Ferguson home values plunging


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Since Michael Brown’s death, the cost per square foot of a home has dropped by 47 percent in Ferguson. Ferguson home values have plummeted almost 50 percent since Michael Brown s death -- Fusion

I think what they are doing is creating home ownership opportunities for low income people. Saw thread today on how important that is in creating wealth....once they get it to Detroit levels you just watch the town come roaring back with all the wealth that will be created.
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The bright side is with home values so low hispanics may move in and let the gangs clean it up.
This would have happened without the rioting and looting of last summer.
That just speeding up the downward spiral . When a city is 70% black it's just a matter of time till it detroits.
well at least the illegals will have a nice clean home to live in, well once they are abandoned, but no electricity and plumbing, oh well, there's always those 5 gallon buckets.
I give it six months.

It'll take that long to arrange permits and licenses.

Then you'll see an HGTV series on renovating burned-out ruins in Ferguson featuring hot chicks wearing Kevlar coveralls.

Thanks Man!! I just laughed my ass off!
The wife is watching one of those damn shows right now and it's a bone of contention around here.
She said to kiss her ass....
Well if its good enough advice to give jews it must be sound and unimpeachable by libs
It may be a bit late but consider 2017 when Hillary and Fauxahontas are looking for work. Not hard to imagine Fauxie screwing people out of their ruined homes for a pittance and Hillary in Carhartts ripping them apart. No hope of anything fixed but fun to watch. There definitely IS a reality show in this for the right cable network!

Call it what, Property Sisters? Property Cistern?

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