"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

Are you saying that Communism doesn't demand Atheism? .

Communism and atheism have nothing to do with one another. You are trying to tie them together to make your shitty Christianity seem less terrible than it actually is.
You have posted extensively in this thread about your virulent hatred and objection to Christianity and Christians, yet you do not have any rants to an equal degree against Islam and Muslims?

This thread is about Christianity. That's literally what the OP is about. You all are trying to make it about something else by drudging up Communism and Islam in an attempt to make Christians look like they're victims of something. They're not. All religions suck equally. All religions are stupid. All religions are for people too lazy, boring, or stupid to do the hard work of critical thinking.

The threat the Western world faces is not from Christianity but from Islam.

No, the threat the Western World faces is the same as the rest of the world; climate change. Followed closely by religious dogma of any kind.
You can't even understand basic logic....don't lecture anyone else about them not being "critical thinkers". You are the furthest thing from a critical thinker.
Are you saying that Communism doesn't demand Atheism? .

Communism and atheism have nothing to do with one another. You are trying to tie them together to make your shitty Christianity seem less terrible than it actually is.
Yes they do. Marxism/Communism's end goal is an atheistic stateless society where everyone owns the means of production equally and only takes from what is produced what they need.

You're a complete moron that doesn't know what he is talking about. Lol
Yep. Without a higher authority it is up to each of us to determine what is right and wrong.

Which is why we have laws. The thing you're describing is called society. You don't need a Bible or a belief in a higher power to be "moral". Aesop didn't have that and he wrote morality tales 600 years before Jesus was even born. Christians like to pretend that they are the ones who gave us morality, but morality had already existed long before, and you can see that morality in the writings of ancient Greek playwrights and philosophers.
You can't even understand basic logic....don't lecture anyone else about them not being "critical thinkers". You are the furthest thing from a critical thinker.

You're the one who believes in a magical cloud being that listens to every prayer and created the world in 6 days by wiggling his fingers.

That's about as far from critical thinking as one can get.
Yep. Without a higher authority it is up to each of us to determine what is right and wrong.

Which is why we have laws. The thing you're describing is called society. You don't need a Bible or a belief in a higher power to be "moral". Aesop didn't have that and he wrote morality tales 600 years before Jesus was even born. Christians like to pretend that they are the ones who gave us morality, but morality had already existed long before, and you can see that morality in the writings of ancient Greek playwrights and philosophers.
Hey idiot, if atheism is correct.. Laws don't mean diddly squat. Laws are based on objective moral values, atheism has no way to judge what is objectively morally wrong or right.

Try harder.
Yes they do.

No, they don't. They are mutually exclusive.

Marxism/Communism's end goal is an atheistic stateless society where everyone owns the means of production equally and only takes from what is produced what they need.

So the addition of "athiestic" is new to this definition of Communism. But again, atheism and Communism are mutually exclusive things.
You can't even understand basic logic....don't lecture anyone else about them not being "critical thinkers". You are the furthest thing from a critical thinker.

You're the one who believes in a magical cloud being that listens to every prayer and created the world in 6 days by wiggling his fingers.

That's about as far from critical thinking as one can get.
Wrong, degenerate. If God exists, he doesn't exist within His creation...he exists outside of it. And if He exists, he is timeless, without beginning and without ending...the being or force that holds everything in this universe together. He exists outside of space and time.....if God exists.
Yep. Without a higher authority it is up to each of us to determine what is right and wrong.

Which is why we have laws. The thing you're describing is called society. You don't need a Bible or a belief in a higher power to be "moral". Aesop didn't have that and he wrote morality tales 600 years before Jesus was even born. Christians like to pretend that they are the ones who gave us morality, but morality had already existed long before, and you can see that morality in the writings of ancient Greek playwrights and philosophers.
Pol Pot had laws. Hitler too.

Thanks for validating my point.
Hey idiot, if atheism is correct.. Laws don't mean diddly squat. Laws are based on objective moral values, atheism has no way to judge what is objectively morally wrong or right.

Try harder.

More whiny victimhood from the snowflake! I never said atheism is correct. As I've said multiple times, if you want to pray in private or in a church to some magical cloud being, go for it. My problem starts when you start imposing the "morality" of your faith on the rule of law. So pray all you want. Believe in a flying spaghetti monster. Just don't bring that shit to the legislature, or evangelize it in public.
You can't even understand basic logic....don't lecture anyone else about them not being "critical thinkers". You are the furthest thing from a critical thinker.

You're the one who believes in a magical cloud being that listens to every prayer and created the world in 6 days by wiggling his fingers.

That's about as far from critical thinking as one can get.
And you believe Bach is a byproduct of an explosion.
Wrong, degenerate

Hahaha! OK...you think belief in God is the result of critical thinking? How so?

If God exists, he doesn't exist within His creation...he exists outside of it. And if He exists, he is timeless, without beginning and without ending...the being or force that holds everything in this universe together. He exists outside of space and time.....if God exists.

So, what you're describing is The Force, not God.
Yes they do.

No, they don't. They are mutually exclusive.

Marxism/Communism's end goal is an atheistic stateless society where everyone owns the means of production equally and only takes from what is produced what they need.

So the addition of "athiestic" is new to this definition of Communism. But again, atheism and Communism are mutually exclusive things.
You are full of nothing but fail, ain't ya sparky?
Hey idiot, if atheism is correct.. Laws don't mean diddly squat. Laws are based on objective moral values, atheism has no way to judge what is objectively morally wrong or right.

Try harder.

More whiny victimhood from the snowflake! I never said atheism is correct. As I've said multiple times, if you want to pray in private or in a church to some magical cloud being, go for it. My problem starts when you start imposing the "morality" of your faith on the rule of law. So pray all you want. Believe in a flying spaghetti monster. Just don't bring that shit to the legislature, or evangelize it in public.
Why are you afraid to tell us what in the Bible is a threat to you?
You have posted extensively in this thread about your virulent hatred and objection to Christianity and Christians, yet you do not have any rants to an equal degree against Islam and Muslims?

This thread is about Christianity. That's literally what the OP is about. You all are trying to make it about something else by drudging up Communism and Islam in an attempt to make Christians look like they're victims of something. They're not. All religions suck equally. All religions are stupid. All religions are for people too lazy, boring, or stupid to do the hard work of critical thinking.

The threat the Western world faces is not from Christianity but from Islam.

No, the threat the Western World faces is the same as the rest of the world; climate change. Followed closely by religious dogma of any kind.
Climate change the biggest threat?

Most prolific period of life on earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic circle.

Science is your friend, embrace it.
And you believe Bach is a byproduct of an explosion.

There was a time when religion did lead to great art and innovation. But that time has long passed. It's not the Renaissance anymore, it's the modern era. Thanks to science, we can now explain things that people in 1500's Europe couldn't and chalked up to God.
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Climate change the biggest threat?

Yes. It's what caused the Syrian Civil War. It's what's caused mass starvation and droughts. It's what's caused these awful hurricanes. It's what's caused sea levels to rise, ocean temperatures to warm, and the proliferation of disease. What do you think is frozen up there in the ice of the polar caps? Billions and billions of microorganisms that have been dormant for millions of years. Do you think our vulnerable bodies can bear the impact of the millions-of-years-frozen diseases, viruses, bacteria, and organisms for which there is no vaccine, no cure, no treatment? Because they discover all sorts of new shit every day on land. That should fucking terrify you, but it doesn't because you don't exercise critical thinking. Because you're a zealot.

Most prolific period of life on earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic circle.


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