Feminist defeated in debate: Can't define Rape, gets arrested

An for the record, the woman started the confrontation at around 2:19, she gets up into the face of the cameraman and gets pushed out of the way, at about 2:24. She then gets back up and into the faces of these men, who then proceed to knock her to the ground at 2:33.

Looks like she started it and got taught a lesson she won't forget. Quite embarrassing to see a full grown adult crying like a toddler to garner sympathy from passers by. Yeah, feminists should be embarrassed. Greatly. This is what your cause has degenerated into.

As my dad once told me: "If you're gonna act like an idiot on the street, expect to get knocked on your ass." It's that simple.

I don't think she was trying to get in his face, she was trying to stay in the frame. But I suppose we can see things differently. She did not intend to assault them. They were frustrated with her idiotic mouth and laid their hands on her.
CaféAuLait;9306593 said:
It's not on the video you posted.

I do. But five guys defending themselves against one woman?


Easy. I'd tell 'em there's a guy preaching on the evils of reparations down in the subway station.
Can't help the blind/dishonest like yourself. She was arrested for assault, and it was clearly on video. The Cops are right, these righteous black men are right, I am right, you and this demonic man hating feminist are wrong. There was no five on one assault, she pushed one of the brothers and they responded in self defense.

And you wouldn't have the balls to call them pussies to their face.

Timestamp of this "clear assault" please. TIA.

I watched him push her, she asked did anyone see him assault me and she ends up on her ass -assaulted for a second time.

As per the law, assault doesn't have to be physical to be assault. Verbal battery happens a lot. Heck, if they wanted to they could claim she was being racist and was getting up in their grill because they were black, and men to boot. There's plenty of ways this could be construed in court.
CaféAuLait;9306615 said:
An for the record, the woman started the confrontation at around 2:19, she gets up into the face of the cameraman and gets pushed out of the way, at about 2:24. She then gets back up and into the faces of these men, who then proceed to knock her to the ground at 2:33.

Looks like she started it and got taught a lesson she won't forget. Quite embarrassing to see a full grown adult crying like a toddler to garner sympathy from passers by. Yeah, feminists should be embarrassed. Greatly. This is what your cause has degenerated into.

As my dad once told me: "If you're gonna act like an idiot on the street, expect to get knocked on your ass." It's that simple.

I don't think she was trying to get in his face, she was trying to stay in the frame. But I suppose we can see things differently. She did not intend to assault them. They were frustrated with her idiotic mouth and laid their hands on her.

Read her facial expressions and body language. That did not look like anyone who was trying to 'stay in the frame.' She aggressively forces her way in front of the speaker and gets pushed. And before she was pushed again, she put on this little diva style 50 cent act and raising her arm up and pointing down at these guys. She was taking an aggressive posture and inviting further violence from the group. She got it. She was lucky she wasn't decked.

Even as antisocial as I am, I can read body language. All I had to do was mute the video and watch the movements of the persons involved. And you are correct, I must respectfully disagree with you in this instance.
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The woman was clearly an idiot but she didn't do anything to deserve being pushed to the ground or arrested. Unfortunately the "men" and that woman don't know anything about debating or Parliamentary Procedure.

I'd like to know exactly what she was arrested for. We have no clue at this point, except for the video- which does not even claim she was arrested for assault.. The other issue is, if they arrested her for 'bumping' into someone, then they arrested the guy for assaulting her twice as well. I'll bet there is more to this story than her supposedly be arrested for assault- maybe she did something to the officers or refused to identify herself?

These guys are racist Black Nationalists- did you look at their videos? They wish death to all white people. I have no sympathy for the racists who posted this series of videos. Her claims were ridiculous.
The woman was clearly an idiot but she didn't do anything to deserve being pushed to the ground or arrested. Unfortunately the "men" and that woman don't know anything about debating or Parliamentary Procedure. Our founding fathers must be rolling in their graves.

I'm not defending what either side did. I don't hit women, I don't like people who hit women. But in this instance, she was asking for it. It was a sorry display of debating an issue. But in my personal opinion, when you get up into anyone's face, take confrontational stances with any group of people, you are asking to be assaulted.
CaféAuLait;9306641 said:
The woman was clearly an idiot but she didn't do anything to deserve being pushed to the ground or arrested. Unfortunately the "men" and that woman don't know anything about debating or Parliamentary Procedure.

I'd like to know exactly what she was arrested for. We have no clue at this point, except for the video- which does not even claim she was arrested for assault.. The other issue is, if they arrested her for 'bumping' into someone, then they arrested the guy for assaulting her twice as well. I'll bet there is more to this story than her supposedly be arrested for assault- maybe she did something to the officers or refused to identify herself?

These guys are racist Black Nationalists- did you look at their videos? They wish death to all white people. I have no sympathy for the racists who posted this series of videos. Her claims were ridiculous.

Disorderly conduct most likely, or disturbing the peace... perhaps resisting arrest off camera. In that case she could have been arrested. Verbal assault is a punishable crime though. All of them should have been arrested, actually.

All of it was an atrocious display of intellectual garbage. I barely bore watching the video muted, playing it with sound only made it worse.
The woman was clearly an idiot but she didn't do anything to deserve being pushed to the ground or arrested. Unfortunately the "men" and that woman don't know anything about debating or Parliamentary Procedure. Our founding fathers must be rolling in their graves.

I'm not defending what either side did. I don't hit women, I don't like people who hit women. But in this instance, she was asking for it. It was a sorry display of debating an issue. But in my personal opinion, when you get up into anyone's face, take confrontational stances with any group of people, you are asking to be assaulted.

What an idiot. And btw, what you know about women wouldn't even fill up the head of a pin. You should stop going on and on about things of which you know zip.
The woman was clearly an idiot but she didn't do anything to deserve being pushed to the ground or arrested. Unfortunately the "men" and that woman don't know anything about debating or Parliamentary Procedure. Our founding fathers must be rolling in their graves.

I'm not defending what either side did. I don't hit women, I don't like people who hit women. But in this instance, she was asking for it. It was a sorry display of debating an issue. But in my personal opinion, when you get up into anyone's face, take confrontational stances with any group of people, you are asking to be assaulted.

What an idiot. And btw, what you know about women wouldn't even fill up the head of a pin. You should stop going on and on about things of which you know zip.

I will comment on whatever I wish, with or without your approval. I know your liberal repulsion to free speech runs deep, but please try to keep it to yourself.

Given that I was raised by a woman my entire life, with barely any male influences in my life, I have a truly unique perspective on women. Moreover, what you think women should be would fill up the Grand Canyon. So much expectations for women, you don't let them think for themselves.

Your hypocrisy as a liberal feminist is boundless. You fight for equality, but belittle your female counterparts across the aisle, Sarah Palin, Mia Love, Deneen Borelli... Not even you can know what a woman is like, your party is too busy trying to fit them into a mold, fitting square pegs into round holes, as it were.

I watched the video, which some of us didn't bother to do, I happen know a lot more than you about this subject. Vamoose.
CaféAuLait;9306641 said:
The woman was clearly an idiot but she didn't do anything to deserve being pushed to the ground or arrested. Unfortunately the "men" and that woman don't know anything about debating or Parliamentary Procedure.

I'd like to know exactly what she was arrested for. We have no clue at this point, except for the video- which does not even claim she was arrested for assault.. The other issue is, if they arrested her for 'bumping' into someone, then they arrested the guy for assaulting her twice as well. I'll bet there is more to this story than her supposedly be arrested for assault- maybe she did something to the officers or refused to identify herself?

These guys are racist Black Nationalists- did you look at their videos? They wish death to all white people. I have no sympathy for the racists who posted this series of videos. Her claims were ridiculous.

Disorderly conduct most likely, or disturbing the peace... perhaps resisting arrest off camera. In that case she could have been arrested. Verbal assault is a punishable crime though. All of them should have been arrested, actually.

All of it was an atrocious display of intellectual garbage. I barely bore watching the video muted, playing it with sound only made it worse.

I might agree with you about the 'verbal assault" however, the rest of their videos show them verbally assaulting people as they stroll by, calling for all white people to die and a multitude of other things against white people and anyone who disagrees with them. To include calling black people who disagree with them the N word, Uncle Tom's and Sambos to name a few.

All of which is "verbal assault" IMO if she is guilty of the same.
CaféAuLait;9306673 said:
CaféAuLait;9306641 said:
I'd like to know exactly what she was arrested for. We have no clue at this point, except for the video- which does not even claim she was arrested for assault.. The other issue is, if they arrested her for 'bumping' into someone, then they arrested the guy for assaulting her twice as well. I'll bet there is more to this story than her supposedly be arrested for assault- maybe she did something to the officers or refused to identify herself?

These guys are racist Black Nationalists- did you look at their videos? They wish death to all white people. I have no sympathy for the racists who posted this series of videos. Her claims were ridiculous.

Disorderly conduct most likely, or disturbing the peace... perhaps resisting arrest off camera. In that case she could have been arrested. Verbal assault is a punishable crime though. All of them should have been arrested, actually.

All of it was an atrocious display of intellectual garbage. I barely bore watching the video muted, playing it with sound only made it worse.

I might agree with you about the 'verbal assault" however, the rest of their videos show them verbally assaulting people as they stroll by, calling for all white people to die and a multitude of other things against white people and anyone who disagrees with them. To include calling black people who disagree with them the N word, Uncle Tom's and Sambos to name a few.

All of which is "verbal assault" IMO if she is guilty of the same.

Well then, I'll put it this way then: two wrongs don't make a right. ;)
Can't help the blind/dishonest like yourself. She was arrested for assault, and it was clearly on video. The Cops are right, these righteous black men are right, I am right, you and this demonic man hating feminist are wrong. There was no five on one assault, she pushed one of the brothers and they responded in self defense.

And you wouldn't have the balls to call them pussies to their face.
Yeah, way to alleviate the "young black men are all violent" stereotype! :eusa_clap:

I am a white, of icelandic and english/german stock, a full blown nordic aryan. Don't you see the avatar? Calling me a young violent black man is foolish. You are further exposing yourself as a fool by every post you make.
Did I call you a black man? No, I didn't, you moron. Do at least make an effort to keep up.
There not uncle toms, they wont let man hating feminists push them around saying "yes massa". If you think self defense is violence you are a delusional person. They aren't like the weak whyte beta male liberals in her feminist studies class at community college. They are real men, she isn't used to that and didn't know what she was getting in to.
You get aroused watching that video, don't you? It's okay. Nothing wrong with that.
CaféAuLait;9306641 said:
The woman was clearly an idiot but she didn't do anything to deserve being pushed to the ground or arrested. Unfortunately the "men" and that woman don't know anything about debating or Parliamentary Procedure.

I'd like to know exactly what she was arrested for. We have no clue at this point, except for the video- which does not even claim she was arrested for assault.. The other issue is, if they arrested her for 'bumping' into someone, then they arrested the guy for assaulting her twice as well. I'll bet there is more to this story than her supposedly be arrested for assault- maybe she did something to the officers or refused to identify herself?

These guys are racist Black Nationalists- did you look at their videos? They wish death to all white people. I have no sympathy for the racists who posted this series of videos. Her claims were ridiculous.
That's something RWHeathenGamer hasn't realized yet. The guys he's getting moist over want him dead.
The woman was clearly an idiot but she didn't do anything to deserve being pushed to the ground or arrested. Unfortunately the "men" and that woman don't know anything about debating or Parliamentary Procedure. Our founding fathers must be rolling in their graves.

I'm not defending what either side did. I don't hit women, I don't like people who hit women. But in this instance, she was asking for it. It was a sorry display of debating an issue. But in my personal opinion, when you get up into anyone's face, take confrontational stances with any group of people, you are asking to be assaulted.

Personally, the only time I would push a woman to the ground would be in a situation of true, self defense. I've had women up in my face on more than one occasion but I held my cool and just let them vent. I had a drunk woman come at me with a butcher knife once and all I did was grab her my the wrists and pin her against a refrigerator while my wife called 911. She was arrested for assault and I didn't even give her a bruise.

I agree that the woman in the video was a total idiot but she was engaging is a sort of "conversation." She didn't really do anything threatening so shouldn't have been pushed to the ground. I can understand why the men there became frustrated with her but they need to learn how to become man enough to hold their cool in such situations. Just my opinion.
Moronic far right. Feminism means that folks want men to have the same rights as women. If you are condemning radical feminism's misunderstanding of patriarchal domination, go for it.

That's right. This woman is a radical feminist. Most feminists are mainstream and simply believe that men and woman are equal and should have equal rights and equal respect and position in society. Many men are feminists.

If you think all feminists are like the woman in the OP, then you have an incorrect vision of feminism. It's like thinking all mainstream Christians are the same as Timothy McVeigh. This woman is an extremist.

Nonsense, feminists are totally ignorant of biological reality and traditional gender roles. And to circumvent this reality, they push affirmative action, which undermines the equality under the law they claim to support.

Yes, the nonsense is yours. If you can't understand feminism because you are a RW woman hater, then that is your problem and not that of society.
God, I'm glad I don't live in that shit hole anymore, and even happier my teenage son is spared all this self-righteous nonsenses. I love my country, but it seems that at times we're spiraling into absolute shit.
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Women already have the same rights, and they hold a great of political offices.

The problem is that the sexes are NOT equal, but exist in equilibrium, like Sodium and Chloride.

Nothing you Libbies do can change that fact. Men excel at certain tasks, and women excel at others (on a statistical mean/standard deviation basis; in other words, there exists statistical outliers).

Two mistakes: I am a Republican and you are not a responsible conservative.

You are not the definer of American culture, dear. Step along.

Three mistakes. You are no Republican, nor are you a conservative. You are progressive.

Nor can you sit there and think YOU can define American culture with your "far right this" and "irresponsible" that. Nobody is fooled.

Four points. I am a Republican, I am a classical conservative, you are not the definer of anything, and you need to take your meds.

Your "I don't believe in government" is as silly as bripat's supposed anarcho-communism.

Yes, you are right. You don't define American culture.
Most feminists are mainstream and simply believe that men and woman are equal and should have equal rights and equal respect and position in society. Many men are feminists.

If you think all feminists are like the woman in the OP, then you have an incorrect vision of feminism. It's like thinking all mainstream Christians are the same as Timothy McVeigh. This woman is an extremist.

Do women have penises? Do men produce excess estrogen?

You cannot logically think is your problem.
Lets get one thing straight here. I have nothing wrong with women succeeding in society, I have nothing wrong with women in general, I'm a guy naturally, plus I have been raised by one. BUT, it is when women decide they can use their gender, their biological differences to impose upon others, then and only then do I lose my respect for them.

Homosexuals are a mixed bag. Some of them are okay, they respect the views of others and normally want to be left alone. But then... there are those who seek to snuff out any negative feelings, any adverse opinion by ruining and destroying the livelihoods of others. They give the LGBT movement a bad name.

I commend you for trying to understand.

First, women who do all those things you don't like are mirroring what men have done for millennia. Both sexes are wrong when they do this.

Second, homosexuals who do all those things you don't like are mirroring what certain heterosexuals have done for a long time. Both types are wrong when they do this.
One is woefully ignorant, mentally damaged, or malignantly motivated to say, "I have never heard a normal girl associate herself as a feminist."

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