Feminist defeated in debate: Can't define Rape, gets arrested

Women already have the same rights, and they hold a great of political offices.

The problem is that the sexes are NOT equal, but exist in equilibrium, like Sodium and Chloride.

Nothing you Libbies do can change that fact. Men excel at certain tasks, and women excel at others (on a statistical mean/standard deviation basis; in other words, there exists statistical outliers).

Two mistakes: I am a Republican and you are not a responsible conservative.
You are not the definer of American culture, dear. Step along.
Is that you, Larry Craig?

Here is the whole debate for context of this feminist getting owned.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFhOY0Ni64M]PT 1 CAVE BITCH FEMINIST GOES TO JAIL - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTDdcQdn4BU]PT 2 CAVE BITCH FEMINIST GOES TO JAIL - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5lGQRlYrko]PT 3 CAVE BITCH FEMINIST GOES TO JAIL - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O_Np7LyhDA]PT 4 CAVE BITCH FEMINIST GOES TO JAIL - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7Y49AwlxSI]PT 5 CAVE BITCH FEMINIST GOES TO JAIL - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4Z--wZuxkM]PT 6 CAVE BITCH FEMINIST GOES TO JAIL - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22DGS5LsuZE]PT 7 CAVE BITCH FEMINIST GOES TO JAIL - YouTube[/ame]
No one cares about the woman: she is a screwball.

So are you: drawing a hasty generalization from one incident.

Either we in the GOP seriously reach out to women before fall next year with good legislation, and Hispanics also, or our candidates will get clobbered in 2016.
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No one cares about the woman: she is a screwball.

So are you: drawing a hasty generalization from one incident.

Either we in the GOP seriously reach out to women before fall next year with good legislation, and Hispanics also, are our candidates will get clobbered in 2016.

I am not a Republican, I actually have self respect.

Do whatever pandering you want, you will lose. The GOP(Gay Old Party) is a sinking ship because of milquetoast weaklings like you.
No one cares about the woman: she is a screwball.

So are you: drawing a hasty generalization from one incident.

Either we in the GOP seriously reach out to women before fall next year with good legislation, and Hispanics also, are our candidates will get clobbered in 2016.

I am not a Republican, I actually have self respect.

Do whatever pandering you want, you will lose. The GOP(Gay Old Party) is a sinking ship because of milquetoast weaklings like you.

We are a stronger party because folks like you are not in it.

If you call reaching to the electorate about serious issues constitutes "pandering", then it is best you are not Republican
Was she annoying, yes. I may have missed it but I saw no reason for them to shove her that way.

The other thing that bothered me was the black man helping her to her feet. The guy who pushed her down proceeds to call him a "Sambo" then a "N*****" because he dared help someone to her feet. The guys were nothing but thugs and she was an unreasonable idiot, trying to push all men are rapists to the wrong people. What an idiot.
No one cares about the woman: she is a screwball.

So are you: drawing a hasty generalization from one incident.

Either we in the GOP seriously reach out to women before fall next year with good legislation, and Hispanics also, are our candidates will get clobbered in 2016.

I am not a Republican, I actually have self respect.

Do whatever pandering you want, you will lose. The GOP(Gay Old Party) is a sinking ship because of milquetoast weaklings like you.

We are a stronger party because folks like you are not in it.

If you call reaching to the electorate about serious issues constitutes "pandering", then it is best you are not Republican

LOL, how did you do in the last two presidential elections. How do you think your platform of 2% tax cuts for the rich, more military interventions overseas, and mass "its ok if its legal" immigration, and amnesty among other things will fare for round 3?

Good luck getting the 74% of the latino vote you need to win the next election, you'll need.

I'll just sit at home an laugh as your party dies.
CaféAuLait;9306375 said:
Was she annoying, yes. I may have missed it but I saw no reason for them to shove her that way.

The other thing that bothered me was the black man helping her to her feet. The guy who pushed her down proceeds to call him a "Sambo" then a "N*****" because he dared help someone to her feet. The guys were nothing but thugs and she was an unreasonable idiot, trying to push all men are rapists to the wrong people. What an idiot.

She assaulted them first, it was on the video tape.

Thinking she should guilt trip men like the weak beta men in her women's studies classes. She didn't know what she was getting into. I like how she put up a front as a strong independent woman and became a damsel in distress when she got pushed a bit.
Fatgamer has forgotten the historic GOP victory just ten years ago.

Get rid of the crud to the far right in the party, reach out to women and Hispanics, and we can easily sweep government.
Fatgamer has forgotten the historic GOP victory just ten years ago.

Get rid of the crud to the far right in the party, reach out to women and Hispanics, and we can easily sweep government.

I see you are enjoying 10 year old victories, can't blame you, you wont have another presidential election victory. Savor those victories, there all you have, take that to the bank.
Fatgamer has forgotten the historic GOP victory just ten years ago.

Get rid of the crud to the far right in the party, reach out to women and Hispanics, and we can easily sweep government.

I see you are enjoying 10 year old victories, can't blame you, you wont have another presidential election victory. Savor those victories, there all you have, take that to the bank.

Actually, there is far more to come favorably for us as you will see.

My pm buds have pointed out that are you simply a very poor imitation of JoeB: you are laughable.

Wow. Total street insanity.

"All men assault women." Really? Okay, all you gay guys, stop assaulting women, mmmkay?

"Death to America! Death to America!" STFU and get off the sidewalk, morons. Normal people have stuff to do.

And that dood's an asshole for pushing the woman down. He's no better than whatever bullshit he's railing against.

She assaulted him first, it is on video tape. If you believe in equality, you would support the right of men to defend themselves from female attackers.

Also, I dare you to try and get those guys off the sidewalk. That would make for a good video lol.
Fatgamer has forgotten the historic GOP victory just ten years ago.

Get rid of the crud to the far right in the party, reach out to women and Hispanics, and we can easily sweep government.

I see you are enjoying 10 year old victories, can't blame you, you wont have another presidential election victory. Savor those victories, there all you have, take that to the bank.

Actually, there is far more to come favorably for us as you will see.

My pm buds have pointed out that are you simply a very poor imitation of JoeB: you are laughable.

PM buds, lol. You are sounding gayer by the minute.
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Fatgamer has forgotten the historic GOP victory just ten years ago.

Get rid of the crud to the far right in the party, reach out to women and Hispanics, and we can easily sweep government.

I see you are enjoying 10 year old victories, can't blame you, you wont have another presidential election victory. Savor those victories, there all you have, take that to the bank.

Actually, there is far more to come favorably for us as you will see.

My pm buds have pointed out that are you simply a very poor imitation of JoeB: you are laughable.

I bet you 1000 dollars the GOP loses the 2016 presidential election.

Put your money where your mouth is.

Wow. Total street insanity.

"All men assault women." Really? Okay, all you gay guys, stop assaulting women, mmmkay?

"Death to America! Death to America!" STFU and get off the sidewalk, morons. Normal people have stuff to do.

And that dood's an asshole for pushing the woman down. He's no better than whatever bullshit he's railing against.

She assaulted him first, it is on video tape.
It's not on the video you posted.
If you believe in equality, you would support the right of men to defend themselves from female attackers.
I do. But five guys defending themselves against one woman?

Also, I dare you to try and get those guys off the sidewalk. That would make for a good video lol.
Easy. I'd tell 'em there's a guy preaching on the evils of reparations down in the subway station.
CaféAuLait;9306375 said:
\ she was an unreasonable idiot, trying to push all men are rapists to the wrong people. What an idiot.

Are you saying black men are "wrong people" ???
Wow. Total street insanity.

"All men assault women." Really? Okay, all you gay guys, stop assaulting women, mmmkay?

"Death to America! Death to America!" STFU and get off the sidewalk, morons. Normal people have stuff to do.

And that dood's an asshole for pushing the woman down. He's no better than whatever bullshit he's railing against.

She assaulted him first, it is on video tape.
It's not on the video you posted.
If you believe in equality, you would support the right of men to defend themselves from female attackers.
I do. But five guys defending themselves against one woman?

Also, I dare you to try and get those guys off the sidewalk. That would make for a good video lol.
Easy. I'd tell 'em there's a guy preaching on the evils of reparations down in the subway station.
Can't help the blind/dishonest like yourself. She was arrested for assault, and it was clearly on video. The Cops are right, these righteous black men are right, I am right, you and this demonic man hating feminist are wrong. There was no five on one assault, she pushed one of the brothers and they responded in self defense.

And you wouldn't have the balls to call them pussies to their face.
CaféAuLait;9306375 said:
Was she annoying, yes. I may have missed it but I saw no reason for them to shove her that way.

The other thing that bothered me was the black man helping her to her feet. The guy who pushed her down proceeds to call him a "Sambo" then a "N*****" because he dared help someone to her feet. The guys were nothing but thugs and she was an unreasonable idiot, trying to push all men are rapists to the wrong people. What an idiot.

She assaulted them first, it was on the video tape.

Thinking she should guilt trip men like the weak beta men in her women's studies classes. She didn't know what she was getting into. I like how she put up a front as a strong independent woman and became a damsel in distress when she got pushed a bit.

She literally shoved her way into a Nest of Alpha Males. Hilarious.
No one cares about the woman: she is a screwball.

So are you: drawing a hasty generalization from one incident.

Either we in the GOP seriously reach out to women before fall next year with good legislation, and Hispanics also, are our candidates will get clobbered in 2016.

I am not a Republican, I actually have self respect.

Do whatever pandering you want, you will lose. The GOP(Gay Old Party) is a sinking ship because of milquetoast weaklings like you.

Jake is no Republican. He only thinks he is. One of the most progressive posters here. He deludes himself into thinking his views are in the mainstream of the GOP, then defends almost every Democratic policy out there he can. Don't be fooled my heathen friend. If he was ever a Republican, he blew that by compromising himself with liberal ideals in a hope to bridge the partisan divide. Nobody with self respect would compromise his own views to appear more favorable in the eyes of his counterparts. He can be arrogant and somewhat condescending, he talks down to people a lot and has some sort of God complex.

Other than that, he's a nice guy. He has a good heart in some respects.
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