Feminist defeated in debate: Can't define Rape, gets arrested

She assaulted him first, it is on video tape.
It's not on the video you posted.

I do. But five guys defending themselves against one woman?

Also, I dare you to try and get those guys off the sidewalk. That would make for a good video lol.
Easy. I'd tell 'em there's a guy preaching on the evils of reparations down in the subway station.
Can't help the blind/dishonest like yourself. She was arrested for assault, and it was clearly on video. The Cops are right, these righteous black men are right, I am right, you and this demonic man hating feminist are wrong. There was no five on one assault, she pushed one of the brothers and they responded in self defense.

And you wouldn't have the balls to call them pussies to their face.
Yeah, way to alleviate the "young black men are all violent" stereotype! :eusa_clap:

The best part about this, I bet all those men get the hottest chicks twelve times a week.

Sorry Libbies, but being a Home Owning, Gun Toting, Conservative, Alpha-Prick has improved my life dramatically. I have no regrets. I will never succumb to Beta pussydom ever again.
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Moronic far right. Feminism means that folks want men to have the same rights as women. If you are condemning radical feminism's misunderstanding of patriarchal domination, go for it.

That's right. This woman is a radical feminist. Most feminists are mainstream and simply believe that men and woman are equal and should have equal rights and equal respect and position in society. Many men are feminists.

If you think all feminists are like the woman in the OP, then you have an incorrect vision of feminism. It's like thinking all mainstream Christians are the same as Timothy McVeigh. This woman is an extremist.
It's not on the video you posted.

I do. But five guys defending themselves against one woman?


Easy. I'd tell 'em there's a guy preaching on the evils of reparations down in the subway station.
Can't help the blind/dishonest like yourself. She was arrested for assault, and it was clearly on video. The Cops are right, these righteous black men are right, I am right, you and this demonic man hating feminist are wrong. There was no five on one assault, she pushed one of the brothers and they responded in self defense.

And you wouldn't have the balls to call them pussies to their face.
Yeah, way to alleviate the "young black men are all violent" stereotype! :eusa_clap:

I am a white, of icelandic and english/german stock, a full blown nordic aryan. Don't you see the avatar? Calling me a young violent black man is foolish. You are further exposing yourself as a fool by every post you make.

There not uncle toms, they wont let man hating feminists push them around saying "yes massa". If you think self defense is violence you are a delusional person. They aren't like the weak whyte beta male liberals in her feminist studies class at community college. They are real men, she isn't used to that and didn't know what she was getting in to.
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Moronic far right. Feminism means that folks want men to have the same rights as women. If you are condemning radical feminism's misunderstanding of patriarchal domination, go for it.

That's right. This woman is a radical feminist. Most feminists are mainstream and simply believe that men and woman are equal and should have equal rights and equal respect and position in society. Many men are feminists.

If you think all feminists are like the woman in the OP, then you have an incorrect vision of feminism. It's like thinking all mainstream Christians are the same as Timothy McVeigh. This woman is an extremist.

Nonsense, feminists are totally ignorant of biological reality and traditional gender roles. And to circumvent this reality, they push affirmative action, which undermines the equality under the law they claim to support.
Moronic far right. Feminism means that folks want men to have the same rights as women. If you are condemning radical feminism's misunderstanding of patriarchal domination, go for it.

Women already have the same rights, and they hold a great of political offices.

The problem is that the sexes are NOT equal, but exist in equilibrium, like Sodium and Chloride.

Nothing you Libbies do can change that fact. Men excel at certain tasks, and women excel at others (on a statistical mean/standard deviation basis; in other words, there exists statistical outliers).

Two mistakes: I am a Republican and you are not a responsible conservative.

You are not the definer of American culture, dear. Step along.

Three mistakes. You are no Republican, nor are you a conservative. You are progressive.

Nor can you sit there and think YOU can define American culture with your "far right this" and "irresponsible" that. Nobody is fooled.
Most feminists are mainstream and simply believe that men and woman are equal and should have equal rights and equal respect and position in society. Many men are feminists.

If you think all feminists are like the woman in the OP, then you have an incorrect vision of feminism. It's like thinking all mainstream Christians are the same as Timothy McVeigh. This woman is an extremist.

Do women have penises? Do men produce excess estrogen?
Moronic far right. Feminism means that folks want men to have the same rights as women. If you are condemning radical feminism's misunderstanding of patriarchal domination, go for it.

That's right. This woman is a radical feminist. Most feminists are mainstream and simply believe that men and woman are equal and should have equal rights and equal respect and position in society. Many men are feminists.

If you think all feminists are like the woman in the OP, then you have an incorrect vision of feminism. It's like thinking all mainstream Christians are the same as Timothy McVeigh. This woman is an extremist.

Nonsense, feminists are totally ignorant of biological reality and traditional gender roles. And to circumvent this reality, they push affirmative action, which undermines the equality under the law they claim to support.

As repulsive as some of the things I've seen you say are, you nailed this one. But we are talking of radical feminism here. They want to turn America into the land of the Amazons, with men holding inferior roles to women. In truth they do undermine the equality they seek, by wanting to engender (no pun intended) the inequality they themselves have claimed to experience.
CaféAuLait;9306375 said:
Was she annoying, yes. I may have missed it but I saw no reason for them to shove her that way.

The other thing that bothered me was the black man helping her to her feet. The guy who pushed her down proceeds to call him a "Sambo" then a "N*****" because he dared help someone to her feet. The guys were nothing but thugs and she was an unreasonable idiot, trying to push all men are rapists to the wrong people. What an idiot.

She assaulted them first, it was on the video tape.

Thinking she should guilt trip men like the weak beta men in her women's studies classes. She didn't know what she was getting into. I like how she put up a front as a strong independent woman and became a damsel in distress when she got pushed a bit.

She assaulted them? I looked, did I miss her putting her hands on them and shoving them? Perhaps I missed it?
Lets get one thing straight here. I have nothing wrong with women succeeding in society, I have nothing wrong with women in general, I'm a guy naturally, plus I have been raised by one. BUT, it is when women decide they can use their gender, their biological differences to impose upon others, then and only then do I lose my respect for them.

Homosexuals are a mixed bag. Some of them are okay, they respect the views of others and normally want to be left alone. But then... there are those who seek to snuff out any negative feelings, any adverse opinion by ruining and destroying the livelihoods of others. They give the LGBT movement a bad name.
CaféAuLait;9306375 said:
\ she was an unreasonable idiot, trying to push all men are rapists to the wrong people. What an idiot.

Are you saying black men are "wrong people" ???

"Wrong People" those who are not taking the ridiculous notion that all men rape without fighting back. Of course we have those who would molly coddle her and try to make her point salient too.
If repubs were smart they would play all of these dichotomous segregated groups of the democrat party off of each other. Black bigots vs the feminist sexist bigots. Play the union cathoilc votes off of the pro-abortion democrats. Play the blacks off of the segregationist highspanics. Best of all, make the wealthy gentrifying democrat whites have to actually live amongst blacks and highspanics since they so love their diversity.
What a bunch of divided victim idiot hypocrites the democrat party is made of.
That's right. This woman is a radical feminist. Most feminists are mainstream and simply believe that men and woman are equal and should have equal rights and equal respect and position in society. Many men are feminists.

If you think all feminists are like the woman in the OP, then you have an incorrect vision of feminism. It's like thinking all mainstream Christians are the same as Timothy McVeigh. This woman is an extremist.

Nonsense, feminists are totally ignorant of biological reality and traditional gender roles. And to circumvent this reality, they push affirmative action, which undermines the equality under the law they claim to support.

As repulsive as some of the things I've seen you say are, you nailed this one. But we are talking of radical feminism here. They want to turn America into the land of the Amazons, with men holding inferior roles to women. In truth they do undermine the equality they seek, by wanting to engender (no pun intended) the inequality they themselves have claimed to experience.
I may get angry sometimes, and be a little vulgar and politically incorrect , but I am just a regular joe that is tired of the political correctness, general nonsense, and overreach into our lives by our pc culture and government today.

I have never heard a normal girl associate herself as a feminist. You don't here of them outside of left wing political groups and women's studies departments on colege campuses. Your everyday woman; republican, democrat, independent, unaffiliated,and those who don't care about politics at all rightly see that "feminist" is a negative word they want no association with. They see it for the absurd caricature it is.
CaféAuLait;9306572 said:
CaféAuLait;9306375 said:
Was she annoying, yes. I may have missed it but I saw no reason for them to shove her that way.

The other thing that bothered me was the black man helping her to her feet. The guy who pushed her down proceeds to call him a "Sambo" then a "N*****" because he dared help someone to her feet. The guys were nothing but thugs and she was an unreasonable idiot, trying to push all men are rapists to the wrong people. What an idiot.

She assaulted them first, it was on the video tape.

Thinking she should guilt trip men like the weak beta men in her women's studies classes. She didn't know what she was getting into. I like how she put up a front as a strong independent woman and became a damsel in distress when she got pushed a bit.

She assaulted them? I looked, did I miss her putting her hands on them and shoving them? Perhaps I missed it?
Yes you did, did you see her get arrested at the end of the clip?
She assaulted him first, it is on video tape.
It's not on the video you posted.

I do. But five guys defending themselves against one woman?

Also, I dare you to try and get those guys off the sidewalk. That would make for a good video lol.
Easy. I'd tell 'em there's a guy preaching on the evils of reparations down in the subway station.
Can't help the blind/dishonest like yourself. She was arrested for assault, and it was clearly on video. The Cops are right, these righteous black men are right, I am right, you and this demonic man hating feminist are wrong. There was no five on one assault, she pushed one of the brothers and they responded in self defense.

And you wouldn't have the balls to call them pussies to their face.

Timestamp of this "clear assault" please. TIA.

I watched him push her, she asked did anyone see him assault me and she ends up on her ass -assaulted for a second time.
An for the record, the woman started the confrontation at around 2:19, she gets up into the face of the cameraman and gets pushed out of the way, at about 2:24. She then gets back up and into the faces of these men, who then proceed to knock her to the ground at 2:33.

Looks like she started it and got taught a lesson she won't forget. Quite embarrassing to see a full grown adult crying like a toddler to garner sympathy from passers by. Yeah, feminists should be embarrassed. Greatly. This is what your cause has degenerated into.

As my dad once told me: "If you're gonna act like an idiot on the street, expect to get knocked on your ass." It's that simple.
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An for the record, the woman started the confrontation at around 2:25. She got up into the face of the cameraman and got pushed out of the way, at about 2:35 ish she gets back up and in the faces of these men, who proceed to knock her to the ground.

Looks like she started it and got taught a lesson she won't forget. Quite embarrassing to see a full grown adult crying like a toddler to garner sympathy from passers by. Yeah, feminists should be embarrassed. Greatly. This is what your cause has degenerated into.

Exactly, they claim that they are adults who want to be treated equally. Then they revert to immature childish behavior. Gone is the veneer of the tough independent woman, and out comes the damsel in distress, the traditional gender roles they claim to oppose. Me being an honest person, though I may be rude and offensive from time to time, I just cant take dishonest hypocrites like this. That is the worst part. Their whole ideology is a lie.

In this day in age, amongst all the societal uncertainty, is it too much to expect the truth and accountability from others?

Guess so.
CaféAuLait;9306572 said:
She assaulted them first, it was on the video tape.

Thinking she should guilt trip men like the weak beta men in her women's studies classes. She didn't know what she was getting into. I like how she put up a front as a strong independent woman and became a damsel in distress when she got pushed a bit.

She assaulted them? I looked, did I miss her putting her hands on them and shoving them? Perhaps I missed it?
Yes you did, did you see her get arrested at the end of the clip?

Of course I did. What was she arrested for?

Even the guy said "she bumped into him". It was clearly not intended. I saw the video. Start at 5:03. In fact he said 'he is defending his space". He continues stating she has demons all over her. Nice guy. :lol:

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The woman was clearly an idiot but she didn't do anything to deserve being pushed to the ground or arrested. Unfortunately the "men" and that woman don't know anything about debating or Parliamentary Procedure. Our founding fathers must be rolling in their graves.
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