Feminist defeated in debate: Can't define Rape, gets arrested

i love how misogynist rightwingnuts pick a random unidentifiable person on the internet and decide he or she represents "libs".


"All men sexually harass women."

Too many laws, regulations, and HR departments operate under this assumption today. A man must keep his mouth shut at all times if he works in a corporate setting. This is because of LIBERALS.

"Wow, why don't any men show interest in me," a woman wonders at work.

A naive man shows some interest in her. She likes the attention and also likes him. One day he also gives some attention to another woman. Woman 1 gets jealous and says that the man sexually harassed her in the past. The Man gets fired/suspended/heavily penalized, and Woman 1 and Woman 2 no longer get any attention from guys.

Men quickly learn to keep their mouths shut on the clock and usually off the clock as well.

The Man then proceeds to the nearest Strip Joint and gets some extra girls or hookers if they're legal.

Woman 1 and Woman 2 get very frustrated and wonder why they ended up married to a 10+year older Beta male who was previously a virgin and has the personaliy of a lobster.

The Man goes on and beds several women at once his entire life, has many children, and is not legally obligated to surrender his house, car and pension if any of his knocked up gals decide to leave him.

Feminism has greatly benefited the Alpha Male --- which is why Alpha Males a funding Feminist Movements.

I too support feminism. It helps me. I have two girls knocked up at once right now, plenty of room for them and their children to live and plenty of room for more. Wouldn't mind a third. I am, in fact, a polygamist by nature, and Feminism and the Gay Rights movement has made this possible.

Women are so financially independent and free, that I no longer have any obligation to support any of them, except for our children. They have no legal claim to my salary, house, pension or car or anything else, because I did not, and will not, MARRY them.

And that gives them a HUGE incentive to STAY with me, because they will not gain anything from leaving the relationship.

The Alpha Male has been, is, and always will be, a Polygamist, because women line up on conveyor belts on them.

This is the great benefit of Progressives destroying the boundaries and sacred traditions of Western Society, it has allowed the Audacious and Ambitious to legally display the true primitive and barbaric nature of human. It has allowed Women to fuck WHO they want, and get knocked up out of wedlock.

It's great, and it's working as intended. I'm certainly reaping it's fruits.

Is it any wonder the Alpha Male Bill Clinton has his puppet wife championing Feminism? Bill Clinton, like all other Alpha Males, knows that Feminism is only to his benefit. And look, him and Monica Lewinsky hit it off, without much penalty (in fact, with popularity!) because of the modern Feminist movement. And his puppet wife loves him all the more for it.

Long live Feminism.
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They all laugh at the word or say, " EEEEWW I am not like that".

Congratulations, you are a caricature. The one thing worse than a feminist woman is a self proclaimed feminist man.

You understand the world in your fractured mind as a caricature of your own self caricature. You simply cannot see reality.

It has been proven male feminists are sexless eunuchs that get pushed around in relationships if they are even in one. That is why, like ugly feminists, beta male feminists like yourself hate the alpha males in my op and me.
Study: Husbands who do more housework have less sex - SciGuy

I don't know that it proves anything since they are going on the truthfulness of men to truthfully report their sexual prowess. Many men, especially ones who do the hard labor, can exaggerate the amount of sex they have. And one study doesn't "prove" anything, multiple studies would distinguish a trend.

Again, being a feminist means believing that women should be treated as equals. I do believe that but there are some that take it to extreme and want to keep their special treatments but most speak for equality.
You understand the world in your fractured mind as a caricature of your own self caricature. You simply cannot see reality.

It has been proven male feminists are sexless eunuchs that get pushed around in relationships if they are even in one. That is why, like ugly feminists, beta male feminists like yourself hate the alpha males in my op and me.
Study: Husbands who do more housework have less sex - SciGuy

I don't know that it proves anything since they are going on the truthfulness of men to truthfully report their sexual prowess. Many men, especially ones who do the hard labor, can exaggerate the amount of sex they have. And one study doesn't "prove" anything, multiple studies would distinguish a trend.

Again, being a feminist means believing that women should be treated as equals. I do believe that but there are some that take it to extreme and want to keep their special treatments but most speak for equality.

More baseless and unverifiable claims from a beta male feminist. If you want to dispute these claims, point out the inconsistencies in this study, and then provide studies to the contrary. Otherwise, you are making baseless assumptions and keeping your head in the sand on the issues. The fact is, women don't like weak male feminists like the ones that aren't getting owned in these videos.
It has been proven male feminists are sexless eunuchs that get pushed around in relationships if they are even in one. That is why, like ugly feminists, beta male feminists like yourself hate the alpha males in my op and me.
Study: Husbands who do more housework have less sex - SciGuy

I don't know that it proves anything since they are going on the truthfulness of men to truthfully report their sexual prowess. Many men, especially ones who do the hard labor, can exaggerate the amount of sex they have. And one study doesn't "prove" anything, multiple studies would distinguish a trend.

Again, being a feminist means believing that women should be treated as equals. I do believe that but there are some that take it to extreme and want to keep their special treatments but most speak for equality.

More baseless and unverifiable claims from a beta male feminist. If you want to dispute these claims, point out the inconsistencies in this study, and then provide studies to the contrary. Otherwise, you are making baseless assumptions and keeping your head in the sand on the issues. The fact is, women don't like weak male feminists like the ones that aren't getting owned in these videos.

You didn't listen.

I said one study doesn't "prove" anything. No scientist sees one study and then says "Well that proves it, no need to study it any further." There are flaws with every study. This one could have reporting bias (ie. Those "macho" men over report their actual sexual frequency), selective sampling and others. Not to mention correlation doesn't mean causation. That doesn't mean the study isn't valid, it just means one study doesn't prove anything and flaws are always prevalent in studies.

We are in a new age of courtship and marital roles. Sometimes women work more than men but household chores need to be done. Someone has to cook for the family and if the kids are hungry and the wife isn't going to be home for a few hours, the husband has to cook dinner. Why does that make him a "girly man?" Maybe those men who do less chores have more energy to have sex and be more romantic than the men who do more chores. Or the woman isn't in the mood when she works long hours. I know that from experience that when my wife works 12 hour days, she isn't in the mood as much as when she is off and I'm at work.

Courtship in the 21st century is difficult as it has always been. People will adapt and learn to have sex more often but to say that if you do "woman" chores, every woman will find you unattractive is ridiculous because every woman is different.

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