Ferguson protesters are so screwed

DO NOT muddy the issue with FACTS, dammit! We need justice for Brown!

OK, he's already received his justice, but we should still lynch the poor (white) cop trapped in a country gone insane with racist hate. If the mob is not satisfied, though, their neighbors need fear their response.
There is no basis for civil rights violation charges against officer Wilson.

Let the games begin.
They'll simply deny it, and claim it was all planted evidence. At this point most of these people wouldn't believe a video of the entire sequence if it painted Brown in a bad light.
I bet they believe the convienence store video was completely manufactured.
For the hard core group, there's not enough evidence in the world that would ever vindicate the officer.
They'll simply deny it, and claim it was all planted evidence. At this point most of these people wouldn't believe a video of the entire sequence if it painted Brown in a bad light.
I bet they believe the convienence store video was completely manufactured.
For the hard core group, there's not enough evidence in the world that would ever vindicate the officer.
This is how a race of people think who have IQs generally 10-15 points lower than other races.
Honestly. They simply are not intelligent enough to understand simple logic and scientific facts. Hence the reason they are a failing race worldwide.
When they want to 'blame' someone blame God.
Ferguson protesters screwed?

They can't lose IMO. An indictment would confirm many or all of the allegations the public has heard thus far from the Black Grievance Industry of Al, Jesse, et al.

No indictment and it's whitey screwing over the poor black folks again and probably an excuse to riot, burn, and loot some more.
I can hear it now "whitey had the blood to plant, you expect us to believe anything the pooolice do"
here we go round 3 of riots

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They'll simply deny it, and claim it was all planted evidence. At this point most of these people wouldn't believe a video of the entire sequence if it painted Brown in a bad light.
I bet they believe the convienence store video was completely manufactured.
For the hard core group, there's not enough evidence in the world that would ever vindicate the officer.
This is how a race of people think who have IQs generally 10-15 points lower than other races.
Honestly. They simply are not intelligent enough to understand simple logic and scientific facts. Hence the reason they are a failing race worldwide.
When they want to 'blame' someone blame God.
I wouldn't say that. Children understand logic and evidence. I don't know enough about differences in intelligence among the races, but in this case the issue is strictly about race. Blacks absolutely form opinions based on race. We've seen it with their voting patterns. We've seen it with O.J. Simpson and Trayvon Martin. And we're seeing it now.

If anyone should be called racist, it is black people.

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