Fertility clinics

Are the clinics getting paid to provide meat for research, and kill babies? If not, it's probably okay.

Well, as it happens, I'm not okay with it, nor am I okay with many other realities of fertility clinics (unlike twats like Arian, I've actually worked in one and know something about it firsthand). I understand that the need to create and implant more embryos than are actually expected and intended to go full-term arises from the limitations of current medical ability and technology. I don't approve, and it's the main reason why I would never have gone to a fertility clinic myself had I not been able to become pregnant. I would have opted for adoption instead. But I do approve of the motivation - wanting to create life - more than I do that of Planned Parenthood and its vile ilk - viewing life as a horrible disaster to be done away with.
Are the clinics getting paid to provide meat for research, and kill babies? If not, it's probably okay.

Well, as it happens, I'm not okay with it, nor am I okay with many other realities of fertility clinics (unlike twats like Arian, I've actually worked in one and know something about it firsthand). I understand that the need to create and implant more embryos than are actually expected and intended to go full-term arises from the limitations of current medical ability and technology. I don't approve, and it's the main reason why I would never have gone to a fertility clinic myself had I not been able to become pregnant. I would have opted for adoption instead. But I do approve of the motivation - wanting to create life - more than I do that of Planned Parenthood and its vile ilk - viewing life as a horrible disaster to be done away with.

So you were willing to participate in what you consider "baby killing." Interesting.

Are we to assume that you'll now be working as zealously to shut down fertility clinics as you are against Planned Parenthood?

Or do you just post OUTRAGE on a message board?
Apparently, to the Right, embryos in fertility clinics aren't "babies" so it's okay to destroy them. The Right only considers them "babies" in abortion clinics. Double standard much?

You are insane and insulting. STFU!

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Apparently, to the Right, embryos in fertility clinics aren't "babies" so it's okay to destroy them. The Right only considers them "babies" in abortion clinics. Double standard much?

You are insane and insulting.

You've had over 24 hours to deny it, and you haven't. Now all you can do is lash out. Very telling.

Silence betokens consent.
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Are the clinics getting paid to provide meat for research, and kill babies? If not, it's probably okay.

Well, as it happens, I'm not okay with it, nor am I okay with many other realities of fertility clinics (unlike twats like Arian, I've actually worked in one and know something about it firsthand). I understand that the need to create and implant more embryos than are actually expected and intended to go full-term arises from the limitations of current medical ability and technology. I don't approve, and it's the main reason why I would never have gone to a fertility clinic myself had I not been able to become pregnant. I would have opted for adoption instead. But I do approve of the motivation - wanting to create life - more than I do that of Planned Parenthood and its vile ilk - viewing life as a horrible disaster to be done away with.

So you were willing to participate in what you consider "baby killing." Interesting.

Are we to assume that you'll now be working as zealously to shut down fertility clinics as you are against Planned Parenthood?

Or do you just post OUTRAGE on a message board?

No, I wasn't. I quit the fertility clinic after a matter of weeks, precisely because I learned more about how they operated.

And no, I intend to focus all my attentions on infanticide factories for as long as they continue to exist. One must have priorities when one has limited time and energy.

Another thing I don't intend to waste my limited resources on is giving a shit what you think, just so you know.
are you objecting to the multiple implants then selective aborting is used to control the numbers?

Yes, actually, I don't care for that at all. As I said, I understand that it's a limitation in our current medical acumen, and not any particular desire to destroy fetuses. I know for a fact that medical science is trying to learn more about reproduction in order to eliminate that necessity. As it stands, though, I would not have undergone such treatments in the event of infertility for precisely that reason.
Apparently, to the Right, embryos in fertility clinics aren't "babies" so it's okay to destroy them. The Right only considers them "babies" in abortion clinics. Double standard much?

You are insane and insulting.

You've had over 24 hours to deny it, and you haven't. Now all you can do is lash out. Very telling.

Silence betokens consent.

Actually, I believe she did, and you're just too stupid to recognize it.
I don't believe in invitro, never did, don't think it should be an option. If one cannot get pregnant on their own - for whatever reason - they can adopt. Creating people in a petri dish (and discarding the 'extras) is wrong, imo.
Apparently, to the Right, embryos in fertility clinics aren't "babies" so it's okay to destroy them. The Right only considers them "babies" in abortion clinics. Double standard much?

You are insane and insulting.

You've had over 24 hours to deny it, and you haven't. Now all you can do is lash out. Very telling.

Silence betokens consent.

Actually, I believe she did...

I don't share your faith. Perhaps you can translate.
i have watched a lady go thru this.....clinic in boone told her flat out...to stop trying....so she switched clinics and went to johnson city and got hope again.....implants several embryos...she was pg with twins....lost one quickly and then lost the other one....her womb holds no purchase for the implants....now she under goes a shit load of shots etc and she is diabetic (says she is cured of that) ...smh...they have gone thru 100s of thousands of dollars by now...she is determined...the saddest thing....we have a large orphanage here but she refuses to even consider adoption...then recently her fucking dumbass nephew had a baby...he and the baby mama are both 18 and its just stupid but there they are...sure they should not have a baby this early and they are not ready but she did not need to jump up in their face and tell them all this....

ivf has been done for decades in animals....i see no lesser of a life created that way than a life created by fucking in the mud?
i have watched a lady go thru this.....clinic in boone told her flat out...to stop trying....so she switched clinics and went to johnson city and got hope again.....implants several embryos...she was pg with twins....lost one quickly and then lost the other one....her womb holds no purchase for the implants....now she under goes a shit load of shots etc and she is diabetic (says she is cured of that) ...smh...they have gone thru 100s of thousands of dollars by now...she is determined...the saddest thing....we have a large orphanage here but she refuses to even consider adoption...then recently her fucking dumbass nephew had a baby...he and the baby mama are both 18 and its just stupid but there they are...sure they should not have a baby this early and they are not ready but she did not need to jump up in their face and tell them all this....

ivf has been done for decades in animals....i see no lesser of a life created that way than a life created by fucking in the mud?

Thank you for sharing this very sad RL story. I've also known couples who've gone through IVF, though with better results. One couple had triplets. Another went through IVF for years with no results; when they finally gave up (it is horribly expensive), they had a baby girl the "old-fashioned" way.

Only one poster here has - bravely - stated an aversion to IVF. That position would be consistent with a belief that an embryo is a human being regardless of how conceived.

That the "KILL PLANNED PARENTHOOD!!11!" crowd feels obligated to speak in code and trolling suggests they don't really believe what they preach. It's not really about "personhood" at all.
Apparently, to the Right, embryos in fertility clinics aren't "babies" so it's okay to destroy them. The Right only considers them "babies" in abortion clinics. Double standard much?

You are insane and insulting.

You've had over 24 hours to deny it, and you haven't. Now all you can do is lash out. Very telling.

Silence betokens consent.

Actually, I believe she did...

I don't share your faith. Perhaps you can translate.

You're the one giving yourself intellectual airs. Live up to your attempted hype and figure it out.
i have watched a lady go thru this.....clinic in boone told her flat out...to stop trying....so she switched clinics and went to johnson city and got hope again.....implants several embryos...she was pg with twins....lost one quickly and then lost the other one....her womb holds no purchase for the implants....now she under goes a shit load of shots etc and she is diabetic (says she is cured of that) ...smh...they have gone thru 100s of thousands of dollars by now...she is determined...the saddest thing....we have a large orphanage here but she refuses to even consider adoption...then recently her fucking dumbass nephew had a baby...he and the baby mama are both 18 and its just stupid but there they are...sure they should not have a baby this early and they are not ready but she did not need to jump up in their face and tell them all this....

ivf has been done for decades in animals....i see no lesser of a life created that way than a life created by fucking in the mud?

Thank you for sharing this very sad RL story. I've also known couples who've gone through IVF, though with better results. One couple had triplets. Another went through IVF for years with no results; when they finally gave up (it is horribly expensive), they had a baby girl the "old-fashioned" way.

Only one poster here has - bravely - stated an aversion to IVF. That position would be consistent with a belief that an embryo is a human being regardless of how conceived.

That the "KILL PLANNED PARENTHOOD!!11!" crowd feels obligated to speak in code and trolling suggests they don't really believe what they preach. It's not really about "personhood" at all.

So you don't understand English OR counting. Yeah, I'd say that invalidates anything else you say from further serious consideration.
Apparently, to the Right, embryos in fertility clinics aren't "babies" so it's okay to destroy them. The Right only considers them "babies" in abortion clinics. Double standard much?

You are insane and insulting.

You've had over 24 hours to deny it, and you haven't. Now all you can do is lash out. Very telling.

Silence betokens consent.

Actually, I believe she did...

I don't share your faith. Perhaps you can translate.

You're the one giving yourself intellectual airs. Live up to your attempted hype and figure it out.
See, when I feel strongly about something, I'm upfront about it.

My guess is you'd rather play games. At least you were honest in admitting you once worked at a fertility clinic. The fact that you feel you have to run interference for Spinster, but you can't actually decode the Big Secret suggests at least a little ambivalence.

Unless you and/or Spinster are willing to stop playing games and say what you mean, I can only conclude that your true meaning is "destroying embryos is cool if it's some rich woman paying for IVF, but not if it's a Planned Parenthood facility."

Either you believe an embryo is a "person" or you don't. The social class of the patient shouldn't be an issue...unless that's the only thing you care about.
You are insane and insulting.

You've had over 24 hours to deny it, and you haven't. Now all you can do is lash out. Very telling.

Silence betokens consent.

Actually, I believe she did...

I don't share your faith. Perhaps you can translate.

You're the one giving yourself intellectual airs. Live up to your attempted hype and figure it out.
See, when I feel strongly about something, I'm upfront about it.

My guess is you'd rather play games. At least you were honest in admitting you once worked at a fertility clinic. The fact that you feel you have to run interference for Spinster, but you can't actually decode the Big Secret suggests at least a little ambivalence.

Unless you and/or Spinster are willing to stop playing games and say what you mean, I can only conclude that your true meaning is "destroying embryos is cool if it's some rich woman paying for IVF, but not if it's a Planned Parenthood facility."

Either you believe an embryo is a "person" or you don't. The social class of the patient shouldn't be an issue...unless that's the only thing you care about.

Allow me to be upfront about my strong feelings.

You're full of shit.
You've had over 24 hours to deny it, and you haven't. Now all you can do is lash out. Very telling.

Silence betokens consent.

Actually, I believe she did...

I don't share your faith. Perhaps you can translate.

You're the one giving yourself intellectual airs. Live up to your attempted hype and figure it out.
See, when I feel strongly about something, I'm upfront about it.

My guess is you'd rather play games. At least you were honest in admitting you once worked at a fertility clinic. The fact that you feel you have to run interference for Spinster, but you can't actually decode the Big Secret suggests at least a little ambivalence.

Unless you and/or Spinster are willing to stop playing games and say what you mean, I can only conclude that your true meaning is "destroying embryos is cool if it's some rich woman paying for IVF, but not if it's a Planned Parenthood facility."

Either you believe an embryo is a "person" or you don't. The social class of the patient shouldn't be an issue...unless that's the only thing you care about.

Allow me to be upfront about my strong feelings.

You're full of shit.

Very helpful. You've now reaffirmed my original statement. You don't really believe embryos are "persons." You just want to shut down Planned Parenthood so your friends will think you're cool.
Another reason I'm against invitro is because I believe that everything happens for a reason (even if you don't realize it atm, or don't realize/see the reason until xx time down the road). If a couple cannot get pregnant (again, for any reason) it's because their child has already been born and is waiting to be adopted by the couple. I've believed this for as long as I can remember.
^"Everything" happens for a reason? One of the saddest things in the world is a parent losing a child. What could possibly be the reason for that?

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