"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

No tangible product - obviously you've never seen the great cathedrals around the world or the Vatican.

That serve what purpose? None. They're just pretty. Why do you need a gold-plated chapel to worship? Why can't you just worship in your own home? Or in a cave, like they used to?
Climate change the biggest threat?

Yes. It's what caused the Syrian Civil War. It's what's caused mass starvation and droughts. It's what's caused these awful hurricanes. It's what's caused sea levels to rise, ocean temperatures to warm, and the proliferation of disease. What do you think is frozen up there in the ice of the polar caps? Billions and billions of microorganisms that have been dormant for millions of years. Do you think our vulnerable bodies can bear the impact of the millions-of-years-frozen diseases, viruses, bacteria, and organisms for which there is no vaccine, no cure, no treatment? Because they discover all sorts of new shit every day on land. That should fucking terrify you, but it doesn't because you don't exercise critical thinking. Because you're a zealot.

Most prolific period of life on earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic circle.

Ah, so people enjoyed living under the tyrant Assad, but only attacked his regime because of climate change! And billions of microorganisms are going to pounce on you because no one has ever looked in the arctic ice to see what's in it!

Try to embrace science, it is your friend.
No tangible product - obviously you've never seen the great cathedrals around the world or the Vatican.

That serve what purpose? None. They're just pretty. Why do you need a gold-plated chapel to worship? Why can't you just worship in your own home? Or in a cave, like they used to?
Where's the gold plated chapel at?

Oh yeah, another stupid strawman.
Oh. So neither Judism nor Christianity are a threat, yet you attack their faiths.

Wah wah! Such a fucking whiner.

Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism...it's all the same stupid shit as far as I'm concerned. I "attack" it because it attacks me by you snake-handlers imposing that flawed, religious belief system into the rule of law and society. I don't share your shitty beliefs, so why should I be forced to abide by them?
Oh. So neither Judism nor Christianity are a threat, yet you attack their faiths.

Wah wah! Such a fucking whiner.

Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism...it's all the same stupid shit as far as I'm concerned. I "attack" it because it attacks me by you snake-handlers imposing that flawed, religious belief system into the rule of law and society. I don't share your shitty beliefs, so why should I be forced to abide by them?
You're the one claiming nothing in the Bible is a threat.

How long have you been having these psychotic episodes about people and microorganisms after you?
Hey idiot, if atheism is correct.. Laws don't mean diddly squat. Laws are based on objective moral values, atheism has no way to judge what is objectively morally wrong or right.

Try harder.

More whiny victimhood from the snowflake! I never said atheism is correct. As I've said multiple times, if you want to pray in private or in a church to some magical cloud being, go for it. My problem starts when you start imposing the "morality" of your faith on the rule of law. So pray all you want. Believe in a flying spaghetti monster. Just don't bring that shit to the legislature, or evangelize it in public.

"More whiny victimhood from the snowflake!"

It's you who are the whiny victim Snowflake, in this thread you said you were being victimised by Christians.

And no you do NOT have to sit here and be victimised, you have the Free Choice to log off and stop embarrassing yourself, or are you a Masochist or something?

Only threads you join on religion are when you attack Christianity, coward.

Because you're the shitholes who are evangelizing your faith. You're the ones who are throwing your faith around in my face when you wear those stupid crosses. You think if Jesus "came back" he'd ever want to see a fucking cross again!?!?!? That's like brandishing a swastika at Elie Weisel's funeral.

Fact is, mass murderers are just as ethical as any atheist. To each his own in making up the rules.

If you need a book written by a bunch of goat-herders and cave-dwellers to teach you morality, then you've got mental problems. Good thing you can now get treatment for them at no cost. I believe a "thanks Obama" is in store for that...
Wrong, degenerate

Hahaha! OK...you think belief in God is the result of critical thinking? How so?

If God exists, he doesn't exist within His creation...he exists outside of it. And if He exists, he is timeless, without beginning and without ending...the being or force that holds everything in this universe together. He exists outside of space and time.....if God exists.

So, what you're describing is The Force, not God.
That force would have to be sentient in order to create the universe and everything in it... So therefore that force is God. I cannot prove that being/force is the christian God...but I believe it can only be the christian God because that's the only God that fits the bill when you look into it.
More naive claptrap. Communism has and always require the suppression of religion.

First of all, I never said I wasnted to suppress religion. So this is you creating a straw man. In fact, I've said several times that if you want to worship some magical cloud being, go for it. Just don't push that religious bullshit on society. Pray in private, like Jesus said you should. Or pray in a church. It's not religion if you're forcing your religious views on social laws. That's called theocracy. Which seems to be what you want.
Only threads you join on religion are when you attack Christianity, coward.

Because you're the shitholes who are evangelizing your faith. You're the ones who are throwing your faith around in my face when you wear those stupid crosses. You think if Jesus "came back" he'd ever want to see a fucking cross again!?!?!? That's like brandishing a swastika at Elie Weisel's funeral.

Fact is, mass murderers are just as ethical as any atheist. To each his own in making up the rules.

If you need a book written by a bunch of goat-herders and cave-dwellers to teach you morality, then you've got mental problems. Good thing you can now get treatment for them at no cost. I believe a "thanks Obama" is in store for that...
Nobody is claiming you cannot be moral and an atheist at the same time... I would say because God exists, that's how you know right from wrong. God has written morality on our hearts, we have the choice to obey what we know to be right or go against it.
Why are you afraid to tell us what in the Bible is a threat to you?

The Bible doesn't threaten me. Morons like you who take it literally do.

The Bible doesn't threaten you, is this why you have spent 20 pages having continuous and often nonsensical virulent rants against everything in The Bible and bashing Christians?

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