Female Vet Takes Action to Stop Protesters Defacing the Flag,Takes Cops to Arrest Her

Whatever bitch, your old ass would have lost your balance and broke your back tryin' to grab the flag

I might mention that from September 1966 until the Vietnam war was over, whenever I was driving alone I would be on the lookout for flag desecraters. It's lucky I never witnessed any because I would have driven into the crowd, then backed up to get any I missed. I have a personal interest in Old Glory. As for falling down I have a HurryCane and that thing outscores a Louisville Slugger every time. And, I have many friends in Rolling Thunder who ride around looking for these creeps. Did you think they were just showing off their bikes and making noise? Think again.

And if you use your car or your cane to attack peaceful protesters, one of them can legally shoot you.

That you think you can ignore the US Constitution and willfully ignore private property laws, just because you get mad, is a sign of personal issues.
Hell yes. And I'm packin' heat too. Glock 17. You see, that's my flag and I make it personal.

No, it is not your flag. It belongs to the person who purchased the flag. The nation is symbolizes is yours and mine and every other citizen's. But the flag is just a symbol of that nation. That you think a cloth symbol is more important than human lives is pretty sad. That you think you get to pick and choose which bits of the US Constitution you follow and which can be ignored shows a lack of patriotism.
I don't pick and choose anything of the kind. And you're right, I'm not a patriot. The patriots died in battle to give smutty scum the right to shit on the flag and for other creepy assholes to defend the scum.

If they bought that flag it is theirs to do with as they please. You have no right to decide otherwise. The false bravado of defending a piece of cloth is laughable.
Good thing ol' Hossfly didn't have hold of that flagstaff. I would have punched it right through one of those cop's eyes. This is one time the cops were dead wrong and they need to have classes on the Flag laws. Those who walked on it, spit on it or tore it should have been arrested and jailed until their trial.
Well, if they have to protest the flag, then the most respectful way is in fact to burn it, as that is one of the ways a US flag is got rid of when it is no longer of use or is too damaged.
Good thing ol' Hossfly didn't have hold of that flagstaff. I would have punched it right through one of those cop's eyes. This is one time the cops were dead wrong and they need to have classes on the Flag laws. Those who walked on it, spit on it or tore it should have been arrested and jailed until their trial.
Well, if they have to protest the flag, then the most respectful way is in fact to burn it, as that is one of the ways a US flag is got rid of when it is no longer of use or is too damaged.
If they burn the flag it is not respectful. It has to be burnt at a formal ceremony at a VFW or American Legion post and is usually performed by Boy Scouts in my town. You have the right idea though.
I might mention that from September 1966 until the Vietnam war was over, whenever I was driving alone I would be on the lookout for flag desecraters. It's lucky I never witnessed any because I would have driven into the crowd, then backed up to get any I missed. I have a personal interest in Old Glory. As for falling down I have a HurryCane and that thing outscores a Louisville Slugger every time. And, I have many friends in Rolling Thunder who ride around looking for these creeps. Did you think they were just showing off their bikes and making noise? Think again.

And if you use your car or your cane to attack peaceful protesters, one of them can legally shoot you.

That you think you can ignore the US Constitution and willfully ignore private property laws, just because you get mad, is a sign of personal issues.
Hell yes. And I'm packin' heat too. Glock 17. You see, that's my flag and I make it personal.

No, it is not your flag. It belongs to the person who purchased the flag. The nation is symbolizes is yours and mine and every other citizen's. But the flag is just a symbol of that nation. That you think a cloth symbol is more important than human lives is pretty sad. That you think you get to pick and choose which bits of the US Constitution you follow and which can be ignored shows a lack of patriotism.
I don't pick and choose anything of the kind. And you're right, I'm not a patriot. The patriots died in battle to give smutty scum the right to shit on the flag and for other creepy assholes to defend the scum.

If they bought that flag it is theirs to do with as they please. You have no right to decide otherwise. The false bravado of defending a piece of cloth is laughable.
I pray the next time a bunch of America haters trample the flag that a herd of veterans, especially Rolling Thunder are witness. Should then be a little write-up in the local paper.
And if you use your car or your cane to attack peaceful protesters, one of them can legally shoot you.

That you think you can ignore the US Constitution and willfully ignore private property laws, just because you get mad, is a sign of personal issues.
Hell yes. And I'm packin' heat too. Glock 17. You see, that's my flag and I make it personal.

No, it is not your flag. It belongs to the person who purchased the flag. The nation is symbolizes is yours and mine and every other citizen's. But the flag is just a symbol of that nation. That you think a cloth symbol is more important than human lives is pretty sad. That you think you get to pick and choose which bits of the US Constitution you follow and which can be ignored shows a lack of patriotism.
I don't pick and choose anything of the kind. And you're right, I'm not a patriot. The patriots died in battle to give smutty scum the right to shit on the flag and for other creepy assholes to defend the scum.

If they bought that flag it is theirs to do with as they please. You have no right to decide otherwise. The false bravado of defending a piece of cloth is laughable.
I pray the next time a bunch of America haters trample the flag that a herd of veterans, especially Rolling Thunder are witness. Should then be a little write-up in the local paper.
Is Rolling Thunder the new name for the Gestapo?
Hell yes. And I'm packin' heat too. Glock 17. You see, that's my flag and I make it personal.

No, it is not your flag. It belongs to the person who purchased the flag. The nation is symbolizes is yours and mine and every other citizen's. But the flag is just a symbol of that nation. That you think a cloth symbol is more important than human lives is pretty sad. That you think you get to pick and choose which bits of the US Constitution you follow and which can be ignored shows a lack of patriotism.
I don't pick and choose anything of the kind. And you're right, I'm not a patriot. The patriots died in battle to give smutty scum the right to shit on the flag and for other creepy assholes to defend the scum.

If they bought that flag it is theirs to do with as they please. You have no right to decide otherwise. The false bravado of defending a piece of cloth is laughable.
I pray the next time a bunch of America haters trample the flag that a herd of veterans, especially Rolling Thunder are witness. Should then be a little write-up in the local paper.
Is Rolling Thunder the new name for the Gestapo?
Not hardly. Old name for a bunch of patriots who were shit on like the flag. They're not violent or vigilantes. Just overly persuasive if you catch the drift.
No, it is not your flag. It belongs to the person who purchased the flag. The nation is symbolizes is yours and mine and every other citizen's. But the flag is just a symbol of that nation. That you think a cloth symbol is more important than human lives is pretty sad. That you think you get to pick and choose which bits of the US Constitution you follow and which can be ignored shows a lack of patriotism.
I don't pick and choose anything of the kind. And you're right, I'm not a patriot. The patriots died in battle to give smutty scum the right to shit on the flag and for other creepy assholes to defend the scum.

If they bought that flag it is theirs to do with as they please. You have no right to decide otherwise. The false bravado of defending a piece of cloth is laughable.
I pray the next time a bunch of America haters trample the flag that a herd of veterans, especially Rolling Thunder are witness. Should then be a little write-up in the local paper.
Is Rolling Thunder the new name for the Gestapo?
Not hardly. Old name for a bunch of patriots who were shit on like the flag. They're not violent or vigilantes. Just overly persuasive if you catch the drift.

At least they are patriots. Misguided, but at least they are patriots.
No, it is not your flag. It belongs to the person who purchased the flag. The nation is symbolizes is yours and mine and every other citizen's. But the flag is just a symbol of that nation. That you think a cloth symbol is more important than human lives is pretty sad. That you think you get to pick and choose which bits of the US Constitution you follow and which can be ignored shows a lack of patriotism.
I don't pick and choose anything of the kind. And you're right, I'm not a patriot. The patriots died in battle to give smutty scum the right to shit on the flag and for other creepy assholes to defend the scum.

If they bought that flag it is theirs to do with as they please. You have no right to decide otherwise. The false bravado of defending a piece of cloth is laughable.
I pray the next time a bunch of America haters trample the flag that a herd of veterans, especially Rolling Thunder are witness. Should then be a little write-up in the local paper.
Is Rolling Thunder the new name for the Gestapo?
Not hardly. Old name for a bunch of patriots who were shit on like the flag. They're not violent or vigilantes. Just overly persuasive if you catch the drift.
Yet you say they go around attacking people for expressing their first amendment rights....
I don't pick and choose anything of the kind. And you're right, I'm not a patriot. The patriots died in battle to give smutty scum the right to shit on the flag and for other creepy assholes to defend the scum.

If they bought that flag it is theirs to do with as they please. You have no right to decide otherwise. The false bravado of defending a piece of cloth is laughable.
I pray the next time a bunch of America haters trample the flag that a herd of veterans, especially Rolling Thunder are witness. Should then be a little write-up in the local paper.
Is Rolling Thunder the new name for the Gestapo?
Not hardly. Old name for a bunch of patriots who were shit on like the flag. They're not violent or vigilantes. Just overly persuasive if you catch the drift.
Yet you say they go around attacking people for expressing their first amendment rights....
I didn't say that. What I meant was sometimes the scum makes the mistake of spitting on them or throwing things. And that's not nice.
Funny that some people will go looking for people defacing a flag (inanimate object). And if they see someone defacing a flag they will stop and use every bit of their physical strength to stop them, even though no one is being hurt. And all this because they think they have a right to "defend" this piece of cloth that is owned by someone else.

And yet, these same people will drive by homeless veterans and see needy children without lifting a finger to help them.

I guess priorities get skewed pretty easily these days.
What a crazy bitch
She has more guts than most libtards and she was in the right.

No, she was not. She does not get to decide who gets to protest and who does not. She does not get to decide who does what with the property that they own.
She doesn't get to decide? That is her protest. I hope she does it again. A whole shitload of veterans on Facebook want her to announce the next flag tromping so they can be there in force.
Female Vet Takes Action to Stop Protesters Defacing the Flag Takes 4 Cops to Arrest Her Top Right News
When she saw a group of race-baiting “Black Lives Matter” protesters disrespecting our flag, she took matters into her own hands.
She didn’t let up even when the cops got involved.
Air Force veteran Michelle Manhart was arrested in Georgia after an altercation in which she took a flag from Valdosta State University protesters who were stepping on it, the Valdosta Daily Times reported.
Why policemen arrested this woman? Maybe she killed somebody? No! Maybe she stolen something? No!
She just protected the symbol of our country!
Absurd story. What do you think?

I think that she has no respect for the Constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech.
Funny that some people will go looking for people defacing a flag (inanimate object). And if they see someone defacing a flag they will stop and use every bit of their physical strength to stop them, even though no one is being hurt. And all this because they think they have a right to "defend" this piece of cloth that is owned by someone else.

And yet, these same people will drive by homeless veterans and see needy children without lifting a finger to help them.

I guess priorities get skewed pretty easily these days.
Veterans help homeles veterans but stay shy of street bums.
Female Vet Takes Action to Stop Protesters Defacing the Flag Takes 4 Cops to Arrest Her Top Right News
When she saw a group of race-baiting “Black Lives Matter” protesters disrespecting our flag, she took matters into her own hands.
She didn’t let up even when the cops got involved.
Air Force veteran Michelle Manhart was arrested in Georgia after an altercation in which she took a flag from Valdosta State University protesters who were stepping on it, the Valdosta Daily Times reported.
Why policemen arrested this woman? Maybe she killed somebody? No! Maybe she stolen something? No!
She just protected the symbol of our country!
Absurd story. What do you think?

I think that she has no respect for the Constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech.
So, she's exercising her right of free speech. Let the best man win.
What a crazy bitch
She has more guts than most libtards and she was in the right.

No, she was not. She does not get to decide who gets to protest and who does not. She does not get to decide who does what with the property that they own.
She doesn't get to decide? That is her protest. I hope she does it again. A whole shitload of veterans on Facebook want her to announce the next flag tromping so they can be there in force.

So you think that if someone says it is a protest that they get to steal someone's personal property?

That a bunch of veterans decide to try and sound like badasses does not change anything. Plenty of us veterans know what is legal and illegal. And all of us who served took an oath. It part we all swore, "...support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic". And I do not recall an expiration date on that oath, do you?

And yet here you and some others want to ignore that same Constitution that you swore to support and defend, all because of the misguided notions concerning a flag. There is no law against walking on a flag. There is no law saying you cannot desecrate it. But there should certainly be a law against those who willfully go back on an oath that they swore.
Female Vet Takes Action to Stop Protesters Defacing the Flag Takes 4 Cops to Arrest Her Top Right News
When she saw a group of race-baiting “Black Lives Matter” protesters disrespecting our flag, she took matters into her own hands.
She didn’t let up even when the cops got involved.
Air Force veteran Michelle Manhart was arrested in Georgia after an altercation in which she took a flag from Valdosta State University protesters who were stepping on it, the Valdosta Daily Times reported.
Why policemen arrested this woman? Maybe she killed somebody? No! Maybe she stolen something? No!
She just protected the symbol of our country!
Absurd story. What do you think?

I think that she has no respect for the Constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech.
So, she's exercising her right of free speech. Let the best man win.

I hate to tell you this, Hoss, but I don't think that you are going to graduate from law school....
Funny that some people will go looking for people defacing a flag (inanimate object). And if they see someone defacing a flag they will stop and use every bit of their physical strength to stop them, even though no one is being hurt. And all this because they think they have a right to "defend" this piece of cloth that is owned by someone else.

And yet, these same people will drive by homeless veterans and see needy children without lifting a finger to help them.

I guess priorities get skewed pretty easily these days.
Veterans help homeles veterans but stay shy of street bums.

How do you know the difference unless you talk to them?

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