Fetuses cannot breathe


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Just because an aborted fetus moves it does not mean it is breathing. It cannot breath on it's own because it's lungs are not developed enough to breath. That is why premature babies oaf put on ventilators until their lungs are developed. It moves and appear to breath because it is taking in oxygen by way of the umbilical cord. It moves long before it is viable out side the womb. “It" is not a living being until it takes it first breath. Improper disposal of a human fetus is illegal.

When does life began?

New International Version (©2011)
Gen 2;7....."Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being"

Who knows better than the creator of man when life begins? :confused:
Mitt Romney made money off disposing of aborted fetuses?

s there anything Romney won't do to make a buck?

Politics | Mother Jones

This is pretty amazing. Apparently Mitt knew how bad this looked and that's why he pretended to resign from Bain Capital in 1999. If a Democratic Candidate was associated with a company that destroyed the corpses of aborted fetuses for profit the media and Republicans would be blue-in-the-face outraged. But no. Not a peep. I guess holding onto deep seeded racism is more important to Republicans than electing a man with morals and strength of conviction.
Mitt Romney made money off disposing of aborted fetuses? - Yahoo! Answers
Mitt Romney made money off disposing of aborted fetuses?

s there anything Romney won't do to make a buck?

Politics | Mother Jones

This is pretty amazing. Apparently Mitt knew how bad this looked and that's why he pretended to resign from Bain Capital in 1999. If a Democratic Candidate was associated with a company that destroyed the corpses of aborted fetuses for profit the media and Republicans would be blue-in-the-face outraged. But no. Not a peep. I guess holding onto deep seeded racism is more important to Republicans than electing a man with morals and strength of conviction.
Mitt Romney made money off disposing of aborted fetuses? - Yahoo! Answers

Lil ol crazy mother crazy trucking lunatic lying Lady.:lol:

Even CNN and Huffington Post debunked that story.

Epic fail again.
So since a fetus at 20 weeks can live outside the womb ( more like 16 weeks) you have no problem establishing that as the cut off for when abortions can be carried out?

Just because an aborted fetus moves it does not mean it is breathing. It cannot breath on it's own because it's lungs are not developed enough to breath. That is why premature babies oaf put on ventilators until their lungs are developed. It moves and appear to breath because it is taking in oxygen by way of the umbilical cord. It moves long before it is viable out side the womb. “It" is not a living being until it takes it first breath. Improper disposal of a human fetus is illegal.

When does life began?

New International Version (©2011)
Gen 2;7....."Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being"

Who knows better than the creator of man when life begins? :confused:

Dead fetuses, being human, do not move.
The fetus "breaths" amniotic fluid.

(My bold)

See How Do Babies Breathe In The Womb? | LIVESTRONG.COM - Well, no. The fetus gets its nutrition & oxygen & exchanges blood gases through the umbilical & placenta.

Fetal lungs aren't developed enough to actually function. The URL notes that in the last stages of gestation, the fetus "practice breathes" amniotic fluid - but doesn't process the fluid, doesn't take oxygen from the fluid. It's apparently just mechanical practice, to strengthen the lungs enough to take the first breath post-partum.

An interesting question, though.
fetuses cannot breathe

just because an aborted fetus moves it does not mean it is breathing. It cannot breath on it's own because it's lungs are not developed enough to breath. That is why premature babies oaf put on ventilators until their lungs are developed. It moves and appear to breath because it is taking in oxygen by way of the umbilical cord. It moves long before it is viable out side the womb. “it" is not a living being until it takes it first breath. Improper disposal of a human fetus is illegal.

when does life began?

new international version (©2011)
gen 2;7....."then the lord god formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being"

who knows better than the creator of man when life begins? :confused:

so as long as the head remains in the vagina its ok to kill the pesky little runts ?
fetuses cannot breathe

just because an aborted fetus moves it does not mean it is breathing. It cannot breath on it's own because it's lungs are not developed enough to breath. That is why premature babies oaf put on ventilators until their lungs are developed. It moves and appear to breath because it is taking in oxygen by way of the umbilical cord. It moves long before it is viable out side the womb. “it" is not a living being until it takes it first breath. Improper disposal of a human fetus is illegal.

when does life began?

new international version (©2011)
gen 2;7....."then the lord god formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being"

who knows better than the creator of man when life begins? :confused:

and btw it's called metaphor..the breath of life starts as soon as the fetus starts to develop.. that is the divine breath of life
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The fetus "breaths" amniotic fluid.

(My bold)

See How Do Babies Breathe In The Womb? | LIVESTRONG.COM - Well, no. The fetus gets its nutrition & oxygen & exchanges blood gases through the umbilical & placenta.

Fetal lungs aren't developed enough to actually function. The URL notes that in the last stages of gestation, the fetus "practice breathes" amniotic fluid - but doesn't process the fluid, doesn't take oxygen from the fluid. It's apparently just mechanical practice, to strengthen the lungs enough to take the first breath post-partum.

An interesting question, though.

(My quotation marks)
And I corrected the spelling thank you.

Just because an aborted fetus moves it does not mean it is breathing. It cannot breath on it's own because it's lungs are not developed enough to breath. That is why premature babies oaf put on ventilators until their lungs are developed. It moves and appear to breath because it is taking in oxygen by way of the umbilical cord. It moves long before it is viable out side the womb. “It" is not a living being until it takes it first breath. Improper disposal of a human fetus is illegal.

When does life began?

New International Version (©2011)
Gen 2;7....."Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being"

Who knows better than the creator of man when life begins? :confused:

viability is forever changing

30 years ago it was 28 weeks

today 21 weeks

the same god that breathed life into man

also gave man the gift of intelligence

to medically treat those in need

Just because an aborted fetus moves it does not mean it is breathing. It cannot breath on it's own because it's lungs are not developed enough to breath. That is why premature babies oaf put on ventilators until their lungs are developed. It moves and appear to breath because it is taking in oxygen by way of the umbilical cord. It moves long before it is viable out side the womb. “It" is not a living being until it takes it first breath. Improper disposal of a human fetus is illegal.

When does life began?

New International Version (©2011)
Gen 2;7....."Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being"

Who knows better than the creator of man when life begins? :confused:
Keep telling yourself that and maybe you'll never have to deal with your conscience.

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