Ferguson Oathbreakers Launch Flammable Tear Gas at Crowd, Then Launch flares and ignite the gas.

Black Monte Carlo with a woman driver and two males with an assault weapon of some sort.
Apparently the protests here have been fairly peaceful, they're just blocking the highway.

Amazing how you monitor these events in real time as if you actually know what's happening right now.

I have a TV and a computer. It's really not that hard to do.

Evidently this sort of thing is beyond Discombobulated.

Because all the information on this you've gotten from TV and the internet has been so consistently reliable and accurate.

Well, it's been a lot more accurate than your reporting has been.

They're just smoke bombs, right?

Confused reporting at best. The media types all look pretty stupid right now.
Check out armored cars, St. Louis County police.

BassemMasri on USTREAM .

This is funny, dude who was streaming got his phone stolen...

At the 4 minute mark
"Iphone 6"
"Where'd you get that?"
"Some Nigga"

I saw no phone stolen. I heard the police say clear the streets and he took off running.

I also noticed a strangely calm white guy at 1:50 or so. I live no where near there and some of the white guys I live around are way more scared than that dude.

Now you're pulling it out of your ass. Check his twitter.
Black Monte Carlo with a woman driver and two males with an assault weapon of some sort.
Apparently the protests here have been fairly peaceful, they're just blocking the highway.

Amazing how you monitor these events in real time as if you actually know what's happening right now.

I have a TV and a computer. It's really not that hard to do.

Evidently this sort of thing is beyond Discombobulated.

Because all the information on this you've gotten from TV and the internet has been so consistently reliable and accurate.

Well, it's been a lot more accurate than your reporting has been.

They're just smoke bombs, right?

On TV it looked like the 4th of july. Roman candles and smoke. No one was gasping for air. Strange how the focus went from the roman candle (looking) use to smoke/tear gas.

At this point in time, it looks like smoke. I have no doubt some anchors used an NBA style foul when they breathed in the smoke. I won't call it because I'm not a know it all and don't have all of the information. I'll just call it like I see it. Looks more like smoke.

I'm guessing they may be using smoke to limit visibility but use tear gas if necessary.
Black Monte Carlo with a woman driver and two males with an assault weapon of some sort.
Amazing how you monitor these events in real time as if you actually know what's happening right now.

I have a TV and a computer. It's really not that hard to do.

Evidently this sort of thing is beyond Discombobulated.

Because all the information on this you've gotten from TV and the internet has been so consistently reliable and accurate.

Well, it's been a lot more accurate than your reporting has been.

They're just smoke bombs, right?

On TV it looked like the 4th of july. Roman candles and smoke. No one was gasping for air. Strange how the focus went from the roman candle (looking) use to smoke/tear gas.

At this point in time, it looks like smoke. I have no doubt some anchors used an NBA style foul when they breathed in the smoke. I won't call it because I'm not a know it all and don't have all of the information. I'll just call it like I see it. Looks more like smoke.

I'm guessing they may be using smoke to limit visibility but use tear gas if necessary.

Actually, it looks exactly like tear gas.

Have you ever been tear gassed? I have.
Perhaps with a few billion in taxpayer funding, they can rebuild that shithole..... For them good folk.....scum
Amazing how you monitor these events in real time as if you actually know what's happening right now.

I have a TV and a computer. It's really not that hard to do.

Since you're already in Oakland I think you should go out on the street so you can give your audience a personal assessment of the situation.

Why the fuck would I do that? Nothing going on in my part of town.

If you're in the Oakland hills you're still close enough to hear gunfire on a regular basis. Come on, take a chance, go outside and see.

Black Monte Carlo with a woman driver and two males with an assault weapon of some sort.
Apparently the protests here have been fairly peaceful, they're just blocking the highway.

Amazing how you monitor these events in real time as if you actually know what's happening right now.

I have a TV and a computer. It's really not that hard to do.

Evidently this sort of thing is beyond Discombobulated.

Because all the information on this you've gotten from TV and the internet has been so consistently reliable and accurate.

No, I'm getting it from a variety of live stream scanners, and a friend on the ground.

westwall I've known you for a very long time............

You get all of your information from sources that are bias to your cause.

Your only focus ever has been gun sales.
Black Monte Carlo with a woman driver and two males with an assault weapon of some sort.
I have a TV and a computer. It's really not that hard to do.

Evidently this sort of thing is beyond Discombobulated.

Because all the information on this you've gotten from TV and the internet has been so consistently reliable and accurate.

Well, it's been a lot more accurate than your reporting has been.

They're just smoke bombs, right?

On TV it looked like the 4th of july. Roman candles and smoke. No one was gasping for air. Strange how the focus went from the roman candle (looking) use to smoke/tear gas.

At this point in time, it looks like smoke. I have no doubt some anchors used an NBA style foul when they breathed in the smoke. I won't call it because I'm not a know it all and don't have all of the information. I'll just call it like I see it. Looks more like smoke.

I'm guessing they may be using smoke to limit visibility but use tear gas if necessary.

Actually, it looks exactly like tear gas.

Have you ever been tear gassed? I have.

I have not been hit with a military tear gas nor have I been hit by a military smoke bomb.
I have a TV and a computer. It's really not that hard to do.

Since you're already in Oakland I think you should go out on the street so you can give your audience a personal assessment of the situation.

Why the fuck would I do that? Nothing going on in my part of town.

If you're in the Oakland hills you're still close enough to hear gunfire on a regular basis. Come on, take a chance, go outside and see.

Black Monte Carlo with a woman driver and two males with an assault weapon of some sort.
Amazing how you monitor these events in real time as if you actually know what's happening right now.

I have a TV and a computer. It's really not that hard to do.

Evidently this sort of thing is beyond Discombobulated.

Because all the information on this you've gotten from TV and the internet has been so consistently reliable and accurate.

No, I'm getting it from a variety of live stream scanners, and a friend on the ground.

westwall I've known you for a very long time............

You get all of your information from sources that are bias to your cause.

Your only focus ever has been gun sales.
Black Monte Carlo with a woman driver and two males with an assault weapon of some sort.
Evidently this sort of thing is beyond Discombobulated.

Because all the information on this you've gotten from TV and the internet has been so consistently reliable and accurate.

Well, it's been a lot more accurate than your reporting has been.

They're just smoke bombs, right?

On TV it looked like the 4th of july. Roman candles and smoke. No one was gasping for air. Strange how the focus went from the roman candle (looking) use to smoke/tear gas.

At this point in time, it looks like smoke. I have no doubt some anchors used an NBA style foul when they breathed in the smoke. I won't call it because I'm not a know it all and don't have all of the information. I'll just call it like I see it. Looks more like smoke.

I'm guessing they may be using smoke to limit visibility but use tear gas if necessary.

Actually, it looks exactly like tear gas.

Have you ever been tear gassed? I have.

I have not been hit with a military tear gas nor have I been hit by a military smoke bomb.

Smoke bombs make a shitload of thick, opaque smoke. Tear gas isn't anywhere near as thick or opaque.
Protesters fired about 100 gunshots, burned buildings, looted stores and vandalized police cars in Ferguson, Mo. Monday night after a grand jury did not indict a police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in August.

Grand jury in Ferguson case does not indict officer in Michael Brown shooting Fox News

i doubt they will catch everyone involved, but every involved in this mob violence should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. this is exactly what ferguson citizens feared, both black and white. this violence harms people regardless of skin color. it accomplishes nothing and harms people's livelihoods and lives.
I have a TV and a computer. It's really not that hard to do.

Since you're already in Oakland I think you should go out on the street so you can give your audience a personal assessment of the situation.

Why the fuck would I do that? Nothing going on in my part of town.

If you're in the Oakland hills you're still close enough to hear gunfire on a regular basis. Come on, take a chance, go outside and see.

Black Monte Carlo with a woman driver and two males with an assault weapon of some sort.
Amazing how you monitor these events in real time as if you actually know what's happening right now.

I have a TV and a computer. It's really not that hard to do.

Evidently this sort of thing is beyond Discombobulated.

Because all the information on this you've gotten from TV and the internet has been so consistently reliable and accurate.

No, I'm getting it from a variety of live stream scanners, and a friend on the ground.

westwall I've known you for a very long time............

You get all of your information from sources that are bias to your cause.

Your only focus ever has been gun sales.
Black Monte Carlo with a woman driver and two males with an assault weapon of some sort.
Evidently this sort of thing is beyond Discombobulated.

Because all the information on this you've gotten from TV and the internet has been so consistently reliable and accurate.

Well, it's been a lot more accurate than your reporting has been.

They're just smoke bombs, right?

On TV it looked like the 4th of july. Roman candles and smoke. No one was gasping for air. Strange how the focus went from the roman candle (looking) use to smoke/tear gas.

At this point in time, it looks like smoke. I have no doubt some anchors used an NBA style foul when they breathed in the smoke. I won't call it because I'm not a know it all and don't have all of the information. I'll just call it like I see it. Looks more like smoke.

I'm guessing they may be using smoke to limit visibility but use tear gas if necessary.

Actually, it looks exactly like tear gas.

Have you ever been tear gassed? I have.

I have not been hit with a military tear gas nor have I been hit by a military smoke bomb.

You don't know me at all asshat. I do know that you're just a typical progressive spewing your nonsense. What you don't know would fill volumes.
I bet everyone of the looters and vandals who registered to vote registered democrat.

And I'll bet you think it's because they are black an not because the Right has been exposed as the racist party. I also bet you think you know what racism is, and do not.

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