Feminist defeated in debate: Can't define Rape, gets arrested

CaféAuLait;9306641 said:
The woman was clearly an idiot but she didn't do anything to deserve being pushed to the ground or arrested. Unfortunately the "men" and that woman don't know anything about debating or Parliamentary Procedure.

I'd like to know exactly what she was arrested for. We have no clue at this point, except for the video- which does not even claim she was arrested for assault.. The other issue is, if they arrested her for 'bumping' into someone, then they arrested the guy for assaulting her twice as well. I'll bet there is more to this story than her supposedly be arrested for assault- maybe she did something to the officers or refused to identify herself?

These guys are racist Black Nationalists- did you look at their videos? They wish death to all white people. I have no sympathy for the racists who posted this series of videos. Her claims were ridiculous.
That's something RWHeathenGamer hasn't realized yet. The guys he's getting moist over want him dead.
The funny thing is you are the only one thinking about sexual fantasies, of me no less. I am flattered, but don't go that way.

The fact is, you lost your arguments on the merits, and now you have exposed yourself as a homosexual.

That's two strikes. What's gonna be the third?
One is woefully ignorant, mentally damaged, or malignantly motivated to say, "I have never heard a normal girl associate herself as a feminist."

They all laugh at the word or say, " EEEEWW I am not like that".

Congratulations, you are a caricature. The one thing worse than a feminist woman is a self proclaimed feminist man.
Moronic far right. Feminism means that folks want men to have the same rights as women. If you are condemning radical feminism's misunderstanding of patriarchal domination, go for it.

Women already have the same rights, and they hold a great of political offices.

The problem is that the sexes are NOT equal, but exist in equilibrium, like Sodium and Chloride.

Nothing you Libbies do can change that fact. Men excel at certain tasks, and women excel at others (on a statistical mean/standard deviation basis; in other words, there exists statistical outliers).

Two mistakes: I am a Republican and you are not a responsible conservative.

You are not the definer of American culture, dear. Step along.

And this is why the right has an identity issue. If JakeStarkey is a liberal, I don't know what I would be.

However, rape is a very sensitive issue. We aren't even 100% on what consent is. Someone has sex with a person and it went a little too far. Then sometimes victims wait a year or longer to report the rape. By then all of the evidence is gone so it comes down to He said, she said and that leaves too much reasonable doubt. Prosecutors won't charge to protect their conviction rate, their jobs and livelihood. Then they look "weak" on sexual crimes.

If you are raped, male or female, go to the hospital and get a rape kit. Preserve that evidence and then file charges. Yes, you will have to relive that event and yes you will have to answer hard questions that may feel like blaming the victim but you have to answer those questions. The accused has due process and the right to a defense.

I do support victim advocates and help for victims but I don't think handicapping the defense for the accused in the name of justice for all victims is right either.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05ro6fcj6Ek]Feminism explained - YouTube[/ame]
One is woefully ignorant, mentally damaged, or malignantly motivated to say, "I have never heard a normal girl associate herself as a feminist."

They all laugh at the word or say, " EEEEWW I am not like that".

Congratulations, you are a caricature. The one thing worse than a feminist woman is a self proclaimed feminist man.

You understand the world in your fractured mind as a caricature of your own self caricature. You simply cannot see reality.
One is woefully ignorant, mentally damaged, or malignantly motivated to say, "I have never heard a normal girl associate herself as a feminist."

They all laugh at the word or say, " EEEEWW I am not like that".

Congratulations, you are a caricature. The one thing worse than a feminist woman is a self proclaimed feminist man.

You understand the world in your fractured mind as a caricature of your own self caricature. You simply cannot see reality.
Oh boy.:D
The school board kept a close eye out for masculints and feminists who went beyond professional limits. They were quietly terminated.

Didn't want extremists on the faculty, in the administration, or on the staff.

Was visited by a couple of deacons, who were listened to politely, and then were ushered out the door.
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CaféAuLait;9306641 said:
I'd like to know exactly what she was arrested for. We have no clue at this point, except for the video- which does not even claim she was arrested for assault.. The other issue is, if they arrested her for 'bumping' into someone, then they arrested the guy for assaulting her twice as well. I'll bet there is more to this story than her supposedly be arrested for assault- maybe she did something to the officers or refused to identify herself?

These guys are racist Black Nationalists- did you look at their videos? They wish death to all white people. I have no sympathy for the racists who posted this series of videos. Her claims were ridiculous.
That's something RWHeathenGamer hasn't realized yet. The guys he's getting moist over want him dead.
The funny thing is you are the only one thinking about sexual fantasies, of me no less. I am flattered, but don't go that way.

The fact is, you lost your arguments on the merits, and now you have exposed yourself as a homosexual.

That's two strikes. What's gonna be the third?
I think if you'll read back through this thread, it's not me that's supporting racist assholes who want me dead.

If you think you've won anything on the merits, you're delusional.

And finally, what's wrong with being gay?
Not there is anything wrong with it.

I don't think there is. Your fellow progressives obviously do.

The relativism of liberals should mean they have a problem with gayness. Think about it, what is the evolutionary advantage to being gay? None what so ever. Evolution is the holy grail of the liberal left yet when they say gayness is natural they argue against evolution. Evolution's "function" is to continue life, usually a more adapted life. Gayness does not fit that definition, the liberal left argues against themselves.

That said, I don't really have a problem if the liberals want to do things that are unnatural that is their business. But don't even try and convince me that the anal orifice was ever created, through evolution or design, for anything other the defecation.
One is woefully ignorant, mentally damaged, or malignantly motivated to say, "I have never heard a normal girl associate herself as a feminist."

They all laugh at the word or say, " EEEEWW I am not like that".

Congratulations, you are a caricature. The one thing worse than a feminist woman is a self proclaimed feminist man.

You understand the world in your fractured mind as a caricature of your own self caricature. You simply cannot see reality.

It has been proven male feminists are sexless eunuchs that get pushed around in relationships if they are even in one. That is why, like ugly feminists, beta male feminists like yourself hate the alpha males in my op and me.
Study: Husbands who do more housework have less sex - SciGuy
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That's something RWHeathenGamer hasn't realized yet. The guys he's getting moist over want him dead.
The funny thing is you are the only one thinking about sexual fantasies, of me no less. I am flattered, but don't go that way.

The fact is, you lost your arguments on the merits, and now you have exposed yourself as a homosexual.

That's two strikes. What's gonna be the third?
I think if you'll read back through this thread, it's not me that's supporting racist assholes who want me dead.

If you think you've won anything on the merits, you're delusional.

And finally, what's wrong with being gay?

Gays like you are a disgrace to humanity who serve no societal purpose.
A true feminists that believes in what they preach would be going after the states or local systems that automatically award the child to the mother, just because she is the mother.

Other than that most of these so called feminists are just hypocrites. Then again it also explain many of them are far left.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6KrEwcoSG4]BUGGED OUT EDOMITE AND NIGGA TRANNY GETS CONDEMED - YouTube[/ame]

Righteous men laying down the word of god, the truth, on a jewish sodomite and a transsexual
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