Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rules against Obama and Immigration Executive Order

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants.

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — President Barack Obama's plan to protect from deportation an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally has suffered another setback in court.

In a 2-1 decision, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld a Texas-based judge's injunction blocking the Obama administration's immigration initiative.

Republicans had criticized the plan as an illegal executive overreach when Obama announced it last November. Twenty-six states challenged the plan in court.

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation
It's all theatre. And when Lindsey Graham said the Donald would lose in a matchup with Hillary, who would get 350 EV, he was probably right. I still think it'll be Rubio for the gop though.
Rubio will flame out. Have to look further down the card to a kasich, christie, or bush
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants.

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — President Barack Obama's plan to protect from deportation an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally has suffered another setback in court.

In a 2-1 decision, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld a Texas-based judge's injunction blocking the Obama administration's immigration initiative.

Republicans had criticized the plan as an illegal executive overreach when Obama announced it last November. Twenty-six states challenged the plan in court.

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation
It's all theatre. And when Lindsey Graham said the Donald would lose in a matchup with Hillary, who would get 350 EV, he was probably right. I still think it'll be Rubio for the gop though.

I would have said Rubio, too... a week ago.

let's see how he handles the Donald.... and just how stupid GOP voters really are.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation

the Louisiana circuit?

meh..... that's what the supreme court is for.
It will go before the full panel prior to that.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants.

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — President Barack Obama's plan to protect from deportation an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally has suffered another setback in court.

In a 2-1 decision, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld a Texas-based judge's injunction blocking the Obama administration's immigration initiative.

Republicans had criticized the plan as an illegal executive overreach when Obama announced it last November. Twenty-six states challenged the plan in court.

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation
It's all theatre. And when Lindsey Graham said the Donald would lose in a matchup with Hillary, who would get 350 EV, he was probably right. I still think it'll be Rubio for the gop though.

I would have said Rubio, too... a week ago.

let's see how he handles the Donald.... and just how stupid GOP voters really are.
I'm not sure the Donald won't win the nomination.

I think the 5th Cir will rule against Obama though, and frankly I think the dems are OK with that. They want a gop candidate who either will say no amnesty or have to alienate the base by supporting it. Either way, it's a win for the dems.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation
this sucks!!! Now who is going to clean all of my toilets???

The fact that our Mexican and South American alien friends are willing to clean toilets is telling. They subscribe to the work ethic and are not a burden on the public fisc.

Does the word illegal mean nothing anymore?

In the context of immigration law it means poor powerless nonwhite European.

No illegal means illegal. I don't give a crap what class, color, or power you do or don't have.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — President Barack Obama's plan to protect from deportation an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally has suffered another setback in court.

In a 2-1 decision, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld a Texas-based judge's injunction blocking the Obama administration's immigration initiative.

Republicans had criticized the plan as an illegal executive overreach when Obama announced it last November. Twenty-six states challenged the plan in court.

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation


The racist motherfuckers in the Fifth Circuit are wrong.

There is a history of prosecutorial discretion in immigration law.

That's how John Lennon was allowed to stay here.

Their decision ought to be reversed and the case remanded.
I'll let em know to expect your friend of the court filing.

I'm sure that they're looking forward to seeing your expert analysis
this sucks!!! Now who is going to clean all of my toilets???

The fact that our Mexican and South American alien friends are willing to clean toilets is telling. They subscribe to the work ethic and are not a burden on the public fisc.

Does the word illegal mean nothing anymore?

In the context of immigration law it means poor powerless nonwhite European.

No illegal means illegal. I don't give a crap what class, color, or power you do or don't have.

It is up to each individual state to determine whether they will grant admission.

The ONLY illegality is this matter was the CHAE CHAN PING v. UNITED STATES., 9 S. Ct. 623, 130 U.S. 581 (U.S. 05/13/1889) - the Chinese Exclusion case - where SCOTUS RACIST scumbags ruled that Congress could exclude the Chinese even though at the time there were NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAWS . The Last immigration law expired in the year 1800.

this sucks!!! Now who is going to clean all of my toilets???

The fact that our Mexican and South American alien friends are willing to clean toilets is telling. They subscribe to the work ethic and are not a burden on the public fisc.

Does the word illegal mean nothing anymore?

In the context of immigration law it means poor powerless nonwhite European.

No illegal means illegal. I don't give a crap what class, color, or power you do or don't have.

no you care which brand of president issues the executive order. it was hunky dory when bush issued hundreds of executive orders... but when this president does it, you all go into meltdown.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants.

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — President Barack Obama's plan to protect from deportation an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally has suffered another setback in court.

In a 2-1 decision, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld a Texas-based judge's injunction blocking the Obama administration's immigration initiative.

Republicans had criticized the plan as an illegal executive overreach when Obama announced it last November. Twenty-six states challenged the plan in court.

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation
These damned activist judges legislating from the bench ought to be impeached!!! :mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants.

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — President Barack Obama's plan to protect from deportation an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally has suffered another setback in court.

In a 2-1 decision, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld a Texas-based judge's injunction blocking the Obama administration's immigration initiative.

Republicans had criticized the plan as an illegal executive overreach when Obama announced it last November. Twenty-six states challenged the plan in court.

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation
These damned activist judges legislating from the bench ought to be impeached!!! :mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

According to the op it is not judicial activism whenever they ruled against brown skin individuals and negroid presidents.

this sucks!!! Now who is going to clean all of my toilets???

The fact that our Mexican and South American alien friends are willing to clean toilets is telling. They subscribe to the work ethic and are not a burden on the public fisc.

Does the word illegal mean nothing anymore?

In the context of immigration law it means poor powerless nonwhite European.

No illegal means illegal. I don't give a crap what class, color, or power you do or don't have.

no you care which brand of president issues the executive order. it was hunky dory when bush issued hundreds of executive orders... but when this president does it, you all go into meltdown.
Which one of W's EOs was crafted specifically to sidestep congress?
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants.

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — President Barack Obama's plan to protect from deportation an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally has suffered another setback in court.

In a 2-1 decision, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld a Texas-based judge's injunction blocking the Obama administration's immigration initiative.

Republicans had criticized the plan as an illegal executive overreach when Obama announced it last November. Twenty-six states challenged the plan in court.

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation
These damned activist judges legislating from the bench ought to be impeached!!! :mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

According to the op it is not judicial activism whenever they ruled against brown skin individuals and negroid presidents.


That has to be one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard.

Tell me, what if the 5th Circuit ruled in the Administration's favor? Would you be calling it "judicial activism" or would you be lauding them for their sound judgement?

Also, quit playing the race card. It's stupid.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — President Barack Obama's plan to protect from deportation an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally has suffered another setback in court.

In a 2-1 decision, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld a Texas-based judge's injunction blocking the Obama administration's immigration initiative.

Republicans had criticized the plan as an illegal executive overreach when Obama announced it last November. Twenty-six states challenged the plan in court.

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation


The racist motherfuckers in the Fifth Circuit are wrong.

There is a history of prosecutorial discretion in immigration law.

That's how John Lennon was allowed to stay here.

Their decision ought to be reversed and the case remanded.

Shhhh! Don't be an armchair legal scholar.

The Fifth Circuit ruling is NOT the Law. , its a bold face usurpation

Ironic. So you think Obama is the law?
Shhhh! Don't be an armchair legal scholar.

The Fifth Circuit ruling is NOT the Law. , its a bold face usurpation

Give it a rest. You would be celebrating if they had ruled in favor of Obama. The law doesn't mean shit to you.



4. _Resolved_, That alien friends are under the jurisdiction and protection of the laws of the State wherein they are: that no power over them has been delegated to the United States, nor prohibited to the individual States, distinct from their power over citizens. And it being true as a general principle, and one of the amendments to the Constitution having also declared, that "the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people," the act of the Congress of the United States, passed on the -- day of July, 1798, intituled "An Act concerning aliens," which assumes powers over alien friends, not delegated by the Constitution, is not law, but is altogether void, and of no force.




Quiet you.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States... | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


Is "punishment" where we laugh our asses off at your idiotic legal theories?
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation


The racist motherfuckers in the Fifth Circuit are wrong.

There is a history of prosecutorial discretion in immigration law.

That's how John Lennon was allowed to stay here.

Their decision ought to be reversed and the case remanded.

Shhhh! Don't be an armchair legal scholar.

The Fifth Circuit ruling is NOT the Law. , its a bold face usurpation
Actually, the courts DO have bearing on a case...

Maybe the fact that Democrats won't accept that explains why pissed-off judges put so many of the rebellious bastards in prison for their illegal activities.









Wrong, moron, they don't have discretion on which laws to enforce. They have discretion in individual cases.
this sucks!!! Now who is going to clean all of my toilets???

The fact that our Mexican and South American alien friends are willing to clean toilets is telling. They subscribe to the work ethic and are not a burden on the public fisc.

Does the word illegal mean nothing anymore?

In the context of immigration law it means poor powerless nonwhite European.

No illegal means illegal. I don't give a crap what class, color, or power you do or don't have.

no you care which brand of president issues the executive order. it was hunky dory when bush issued hundreds of executive orders... but when this president does it, you all go into meltdown.

Bush's Executive Orders didn't violate the Constitution, dingbat.
so what happens now? it goes to the SC who may take the case in 2018?

No, I heard the case will be heard in 2016, right in the middle of an election.
what if the SC says no? then what will bambi do?

The liberal bimbo who said it claimed that if the SC upheld the decision, that would help Hillary. Yeah, because we all know that Americans all want the president to wipe his ass on the Constitution.

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