Fifteen years ago today

BTW, "high crimes and misdemeanors" refers simply to crimes and misbehavior while in high office.

"Demeanor" = "behavior"

"Misdemeanor" means "misbehavior", in the language of the people who wrote the Constitution. For example, Federal judges have been imeached and kicked off the bench for repeatedly coming to court drunk... even though getting drunk isn't a crime. "Misbehavior" like that is enough to get you impeached and convicted.
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There ya go Marty!

He lied about sex! What married man would lie about have a side bitch? :eusa_shhh:

It doesn't matter what he lied about, he lied under oath to a grand jury and obstructed justice in a civil case, he should have been thrown out and jailed for his crimes just like any one else.

Yes it does if we are discussing it. Its' called details.

Now why would a married man lie about fucking another bitch?

The details were not criminal, lying about the details was criminal when it was done under oath. He was an officer of the court and the President of the United States at the time, he should have been held to a higher standard. Your lame assed excuses will never hold water, period.
He lied about having sexual relations with Lewinsky, and he use sematics to try to hide the lie, unsucessfully.

It doesnt matter if one doesnt care about the sex aspect, he was under oath and he lied.

Democrats seem willing to forgive other democrats lying then, and now.

There ya go Marty!

He lied about sex! What married man would lie about have a side bitch? :eusa_shhh:

When you lie under oath during a deposition, the content of the lie is irrelevant, its the act of lying.

Justify it if you want, but he was guilty of perjury.

I agree it is perjury.

I'm not justifying it just showing you that the question was designed to make him either admit to cheating (divorce maybe) or lie and hope no one finds out (committing perjury)
Clinton lied about a blowjob. Big whoop. Good thing they never put any of our other Presidents under oath to ask them if they ever cheated on their wives.

That a President was put under oath to ask him about sex in the first place is such an incredibly petty tactic.

And I hate the guy. But you know what? The two bozos who followed him make him look pretty damn good in comparison.

He wasn't put under oath to ask him about sex. He was questioned by a Federal Judge regarding the Paula Jones law suit.

Lying to a Judge to deny a fair verdict in a trial is not a good idea. And getting caught is even worse. I am not a lawyer, but I believe the process is called 'discovery' and a pattern of behavour is important.

And everyone knows that Clinton would screw anything with a hole and a heartbeat.

A federal judge yesterday held President Clinton in contempt of court for giving "intentionally false" testimony about his relationship with Monica S. Lewinsky in the Paula Jones lawsuit, marking the first time that a sitting president has been sanctioned for disobeying a court order.

In a biting, 32-page opinion, U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright of Arkansas said Clinton gave "false, misleading and evasive answers that were designed to obstruct the judicial process" in Jones's sexual harassment lawsuit. She specifically cited Clinton's assertions that he was never alone with Lewinsky and that he did not have a sexual relationship with the former White House intern.
On Dec. 19, 1998, then-President Bill Cinton was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives, for deliberately lying to a grand jury about his affairs and sexual harassment of Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, and for willfully obstructing justice and concealing evidence in a lawsuit brought against him by Jones. The House found that these acts rose to the level of an impeachable offense, and approved two articles of impeachment. Special Report: Clinton Accused

Later the Senate convened as a trial court as required by the Constitution. But Senate Democrats evaded their Constitutional duty to decide whether Clinton had actually committed the acts. Instead, they usurped the House duty and simply decided that the acts did not rise to a level of an "impeachable offense", and so voted "Not Guilty" on a straight party-line vote.

Democrats and other leftist fanatics have since frantically spread lies such as "it was only about sex" to divert attention from the high crimes and misdemeanors that actually took place. These diversions continue to the present day. They are similar to lines such as "The Benghazi attacks were only over a video" or "The problems with Obamacare are only because a website doesn't work right".
BTW, "high crimes and misdemeanors" refers simply to crimes and misbehavior while in high office.

"Demeanor" = "behavior"

"Misdemeanor" means "misbehavior", in the language of the people who wrote the Constitution. For example, Federal judges have been imeached and kicked off the bench for repeatedly coming to court drunk... even though getting drunk isn't a crime. "Misbehavior" like that is enough to get you impeached and convicted.

What does high mean?

It has nothing to do with the office you hold

It means significant crimes and misbehaviors while in office

I doubt if it applies to either blowjobs or lying about blowjobs
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Yesterday, actually.

On Dec. 19, 1998, then-President Bill Cinton was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives, for deliberately lying to a grand jury about his affairs and sexual harassment of Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, and for willfully obstructing justice and concealing evidence in a lawsuit brought against him by Jones. The House found that these acts rose to the level of an impeachable offense, and approved two articles of impeachment. Special Report: Clinton Accused

Later the Senate convened as a trial court as required by the Constitution. But Senate Democrats evaded their Constitutional duty to decide whether Clinton had actually committed the acts. Instead, they usurped the House duty and simply decided that the acts did not rise to a level of an "impeachable offense", and so voted "Not Guilty" on a straight party-line vote.

Democrats and other leftist fanatics have since frantically spread lies such as "it was only about sex" to divert attention from the high crimes and misdemeanors that actually took place. These diversions continue to the present day. They are similar to lines such as "The Benghazi attacks were only over a video" or "The problems with Obamacare are only because a website doesn't work right".

Spineless Bull Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the CFMA of 2000. And this is what gets your attention.

Nicely done, blind puppet.
Democrats and other leftist fanatics have since frantically spread lies such as "it was only about sex" to divert attention from the high crimes and misdemeanors that actually took place. These diversions continue to the present day.

I doubt if it applies to either blowjobs or lying about blowjobs

See? There goes another one! :cuckoo:

Yesterday, actually.

On Dec. 19, 1998, then-President Bill Cinton was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives, for deliberately lying to a grand jury about his affairs and sexual harassment of Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, and for willfully obstructing justice and concealing evidence in a lawsuit brought against him by Jones. The House found that these acts rose to the level of an impeachable offense, and approved two articles of impeachment. Special Report: Clinton Accused

Later the Senate convened as a trial court as required by the Constitution. But Senate Democrats evaded their Constitutional duty to decide whether Clinton had actually committed the acts. Instead, they usurped the House duty and simply decided that the acts did not rise to a level of an "impeachable offense", and so voted "Not Guilty" on a straight party-line vote.

Democrats and other leftist fanatics have since frantically spread lies such as "it was only about sex" to divert attention from the high crimes and misdemeanors that actually took place. These diversions continue to the present day. They are similar to lines such as "The Benghazi attacks were only over a video" or "The problems with Obamacare are only because a website doesn't work right".

Spineless Bull Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the CFMA of 2000. And this is what gets your attention.

Nicely done, blind puppet.

No reason to be so ignorant unless it's the anniversary of one or both of those events. DAYM!
Yesterday, actually.

On Dec. 19, 1998, then-President Bill Cinton was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives, for deliberately lying to a grand jury about his affairs and sexual harassment of Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, and for willfully obstructing justice and concealing evidence in a lawsuit brought against him by Jones. The House found that these acts rose to the level of an impeachable offense, and approved two articles of impeachment. Special Report: Clinton Accused

Later the Senate convened as a trial court as required by the Constitution. But Senate Democrats evaded their Constitutional duty to decide whether Clinton had actually committed the acts. Instead, they usurped the House duty and simply decided that the acts did not rise to a level of an "impeachable offense", and so voted "Not Guilty" on a straight party-line vote.

Democrats and other leftist fanatics have since frantically spread lies such as "it was only about sex" to divert attention from the high crimes and misdemeanors that actually took place. These diversions continue to the present day. They are similar to lines such as "The Benghazi attacks were only over a video" or "The problems with Obamacare are only because a website doesn't work right".

Spineless Bull Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the CFMA of 2000. And this is what gets your attention.

Nicely done, blind puppet.

No reason to be so ignorant unless it's the anniversary of one or both of those events. DAYM!

Nor is today. Today is the 20th, not the 19th. :oops:

But give it a few hours, and it'll be the 21st -- the CFMA anniversary. You know, shepherded through Congress in the dead of night by Phil Gramm when the country was distracted by the close election and hanging chads.

I'll look forward to TinyNut's thread on that tomorrow. Because if a blowjob is this important the CFMA is gonna be tomorrow's Duck Dynasty.
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BTW, "high crimes and misdemeanors" refers simply to crimes and misbehavior while in high office.

"Demeanor" = "behavior"

"Misdemeanor" means "misbehavior", in the language of the people who wrote the Constitution. For example, Federal judges have been imeached and kicked off the bench for repeatedly coming to court drunk... even though getting drunk isn't a crime. "Misbehavior" like that is enough to get you impeached and convicted.

What does high mean?

It has nothing to do with the office you hold

It means significant crimes and misbehaviors while in office

I doubt if it applies to either blowjobs or lying about blowjobs

Lying under oath to a grand jury is enough to get anyone impeached.
Spineless Bull Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the CFMA of 2000. And this is what gets your attention.

Nicely done, blind puppet.

No reason to be so ignorant unless it's the anniversary of one or both of those events. DAYM!

Nor is today. Today is the 20th, not the 19th. :oops:

But give it a few hours, and it'll be the 21st -- the CFMA anniversary. You know, shepherded through Congress in the dead of night by Phil Gramm when the country was distracted by the close election and hanging chads.

I'll look forward to TinyNut's thread on that tomorrow. Because if a blowjob is this important the CFMA is gonna be tomorrow's Duck Dynasty.

Did you read the OP he stipulated that that anniversary was actually yesterday, but you're welcome to start a thread on the CFMA tomorrow if your so passionate about it.
No reason to be so ignorant unless it's the anniversary of one or both of those events. DAYM!

Nor is today. Today is the 20th, not the 19th. :oops:

But give it a few hours, and it'll be the 21st -- the CFMA anniversary. You know, shepherded through Congress in the dead of night by Phil Gramm when the country was distracted by the close election and hanging chads.

I'll look forward to TinyNut's thread on that tomorrow. Because if a blowjob is this important the CFMA is gonna be tomorrow's Duck Dynasty.

Did you read the OP he stipulated that that anniversary was actually yesterday, but you're welcome to start a thread on the CFMA tomorrow if your so passionate about it.

Hey, you're the guy who made a big deal about what date it is.
And then there's the thread title...

No, I just find it interesting that with all the things Bull Clinton actually did to fuck over this country, what the little Nut notices is a blow job. That says a lot.
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Nor is today. Today is the 20th, not the 19th. :oops:

But give it a few hours, and it'll be the 21st -- the CFMA anniversary. You know, shepherded through Congress in the dead of night by Phil Gramm when the country was distracted by the close election and hanging chads.

I'll look forward to TinyNut's thread on that tomorrow. Because if a blowjob is this important the CFMA is gonna be tomorrow's Duck Dynasty.

Did you read the OP he stipulated that that anniversary was actually yesterday, but you're welcome to start a thread on the CFMA tomorrow if your so passionate about it.

Hey, you're the guy who made a big deal about what date it is.
And then there's the thread title...

No, I just find it interesting that with all the things Bull Clinton actually did to fuck over this country, what the little Nut notices is a blow job. That says a lot.

Why didn't you say it was personal to begin with, then I would have let you get on with your ignorance uninterrupted. So carry on with the vendetta and I'll just watch you make an ass of yourself.
Did you read the OP he stipulated that that anniversary was actually yesterday, but you're welcome to start a thread on the CFMA tomorrow if your so passionate about it.

Hey, you're the guy who made a big deal about what date it is.
And then there's the thread title...

No, I just find it interesting that with all the things Bull Clinton actually did to fuck over this country, what the little Nut notices is a blow job. That says a lot.

Why didn't you say it was personal to begin with, then I would have let you get on with your ignorance uninterrupted. So carry on with the vendetta and I'll just watch you make an ass of yourself.

"Personal"? Where do you see anything "personal"? :dunno:

The date is the date. We're either on the date, or we are not.
What statue on the books makes getting a blow job a crime?

Absolutely none, but that is not why he was impeached an you damn well know it. But thanks for once again proving that truth just doesn't matter over party.
BTW, "high crimes and misdemeanors" refers simply to crimes and misbehavior while in high office.

"Demeanor" = "behavior"

"Misdemeanor" means "misbehavior", in the language of the people who wrote the Constitution. For example, Federal judges have been imeached and kicked off the bench for repeatedly coming to court drunk... even though getting drunk isn't a crime. "Misbehavior" like that is enough to get you impeached and convicted.

What does high mean?

It has nothing to do with the office you hold

It means significant crimes and misbehaviors while in office

I doubt if it applies to either blowjobs or lying about blowjobs

Lying under oath to a grand jury is enough to get anyone impeached.

Only to conservative whack jobs.........lying about a blow job does not even approach a high crime
Hey, you're the guy who made a big deal about what date it is.
And then there's the thread title...

No, I just find it interesting that with all the things Bull Clinton actually did to fuck over this country, what the little Nut notices is a blow job. That says a lot.

Why didn't you say it was personal to begin with, then I would have let you get on with your ignorance uninterrupted. So carry on with the vendetta and I'll just watch you make an ass of yourself.

"Personal"? Where do you see anything "personal"? :dunno:

The date is the date. We're either on the date, or we are not.

Changing his handle was a bit of a give away there champ. Carry on.
Why didn't you say it was personal to begin with, then I would have let you get on with your ignorance uninterrupted. So carry on with the vendetta and I'll just watch you make an ass of yourself.

"Personal"? Where do you see anything "personal"? :dunno:

The date is the date. We're either on the date, or we are not.

Changing his handle was a bit of a give away there champ. Carry on.

Pffft. Uh --- I change everybody's handle, friend, foe or indifferent, just as I take liberties with spellings, alliterations and mixed metaphors.

Try again.... Okie. :D

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