are an oppressed class? . . . .


Their OWN DOCUMENTATION reveals the agenda. It is NOT about disaster recovery for the American Tax-payer, it is about social engineering. :rolleyes:









<snip - a few choice selections to demonstrate the FEMA is NOT being used just as a disaster recovery agency for all Americans, but being used to promote select agendas>

". . . Take advantage of re-design opportunities.

Choose building designs and materials that have lower embodied carbon or
last longer to reduce carbon emissions

Encourage economic development for underserved populations.

Promote low-carbon infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate
health impacts of climate hazards.

Build a transit infrastructure (e.g., bus rapid transit lanes, bike lanes)

Consider future conditions when planning infrastructure to prioritize climate
resilience and reduce future damage and repair costs. . . . "


Goal 4: Promote and Protect Equity

This agency uses its funds not to just help taxpayers recover, but to push a socialist agenda.

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