Fifteen years ago today

What does high mean?

It has nothing to do with the office you hold

It means significant crimes and misbehaviors while in office

I doubt if it applies to either blowjobs or lying about blowjobs

Lying under oath to a grand jury is enough to get anyone impeached.

Only to conservative whack jobs.........lying about a blow job does not even approach a high crime
Lying under oath is the crime idiot.
What statue on the books makes getting a blow job a crime?

Absolutely none, but that is not why he was impeached an you damn well know it. But thanks for once again proving that truth just doesn't matter over party.

I believe there is.

For instance, oral sex is illegal in 18 states. Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia and Washington D.C. consider people who give or receive oral sex to be criminals.

Strange Laws | The Sun
What does high mean?

It has nothing to do with the office you hold

It means significant crimes and misbehaviors while in office

I doubt if it applies to either blowjobs or lying about blowjobs

Lying under oath to a grand jury is enough to get anyone impeached.

Only to conservative whack jobs.........lying about a blow job does not even approach a high crime

Lying about ANYTHING to a grand jury is a crime. And perjury is a high crime called a FELONY.
What statue on the books makes getting a blow job a crime?

That's "statute"

And it wasn't the blowjob, it was the lying to congress and the country about getting the blowjob that got him into trouble. Perjury is a crime, Moonie.

18 USC § 1621 - Perjury generally

(1) having taken an oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person, in any case in which a law of the United States authorizes an oath to be administered, that he will testify, declare, depose, or certify truly, or that any written testimony, declaration, deposition, or certificate by him subscribed, is true, willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any material matter which he does not believe to be true; or

(2) in any declaration, certificate, verification, or statement under penalty of perjury as permitted under section 1746 of title 28, United States Code, willfully subscribes as true any material matter which he does not believe to be true;
is guilty of perjury and shall, except as otherwise expressly provided by law, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. This section is applicable whether the statement or subscription is made within or without the United States.
What does high mean?

It has nothing to do with the office you hold

It means significant crimes and misbehaviors while in office

I doubt if it applies to either blowjobs or lying about blowjobs

Lying under oath to a grand jury is enough to get anyone impeached.

Only to conservative whack jobs.........lying about a blow job does not even approach a high crime

Lying under oath DOES. Especially upset should be the liberal left who is all about women's rights. Well Bill Clinton's lying, UNDER OATH certainly denied Jones her rights.

Face it, your only argument is, you don't care.
The Senate voted as the American people wanted them to. Clinton did not commit any impeachable offense. He didn't get off scot-free either.
"High Crimes AND Misdemeanors"


"High Crimes OR A Misdemeanor"

and certainly not

"Any President we don't like for no other reason"

So lying about having sex with Lewinsky while under Oath, in a case NOT related to his execution of the Office of the Presidency, qualifies him as being guilty of A MISDEMEANOR.

What was his "High Crime"?

Did he commit treason? Did he undermine the Democratic process? Did he criminally abuse the powers of the Presidency?
What statue on the books makes getting a blow job a crime?

Getting a blow job is not a crime....................

Lying under oath is a crime and is an impeachable offense...............

If you are found guilty of lying under oath, any average individual can get sentenced to prison for doing so...................

For a POTUS, there is a get out of jail free card applied by the rules.............

Clinton should have just stated, "YEAH I DID HER"......and ended it........but he chose to lie under oath...........He made that decision, and the Dem Senate gave him a pass for lying under oath.
President Clinton did not in fact commit perjury:

From the article cited in the previous post:


"telling a lie about something immaterial to the matter before the court is not considered perjury. The statement upon which a charge of perjury is based must be something that was relevant to the court's decision in the matter before the court."

His relationship with Monica Lewinsky was irrelevant to the Paula Jones case. It was a political witch hunt.

Besides, the founding Fathers (Hamilton) made it clear that Presidentail impeachments were to be only for matters related to the execution of duties, not for personal conduct:

Federalist Papers Impeachment | Federalist Papers a clue to Founders' intentions Articles amplify Constitution's brief mention of impeachment - Baltimore Sun
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What statue on the books makes getting a blow job a crime?

Absolutely none, but that is not why he was impeached an you damn well know it. But thanks for once again proving that truth just doesn't matter over party.

I believe there is.

For instance, oral sex is illegal in 18 states. Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia and Washington D.C. consider people who give or receive oral sex to be criminals.

Strange Laws | The Sun

:link: ?

It's nice to think I'm a criminal in six to nine states but I'd like to at least confirm it or get some kind of badge... also means I have a few states yet undone...
So ...... thirteen years ago today (for real), while the country was distracted by the infamous election count showdown of Bush v. Gore and hanging chads... Bull Clinton signed the CFMA that Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX) (whose wife Wendy had a glaring conflict of interest with Enron) had pushed through in the dead of night in a stroke of duopoly party corruption extreme even for Washington.

But you know what -- fuck that, let's cluck our collective tongue at a blowjob.
Absolutely none, but that is not why he was impeached an you damn well know it. But thanks for once again proving that truth just doesn't matter over party.

I believe there is.

For instance, oral sex is illegal in 18 states. Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia and Washington D.C. consider people who give or receive oral sex to be criminals.

Strange Laws | The Sun

:link: ?

It's nice to think I'm a criminal in six to nine states but I'd like to at least confirm it or get some kind of badge... also means I have a few states yet undone...

Now that is really something to be proud of. The link was posted at the bottom of the paragraph.
President Clinton did not in fact commit perjury:

From the article cited in the previous post:

(What Is the Penalty for Lying Under Oath? (with picture))

"telling a lie about something immaterial to the matter before the court is not considered perjury. The statement upon which a charge of perjury is based must be something that was relevant to the court's decision in the matter before the court."

His relationship with Monica Lewinsky was irrelevant to the Paula Jones case. It was a political witch hunt.

Besides, the founding Fathers (Hamilton) made it clear that Presidentail impeachments were to be only for matters related to the execution of duties, not for personal conduct:

Federalist Papers Impeachment | Federalist Papers a clue to Founders' intentions Articles amplify Constitution's brief mention of impeachment - Baltimore Sun

A federal judge fined Bill Clinton over $90,000 for denying under oath that he had had sex with Monica Lewinsky, in an unprecedented penalty imposed on an incumbent US president.

The fine was ordered by Judge Susan Webber Wright, three months after she found him guilty of contempt for giving false testimony in a sexual harassment case brought against him by a former Arkansas government employee, Paula Jones.

Ms Jones's lawyers raised questions about the president's relationship with Ms Lewinsky, hoping to prove a pattern of predatory behavour towards young women in junior positions.

It is a procedure called discovery and is used by lawyers all the time. That makes it completely relevant to the case. Are you suggesting that you know more about the lwa than a Federal Judge?

The scumbag lied under oath and was found in contempt of court, Period. Clinton commited perjury, he just wasn't charged by the court for doing so.
I believe there is.

Strange Laws | The Sun

:link: ?

It's nice to think I'm a criminal in six to nine states but I'd like to at least confirm it or get some kind of badge... also means I have a few states yet undone...

Now that is really something to be proud of. The link was posted at the bottom of the paragraph.

If there was actually a link there I wouldn't have asked for one. Think about it.

--- Duh.
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Impeachment is a political process not a legal one, but it must be done within the confines of the Constitution. America has no high crimes and the impeachment charges are what the House say they are.
:link: ?

It's nice to think I'm a criminal in six to nine states but I'd like to at least confirm it or get some kind of badge... also means I have a few states yet undone...

Now that is really something to be proud of. The link was posted at the bottom of the paragraph.

If there was actually a link there I wouldn't have asked for one. Think about it.

--- Duh.

The link works for me on post #52, but for the rather dimwitted, here it is again.

Strange Laws | The Sun

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