Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rules against Obama and Immigration Executive Order

Evidently, much to Barry's chagrin, by-passing Congress in an attempt to grant Amnesty to millions of illegals is STLL Un-Constitutional! Something tells me the narcissistic 'Constitutional Scholar' will NOT be a 'happy camper' this morning after this decision, but he won't stop trying to impose his will despite the Constitution or courts.


Appeals court keeps block on Obama immigration actions

LINK: Appeals court keeps block on Obama immigration actions

A federal appeals court has rejected President Barack Obama's effort to move forward with a series of executive actions he announced last year seeking to give quasi-legal status and work permits to millions of undocumented immigrants. The 2-1 ruling Monday from the New Orleans-based 5th Circuit is a defeat for the Obama administration.


Obama jock-toters, though, are declaring this SECOND (2nd) DEFEAT thwarting Obama's UN-Constitutional attempt at by-passing Congress to bestow amnesty on illegals has come at a great time. The 5th Circuit Court's quick decision could possibly allow the case to be taken up by the Supreme Court before this term is up.

I am not sure why they would even bother, though. The lower courts have followed the Constitution to a 'T'. Obama is un-deniably attempting to by-pass Congress, in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution - which he himself swore an oath upon to protect, defend, and enforce. KNOWING such an act would not make it through Congress (much like his decision to take the nation to war on his own in Libya), he is intent on violating the Constitution and by-passing Congress to impose his own will on America. (Before you libs start squealing about how this is not true...2 Federal Courts say you're wrong...and says what Obama is doing is UN-Constitutional.)

So, President Obama, in regards to your Un-Constitutional attempt to grant amnesty on a people who have shown they have no respect for our Constitution (like you) or our Rule of Law (like you), CEASE AND DESIST...DO NOT PASS 'GO'...DO NOT COLLECT ONE DIME MORE OF OUR TAX DOLLARS TO FUND THIS SHAM! Unless / Until the SCOTS decides otherwise...GO AWAY!

Obama jock-toters, though, are declaring this SECOND (2nd) DEFEAT thwarting Obama's UN-Constitutional attempt at by-passing Congress to bestow amnesty on illegals has come at a great time. The 5th Circuit Court's quick decision could possibly allow the case to be taken up by the Supreme Court before this term is up.

isnt it curious how the Left sees the SCOTUS as its friend? Lol anyway the Left always tries to spin their defeats and re-market them as successes
I really hope there is a huge conservative vote turn out in the next election. You can't let a President Hillary Clinton appoint anyone to the Supreme Court.
So, President Obama, in regards to your Un-Constitutional attempt to grant amnesty on a people who have shown they have no respect for our Constitution (like you) or our Rule of Law (like you), CEASE AND DESIST...DO NOT PASS 'GO'...DO NOT COLLECT ONE DIME MORE OF OUR TAX DOLLARS TO FUND THIS SHAM! Unless / Until the SCOTS decides otherwise...GO AWAY!

bet all of you morons ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ can't wait to demonize Hillary after she becomes President for the NEXT 8 YEARS !!!!!!!!!!!!



oh yeah the POTUS can override Congress because he's their BOSS ... still unconstitutional 8 years later huh???

pathetic little creatures ....

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:blahblah:I love the smell of Liberal panic in the smells like desperation and defeat. :p
:blahblah:I love the smell of Liberal panic in the smells like desperation and defeat. :p
Not sure anybody really gives a fuck at this point actually. There are a lot of other things to worry about at the moment.
Evidently, much to Barry's chagrin, by-passing Congress in an attempt to grant Amnesty to millions of illegals is STLL Un-Constitutional! Something tells me the narcissistic 'Constitutional Scholar' will NOT be a 'happy camper' this morning after this decision, but he won't stop trying to impose his will despite the Constitution or courts.


Appeals court keeps block on Obama immigration actions

LINK: Appeals court keeps block on Obama immigration actions

A federal appeals court has rejected President Barack Obama's effort to move forward with a series of executive actions he announced last year seeking to give quasi-legal status and work permits to millions of undocumented immigrants. The 2-1 ruling Monday from the New Orleans-based 5th Circuit is a defeat for the Obama administration.


Obama jock-toters, though, are declaring this SECOND (2nd) DEFEAT thwarting Obama's UN-Constitutional attempt at by-passing Congress to bestow amnesty on illegals has come at a great time. The 5th Circuit Court's quick decision could possibly allow the case to be taken up by the Supreme Court before this term is up.

I am not sure why they would even bother, though. The lower courts have followed the Constitution to a 'T'. Obama is un-deniably attempting to by-pass Congress, in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution - which he himself swore an oath upon to protect, defend, and enforce. KNOWING such an act would not make it through Congress (much like his decision to take the nation to war on his own in Libya), he is intent on violating the Constitution and by-passing Congress to impose his own will on America. (Before you libs start squealing about how this is not true...2 Federal Courts say you're wrong...and says what Obama is doing is UN-Constitutional.)

So, President Obama, in regards to your Un-Constitutional attempt to grant amnesty on a people who have shown they have no respect for our Constitution (like you) or our Rule of Law (like you), CEASE AND DESIST...DO NOT PASS 'GO'...DO NOT COLLECT ONE DIME MORE OF OUR TAX DOLLARS TO FUND THIS SHAM! Unless / Until the SCOTS decides otherwise...GO AWAY!

Obama is retaliating by appointing an Open Borders / Sanctuary City advocate to run the Border Patrol. She will order them to release any and all illegals they " catch ". THE BORDER WILL BE WIDE OPEN WITH NO ATTEMPT TO STOP THE INVASION.
bet all of you morons ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ can't wait to demonize Hillary after she becomes President for the NEXT 8 YEARS !!!!!!!!!!!!



oh yeah the POTUS can override Congress because he's their BOSS ... still unconstitutional 8 years later huh???

pathetic little creatures ....


Thank you for proving you have no idea how the powers of government work.

Please continue to entertain us with more of your ignorance
Obama is retaliating by appointing an Open Borders / Sanctuary City advocate to run the Border Patrol. She will order them to release any and all illegals they " catch ". THE BORDER WILL BE WIDE OPEN WITH NO ATTEMPT TO STOP THE INVASION.


Because they agreed to become part of a sovereign nation. A state can't maintain its own sovereignty while existing as part of a sovereign nation. States do not possess equal sovereignty with the US Government, their admittance is acknowledgement that the law of the US is the supreme in all of the land.


The Constitution has NEVER been amended to confer upon the federal government exclusive immigration authority.

Federal immigration law expired in 1800.

In 1860 when a RACIST SCOTUS decided that the Chinese presence constituted an "emergency" - not because they were jihading or terrorizing or receiving food stamps but because white Europeans did not like them because they were punctual, never got sick and wanted to work in the California mines.


The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — President Barack Obama's plan to protect from deportation an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally has suffered another setback in court.

In a 2-1 decision, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld a Texas-based judge's injunction blocking the Obama administration's immigration initiative.

Republicans had criticized the plan as an illegal executive overreach when Obama announced it last November. Twenty-six states challenged the plan in court.

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation
this sucks!!! Now who is going to clean all of my toilets???

The fact that our Mexican and South American alien friends are willing to clean toilets is telling. They subscribe to the work ethic and are not a burden on the public fisc.

Does the word illegal mean nothing anymore?
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — President Barack Obama's plan to protect from deportation an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally has suffered another setback in court.

In a 2-1 decision, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld a Texas-based judge's injunction blocking the Obama administration's immigration initiative.

Republicans had criticized the plan as an illegal executive overreach when Obama announced it last November. Twenty-six states challenged the plan in court.

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation


The racist motherfuckers in the Fifth Circuit are wrong.

There is a history of prosecutorial discretion in immigration law.

That's how John Lennon was allowed to stay here.

Their decision ought to be reversed and the case remanded.

Earth to dumbass, prosecutorial discretion is intended for individual cases, not whole classes of criminals.
That is your opinion. Guidance for discretion does not conflict with your opinion though
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — President Barack Obama's plan to protect from deportation an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally has suffered another setback in court.

In a 2-1 decision, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld a Texas-based judge's injunction blocking the Obama administration's immigration initiative.

Republicans had criticized the plan as an illegal executive overreach when Obama announced it last November. Twenty-six states challenged the plan in court.

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation
this sucks!!! Now who is going to clean all of my toilets???

The fact that our Mexican and South American alien friends are willing to clean toilets is telling. They subscribe to the work ethic and are not a burden on the public fisc.

Does the word illegal mean nothing anymore?

In the context of immigration law it means poor powerless nonwhite European.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to uphold an injunction issued by a Texas judge who struck down Obama's executive order on immigration. The EO was designed to prevent the deportations of 5 million illegal immigrants.

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — President Barack Obama's plan to protect from deportation an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally has suffered another setback in court.

In a 2-1 decision, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld a Texas-based judge's injunction blocking the Obama administration's immigration initiative.

Republicans had criticized the plan as an illegal executive overreach when Obama announced it last November. Twenty-six states challenged the plan in court.

Appeals court rules against Obama's plan to protect about 5 million people from deportation
It's all theatre. And when Lindsey Graham said the Donald would lose in a matchup with Hillary, who would get 350 EV, he was probably right. I still think it'll be Rubio for the gop though.

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