FEMA: Trains To Take You To The Camps

I forgot my Icke spectacles at home today so im afraid you are going to have to be a little clearer than that.
I forgot my Icke spectacles at home today so im afraid you are going to have to be a little clearer than that.

Oh come on, be fair now..

There's a big difference between suspecting the government of planning a fascist takeover of the country, and believing that reptilian lizards have shape-shifted into human form to run the world.

One belief contains many obvious signs pointing to its possibility, and the other is just silly.
Sure.. my theory.. and this is just a wild guess... is that someone is taking the failure of the federal reaction to katrina seriously and trying to brainstorm a viable solution before, instead of after, the next national emergency.

Again, would you rather have spent the week following Katrina in a football stadium or camping somewhere in arkansas?

So then why the need for the barbed wire (for those trying to get out), the cameras, the train tracks, and the prison look?

Why are they being built in areas that do not experience hurricanes? Whats your thoughts on that?
On November 13, 1999, the Executive Director of the Chicago-based Emergency Response and Research Institute (ERRI) issued a "worldwide terrorism advisory" The advisory stated that ERRI was "monitoring possible threats concerning an upcoming World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting to be held in Seattle, WA at the end of November, and the possibility of anti-capitalist street violence...." Only a few months earlier, the Washington State Military Department had received a request from Mayor, Paul Schell, City of Seattle, "for consequence management resources in support of the World Trade Organization Conference." At that time, the Military Departments Emergency Management Division reported that "most resources identified are beyond the capability of the State and will be forwarded to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to be considered by the federal government."
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, which is an "independent" government agency set up to deal with "all types of hazards," including "internal disturbance (strikes, riots)," trains and finances local "emergency operations" offices around the country Its Region 10 office, which covers Washington state, noted in a mid-October publication under the heading of "Terrorism," that while "the World Trade Organization preparation meetings are still progressing at this point in time the security threat at this meeting in Seattle is considered low," although it noted that "some resources are being predeployed, especially those relating to ESF 8, Medical." By November 1, the Seattle protest had been updated to a "security threat." According to the local FEMA office, the protest was designated a 'National Special Security Event' by the National Security Council."
FEMA's Federal Response Plan (FRP), amended Public Law 93-288 (1988), provides legal authority for the federal government to respond to all sorts of "emergencies," including those that are "man-made.", FRP training utilizes 'special extraordinary event exercises" simulating "regional events such as large-scale civil disturbances." The FRP is a work in progress and was last updated in April 1999 in a "Concept of Operations" publication. Back in 1997, a "notice of change" was issued by FEMA. The notice "adds a Terrorism Incident Annex to the Federal Response Plan (FRP), which will be used to implement Presidential Decision Directive 39 (PDD-39)." According to the Terrorism Annex, PDD-39, United States Policy on Counter terrorism, (classified), "discusses crisis management and consequence management," and that while FEMA is to implement a "consequence management" operation, "the FBI as the Federal Lead Agency for crisis management," will manage "predominantly a law enforcement response."
Two weeks before the WTO Conference, the FBI issued its own alert regarding the Seattle protests. It stated that "the threat of violent or destructive criminal activity-to include individual and group acts of civil disturbance-is considered a distinct possibility.
The FBI defines terrorism this way: "The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment of it, in furtherance ~f political or social objectives.'' Understandably the FBI definition makes no mention of moral force.
In the crackdown in Seattle, civil disobedience had become a terrorist threat.

So then why the need for the barbed wire (for those trying to get out), the cameras, the train tracks, and the prison look?

Why are they being built in areas that do not experience hurricanes? Whats your thoughts on that?

barbed wire: security. Cant have a fucking bear or pack of feral animals rampaging through a large campsite, can we?

CAMERAS? are you kidding me? With the potential for litigation in an area that would be ripe for post-traumatic violent outbreak? Was the Dome in New Orleans disneyland?

train tracks? logistics. Ever see a mass of 50k people travel easy? review the parking lot of woodstock and the aftermath thereof.

prison look? YOu see what you look for. Again, i'll use woodstock. Had you not known any better and were trying to find the worst possible interpretation you might think that events in the 60s and both in the 90s were an effort in mass chaos, control, violence (especially 99) and mind control. As it is, I'll ask you ONE more time... would you rather have been stuck with little supplies in a football stadium or camping it up as some giant site prepared for such an emergency?
In the event of an "emergency situation" I think I would rather take my chances on my own than go to one of those prison, I mean, emergency camps.
will the campsite be all filled up with formaldehyde ? will fema be running this campsite ? can i take my gun or will it be confiscated ?

you asked for an explaination and I gave one to you that validates the above items in a non-tinfoil hat kinda way.

where the hell does fromaldehyde come in at? If someone cooks a meal with an RV propane heater will this insinuate gas chambers too?

What does it matter if Fema runs it? The problem with Katrina was the total lack of leadership and planning, not that fema was a federal agency.

and I see no reason that you'd need a gun at a govenrment run campsight that would already be patrolled by law enforcement. If you want to keep your gun at your hip, and realize that I am by no means an anti-gun kinda dude, then feel free to go find your own post-devestation solution. Good grief, dude. Would you also find it violently offensive that a cop tackles you before you are shot in the line of fire too? Id want a gun if I were in vigilante NO after the floods.. In a secured campground area you can check your guns at the door and pick them up on your way out.
In the event of an "emergency situation" I think I would rather take my chances on my own than go to one of those prison, I mean, emergency camps.

then feel free to do just that. We've seen how well that works out already for the majority of a densely populated area. If you happen to be john rambo then so be it.

It's funny how you put the quotations around EMERGENCY SITUATION even though these plans are the DIRECT result of failed policy.... during an EMERGENCY SITUATION.

But, if you wanna see the face of Jesus on the dogs ass then so be it.

you asked for an explaination and I gave one to you that validates the above items in a non-tinfoil hat kinda way.

where the hell does fromaldehyde come in at? If someone cooks a meal with an RV propane heater will this insinuate gas chambers too?

CDC tests confirm FEMA units are toxic - Life- msnbc.comToxic trailers Feb. 14: A CDC report confirmed that formaldehyde gas found in FEMA trailers is at toxic levels. NBC's Ron Mott reports. Nightly News ...
www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23168160/ - 62k -

What does it matter if Fema runs it? The problem with Katrina was the total lack of leadership and planning, not that fema was a federal agency.

and I see no reason that you'd need a gun at a govenrment run campsight that would already be patrolled by law enforcement. If you want to keep your gun at your hip, and realize that I am by no means an anti-gun kinda dude, then feel free to go find your own post-devestation solution.

and you feel free to go to a fema camp and surrender your weapons

Good grief, dude. Would you also find it violently offensive that a cop tackles you before you are shot in the line of fire too?

a favorite of the people thayt like to say tinfoil crowd.. try to link some irrelavant example to thier argument

Id want a gun if I were in vigilante NO after the floods.. In a secured campground area you can check your guns at the door and pick them up on your way out.

]Gun Confiscation In New OrleansAnti-gun zealots confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens. On September 8, several news outlets began reporting that officials in New Orleans were ...
www.gunowners.org/no02.htm - 11k

ya ok femaboy
CDC tests confirm FEMA units are toxic - Life- msnbc.comToxic trailers Feb. 14: A CDC report confirmed that formaldehyde gas found in FEMA trailers is at toxic levels. NBC's Ron Mott reports. Nightly News ...
www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23168160/ - 62k -

soooo what.. does this imply that the gov is out planting embalming fluid in hopes to control our minds? :rolleyes:

Is any given private residence with a carbon monoxide leak evidence of black 'copters too then?


and you feel free to go to a fema camp and surrender your weapons

sure thing.. and you feel free to drink contaminated water, eat rats and loot grocery stores so when you are caught stealing on tape you can be prosecuted.

a favorite of the people thayt like to say tinfoil crowd.. try to link some irrelavant example to thier argument

It;s not irrelevant. You are trying to find a boo scary ghost where there is no haunting. Fema is not the black ops, dude. believe it or not this government is not nazi germany. I know it's a stretch for the prisonplanet people but, you konw, the truth is out there.

]Gun Confiscation In New OrleansAnti-gun zealots confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens. On September 8, several news outlets began reporting that officials in New Orleans were ...
www.gunowners.org/no02.htm - 11k

ya ok femaboy

Was the aftermath of NO as secured and crime free as a fema campsite? no? Then make me laugh again, rambo.
Bill Clinton's answer to a question about the FEMA CAMPS:

seriously? a 58 second clip that looks chopped all to hell?

perhaps the messenger wants to whip out the real evidence he is hiding up his sleeve that indicates that his fears are well founded...

There are corrupt politicians, dude.. I just don't think it is necessary to look for boogeymen that aren't there without worthwhile evidence. If you had something solid to offer besides the prisonplanet routine then I'd give you every ounce of consideration that it would deserve. As it is, there is a stark similarity between the black 'copter nutters and the dogma junkies and their myths.

for real. Give me something a little more solid than that.
FEMA 1: [ame]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4zr0_9P-gz8[/ame]

FEMA 2: [ame]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=e3rl1FbDT2o&feature=related[/ame]
CDC tests confirm FEMA units are toxic - Life- msnbc.comToxic trailers Feb. 14: A CDC report confirmed that formaldehyde gas found in FEMA trailers is at toxic levels. NBC's Ron Mott reports. Nightly News ...
www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23168160/ - 62k -

]soooo what.. does this imply that the gov is out planting embalming fluid in hopes to control our minds? :rolleyes:
Is any given private residence with a carbon monoxide leak evidence of black 'copters too then?

its that thing people who like to say tinfoil and black helicopters again

no it means they don't give a rats ass about health and safety of their victims and are corrupt and not to be trusted for your survival

sure thing.. and you feel free to drink contaminated water, eat rats and loot grocery stores so when you are caught stealing on tape you can be prosecuted.

I have water filters and food for a year

Was the aftermath of NO as secured and crime free as a fema campsite? no? Then make me laugh again, rambo.[/

So those are the only 2 choices in your limited field of vision
its that thing people who like to say tinfoil and black helicopters again

no it means they don't give a rats ass about health and safety of their victims and are corrupt and not to be trusted for your survival

you DO realize that shit happens in life and it's not always indicative of some grand master scheme by some secret organization, right? Like I said, you enjoy your contaminated water and spoiled hamburger loot while the rest of a large population moves beyond the lessons learned from katrina.

I have water filters and food for a year

good for you, ted. Just don't send me any packages.

So those are the only 2 choices in your limited field of vision

a prison planet fan telling someone they have a narrow field of vision? thats rich. It's not like the first 5 days after the storm saw icke fans coming to the rescue in droves. For some reason, I got the impression that refugees were more interested in water and safety than tin foil. silly me and my illuminati supplied flouride controlled brain.
its that thing people who like to say tinfoil and black helicopters again

no it means they don't give a rats ass about health and safety of their victims and are corrupt and not to be trusted for your survival

you DO realize that shit happens in life and it's not always indicative of some grand master scheme by some secret organization, right? Like I said, you enjoy your contaminated water and spoiled hamburger loot while the rest of a large population moves beyond the lessons learned from katrina.

I have water filters and food for a year

good for you, ted. Just don't send me any packages.

So those are the only 2 choices in your limited field of vision

a prison planet fan telling someone they have a narrow field of vision? thats rich. It's not like the first 5 days after the storm saw icke fans coming to the rescue in droves. For some reason, I got the impression that refugees were more interested in water and safety than tin foil.
silly me and my illuminati supplied flouride controlled brain.

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