Fewer Democrats..Fewer Lefties..Fewer illegal Mexicans..More God=Almost no shootings.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
There you have it folks, stop all the deep thought trivia.
Get families back in church, God back in schools, prohibit educators from programming children with Liberal ideology and run every anchor baby dropping illegal piece of shit out of here starting TODAY. Problem solved.

Force your so-called god on people?

Lefties are real quick to suggest a loss of Liberty for the Right as a solution....but doesn’t it make more sense for the perpetrators and the filthy humans that manifest these actions to lose liberties first?
Force your so-called god on people?
There you have it folks, stop all the deep thought trivia.
Get families back in church, God back in schools, prohibit educators from programming children with Liberal ideology and run every anchor baby dropping illegal piece of shit out of here starting TODAY. Problem solved.


Thank G-d our first amendment keeps you wackjobs from forcing your religion on everyone else.

now be quiet and go read the constitution even though I know rightwingnuts only care about the 2nd amendment.
Trump supporters, "Don't tell me what to say, what to think, what to feel, what to do ... rather, you must say what I say, think what I think, feel what I feel, and do as I do."

Legitimately the most primitive mindset available to mankind. Sounds familiar, right (fundamentalist Islam, cough**)?
There you have it folks, stop all the deep thought trivia.
Get families back in church, God back in schools, prohibit educators from programming children with Liberal ideology and run every anchor baby dropping illegal piece of shit out of here starting TODAY. Problem solved.


Thank G-d our first amendment keeps you wackjobs from forcing your religion on everyone else.

now be quiet and go read the constitution even though I know rightwingnuts only care about the 2nd amendment.

Trump supporters, "Don't tell me what to say, what to think, what to feel, what to do ... rather, you must say what I say, think what I think, feel what I feel, and do as I do."

Legitimately the most primitive mindset available to mankind. Sounds familiar, right (fundamentalist Islam, cough**)?

The Left has proven over and over and over again...they must be protected from themselves through legislation...they are their own worst enemy. Lefties are completely aware of this...that’s why they beg for a .GOV handholding and walk through life. They can not be trusted with the same liberties as most...prove otherwise.
I’ll be standing by.
Remember when a deputy carried only one bullet?


That was before the libtards took over society...

So, boiled down, you admit you believe in the same way of life as do Islamic terrorists? Interesting.
Force your so-called god on people?

There you have it folks, stop all the deep thought trivia.
Get families back in church, God back in schools, prohibit educators from programming children with Liberal ideology and run every anchor baby dropping illegal piece of shit out of here starting TODAY. Problem solved.


Thank G-d our first amendment keeps you wackjobs from forcing your religion on everyone else.

now be quiet and go read the constitution even though I know rightwingnuts only care about the 2nd amendment.

Trump supporters, "Don't tell me what to say, what to think, what to feel, what to do ... rather, you must say what I say, think what I think, feel what I feel, and do as I do."

Legitimately the most primitive mindset available to mankind. Sounds familiar, right (fundamentalist Islam, cough**)?

You Wacks are either looking for solutions or you’re not. Which is it? I thought you were outraged?
Force your so-called god on people?

It's better then you forcing your Satan on us that you have been doing since the 1960's


you seem confused. not wanting your religion shoved down everyone's throats doesn't mean anyone is into Satan.

seek help, little one.

Their is no gray here , it's black and white, either you are on the side of good or the side of evil..

I pick good

You pick evil and your new utopia of Sodom and gormorrah.
Force your so-called god on people?

There you have it folks, stop all the deep thought trivia.
Get families back in church, God back in schools, prohibit educators from programming children with Liberal ideology and run every anchor baby dropping illegal piece of shit out of here starting TODAY. Problem solved.


Thank G-d our first amendment keeps you wackjobs from forcing your religion on everyone else.

now be quiet and go read the constitution even though I know rightwingnuts only care about the 2nd amendment.

Trump supporters, "Don't tell me what to say, what to think, what to feel, what to do ... rather, you must say what I say, think what I think, feel what I feel, and do as I do."

Legitimately the most primitive mindset available to mankind. Sounds familiar, right (fundamentalist Islam, cough**)?

You Wacks are either looking for solutions or you’re not. Which is it? I thought you were outraged?

not YOUR idiot solutions.

perhaps if NRA shills were smarter and actually cared about dead kids.
Force your so-called god on people?

It's better then you forcing your Satan on us that you have been doing since the 1960's


you seem confused. not wanting your religion shoved down everyone's throats doesn't mean anyone is into Satan.

seek help, little one.

Their is no gray here , it's black and white, either you are on the side of good or the side of evil..

I pick good

You pick evil and your new utopia of Sodom and gormorrah.

you actually have to be able to tell the difference to make those choices.

good luck with that. :cuckoo:
Force your so-called god on people?

There you have it folks, stop all the deep thought trivia.
Get families back in church, God back in schools, prohibit educators from programming children with Liberal ideology and run every anchor baby dropping illegal piece of shit out of here starting TODAY. Problem solved.


Thank G-d our first amendment keeps you wackjobs from forcing your religion on everyone else.

now be quiet and go read the constitution even though I know rightwingnuts only care about the 2nd amendment.

Trump supporters, "Don't tell me what to say, what to think, what to feel, what to do ... rather, you must say what I say, think what I think, feel what I feel, and do as I do."

Legitimately the most primitive mindset available to mankind. Sounds familiar, right (fundamentalist Islam, cough**)?

You Wacks are either looking for solutions or you’re not. Which is it? I thought you were outraged?

not YOUR idiot solutions.

perhaps if NRA shills were smarter and actually cared about dead kids.

This has nothing to do with guns it has everything to do with liberals and anything goes ..

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