Fewer Americans Think Obama Respected on World Stage

Let me know when someone throws a shoe at him.

The shoe was thrown at GWB by an insane Muslim, when GWB was visiting an insane Muslim country.

If Obama ever had the guts to appear in front of a hostile insane Muslim crowd, in an insane Muslim country, a shoe might well be thrown at him.

Of course, the culprit would be called RACIST.
When Obama mispronounced Navy Corpsman as CORPSE-MAN

that was the moment I lost any respect for him...He could of at LEAST taken the time to LEARN how to pronounce a name in the military he was CIC of...

He's been a painful, vindictive and dangerous joke as has been his administration.
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Still twice as respected as Reagan or W ever were, hater dupes. Furriners don't understand what Fox etc etc do to our politics- ie produce ignorant hater dupes...

That's ridiculous. For once let's just blame it on the citizen. Not GWB, not FOX, etc... It's time to take responsibility for personal action and not blame it on someone else.


I will not accept any blame because I didn't vote for him either time. I hope the damn Bilderbergs are happy, now.
When Obama mispronounced Navy Corpsman as CORPSE-MAN

that was the moment I lost any respect for him...He could of at LEAST taken the time to LEARN how to pronounce a name in the military he was CIC of...

He's been a painful, vindictive and dangerous joke as has been his administration.

Geez Steph, he was just reading what the teleprompter said. Seems to me that some vindictive person didn't put the word on the teleprompter phonetically so the Columbia/Harvard grad could pronounce it properly.
Not to mention what Republicans do to the global economy. Their constant brinkmanship, threats of default and government shutdowns shake the global markets

They look at Republicans and ask.....how can anyone be that crazy?
Not to mention what Republicans do to the global economy. Their constant brinkmanship, threats of default and government shutdowns shake the global markets

They look at Republicans and ask.....how can anyone be that crazy?

Yeah not to mention the lefts continuing GW all or nothing BS. Their "debt is no problem" attitude. A welfare economy. A foreign policy that certainly has the world laughing at us. A policy that has Israel thumbing their nose at Obama. And the left posting BS about sharing the glory.

BTW you must have forgotten that the democrats have been in control for the last 7 years.
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The Republicans still have not apologized to the world for the Great Bush Recession of 2008
Not to mention what Republicans do to the global economy. Their constant brinkmanship, threats of default and government shutdowns shake the global markets

They look at Republicans and ask.....how can anyone be that crazy?

Yeah not to mention the lefts continuing GW all or nothing BS. Their "debt is no problem" attitude. A welfare economy. A foreign policy that certainly has the world laughing at us. A policy that has Israel thumbing their nose at Obama. And the left posting BS about sharing the glory.

BTW you must have forgotten that the democrats have been in control for the last 7 years.

The world does not laugh at our foreign policy that is based more on patience and behind the scenes diplomacy

Invade first and find WMDs later really doesn't work
Like we needed this story to tell us that. A blind man can see the USS Hoperfail Obama sail on this one.


Fewer Americans Think Obama Respected on World Stage

Slim majority still think world views U.S. favorably
by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- For the first time, more Americans think President Barack Obama is not respected by other world leaders than believe he is. Americans' opinions have shifted dramatically in the past year, after being relatively stable from 2010 to 2013.

Fewer Americans Think Obama Respected on World Stage
On his trips to foreign country, Obama pulls America's britches down for all the world to see on every bad thing that ever happened here, some of which were not America's fault, and he fights tooth and nail to kill other country's leaders and marginalize the Queen of England who loves and supports her nation, as a world villain.

Wonder why someone would disrespect a coach who tells newspapers first why he can't stand his players he can't control freak to death after the first practice. This will take a few minutes to contemplate. :evil:
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Not to mention what Republicans do to the global economy. Their constant brinkmanship, threats of default and government shutdowns shake the global markets

They look at Republicans and ask.....how can anyone be that crazy?

Oh, my, Chief Push Kool-Aid has arrived with war headdress fixed in place--against his own tribe, that is. :lol: :lol: :lol:
When Obama mispronounced Navy Corpsman as CORPSE-MAN

that was the moment I lost any respect for him...He could of at LEAST taken the time to LEARN how to pronounce a name in the military he was CIC of...

He's been a painful, vindictive and dangerous joke as has been his administration.

Geez Steph, he was just reading what the teleprompter said. Seems to me that some vindictive person didn't put the word on the teleprompter phonetically so the Columbia/Harvard grad could pronounce it properly.

for sure
the man is an idiot in my book and I'll give him the same amount of respect he gives us, NONE...and I feel the same for his preachy wife
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Who cares?

However, the world seems safer with Obama in charge. No inflammatory rhetoric. No Nation building. No belittling allies for not supporting our wild charges

Obama has shown restraint. A willingness to listen to our allies. A willingness to share the glory and an ability to ignore the war hawks

Finishing W's timeline in Iraq, expanding nation building in Afghanistan, attacking Libya, talking up the fall of Egypt and saber rattling in Syria until Putin handed him his ass. Yeah, things are so much better.

I say this as someone who actually wants to stop getting involved in all the foreign engagements that W did. And Clinton.. You and Obama are not in any way, shape or form my ally. You're liars and hypocrites.

Frankly, the rest is the world looks at Republicans as bat shit crazy. War mongers, bullies, and idiotic bible thumpers

Republicans are one of the few in the world who still deny global warming and support capital punishment

The world lets out a sigh of relief every time Republicans lose

So as I said, you have nothing. Five plus years and even you admit Obama's actual diplomatic achievements are zero. He hasn't flipped a single enemy or even a fence sitter onto our side even once. Yet you laud him. LOL. I gave you a massive achievement for Reagan. Even W pulled and held together coalitions in Iraq and Afghanistan. You're getting skunked, Homey.

The reality is that the world like Obama because he weakens America. As a leftist, you agree with them. Which is why a question like this to you is a whiff. How do you name achievements when you don't want there to be any?
Not to mention what Republicans do to the global economy. Their constant brinkmanship, threats of default and government shutdowns shake the global markets

They look at Republicans and ask.....how can anyone be that crazy?

Yes, true capitalists are socialists. Government does such a better job at at picking who should win in the marketplace than customers do.

Government has caused the problems you're referring to. You're still drinking the Kool-aid the day after the Jonestown massacre...
Not to mention what Republicans do to the global economy. Their constant brinkmanship, threats of default and government shutdowns shake the global markets

They look at Republicans and ask.....how can anyone be that crazy?

Yes, true capitalists are socialists. Government does such a better job at at picking who should win in the marketplace than customers do.

Government has caused the problems you're referring to. You're still drinking the Kool-aid the day after the Jonestown massacre...
Does that mean we're addressing a zombie?
Let me know when someone throws a shoe at him.

The shoe was thrown at GWB by an insane Muslim, when GWB was visiting an insane Muslim country.

If Obama ever had the guts to appear in front of a hostile insane Muslim crowd, in an insane Muslim country, a shoe might well be thrown at him.

Of course, the culprit would be called RACIST.

Want some cheese with your whine?

This is what you guys do...if I comment on racism (what you brought up) I will be supposedly guilty of playing the race card.

No thanks.

Obama had rehabilitated the American credibility and image in large portion of the world and has avoided having footwear thrown at him.
This is a very encouraging sign. Perhaps enough Americans are recovering from their Hopium Addiction and we'll now be able to get the country back on a positive track.
When Obama mispronounced Navy Corpsman as CORPSE-MAN

that was the moment I lost any respect for him...He could of at LEAST taken the time to LEARN how to pronounce a name in the military he was CIC of...

He's been a painful, vindictive and dangerous joke as has been his administration.

Geez Steph, he was just reading what the teleprompter said. Seems to me that some vindictive person didn't put the word on the teleprompter phonetically so the Columbia/Harvard grad could pronounce it properly.

for sure
the man is an idiot in my book and I'll give him the same amount of respect he gives us, NONE...and I feel the same for his preachy wife

The joke of the century is that the preachy wife is going to China to lecture them on EDUCATION! No doubt holding up Chicago schools as the world model.

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