"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

Dufus thinks moral relativism is a good thing.

No, actually, you're the ones doing that when you invoke "Communism" as your defense against the shittiness of religion. It's "whataboutism" at its finest. It's all Christians do. What a bunch of whiners.
Coward. Still won't ever join a thread about Islam.

So what's got sand in your panties is that I don't join a thread to bash Islam? Wouldn't bashing all religions cover that? Why is it so important for you to have me single out Islam when I think all religions are equally stupid and disgusting? Are you that insecure?

You have posted extensively in this thread about your virulent hatred and objection to Christianity and Christians, yet you do not have any rants to an equal degree against Islam and Muslims?


The threat the Western world faces is not from Christianity but from Islam.
Coward. Still won't ever join a thread about Islam.

So what's got sand in your panties is that I don't join a thread to bash Islam? Wouldn't bashing all religions cover that? Why is it so important for you to have me single out Islam when I think all religions are equally stupid and disgusting? Are you that insecure?
Only threads you join on religion are when you attack Christianity, coward.

Fact is, mass murderers are just as ethical as any atheist. To each his own in making up the rules.
Communism is the codification of atheist law.

No, it's not and you just made that shit up.

Are you saying that Communism doesn't demand Atheism? The first thing the Bolsheviks did was outlaw Christianity, demolish Christian Churches and demand the people rejected Our Lord, one of the basic tenets of Communism is Atheism and it still is.
It doesn't matter if morality preceded Christianity

For the sake of your argument, it sure as shit does. You are holding Christianity up as this standard of morality when it's not for me, it's not for most people in the world. Your imposition of that standard is what I have a problem with. So if you want to go around, thinking you're moral because you're a Christian, fine. Do that. But if you start going around imposing that religious morality on others, that's when folks get pissed. Christianity is not the standard. Never has been, never will be. In the history of great religions, Christianity is a blip. It's a patchwork mess of morality tales, patriarchy, and genocide. If you don't think you can be moral without being Christian, then you're a dogmatic fundamentalist and no better than those in Iran.
It doesn't matter if morality preceded Christianity

For the sake of your argument, it sure as shit does. You are holding Christianity up as this standard of morality when it's not for me, it's not for most people in the world. Your imposition of that standard is what I have a problem with. So if you want to go around, thinking you're moral because you're a Christian, fine. Do that. But if you start going around imposing that religious morality on others, that's when folks get pissed. Christianity is not the standard. Never has been, never will be. In the history of great religions, Christianity is a blip. It's a patchwork mess of morality tales, patriarchy, and genocide. If you don't think you can be moral without being Christian, then you're a dogmatic fundamentalist and no better than those in Iran.
Again, what in the Bible pisses you off that you think is a threat?
Loving your neighbor?
It doesn't matter if morality preceded Christianity

For the sake of your argument, it sure as shit does. You are holding Christianity up as this standard of morality when it's not for me, it's not for most people in the world. Your imposition of that standard is what I have a problem with. So if you want to go around, thinking you're moral because you're a Christian, fine. Do that. But if you start going around imposing that religious morality on others, that's when folks get pissed. Christianity is not the standard. Never has been, never will be. In the history of great religions, Christianity is a blip. It's a patchwork mess of morality tales, patriarchy, and genocide. If you don't think you can be moral without being Christian, then you're a dogmatic fundamentalist and no better than those in Iran.
And the greatest nation in history was founded upon Judeo Christian values.
Communism is the codification of atheist law.

No, it's not and you just made that shit up.
More naive claptrap. Communism has and always require the suppression of religion.


It doesn't matter if morality preceded Christianity

For the sake of your argument, it sure as shit does. You are holding Christianity up as this standard of morality when it's not for me, it's not for most people in the world. Your imposition of that standard is what I have a problem with. So if you want to go around, thinking you're moral because you're a Christian, fine. Do that. But if you start going around imposing that religious morality on others, that's when folks get pissed. Christianity is not the standard. Never has been, never will be. In the history of great religions, Christianity is a blip. It's a patchwork mess of morality tales, patriarchy, and genocide. If you don't think you can be moral without being Christian, then you're a dogmatic fundamentalist and no better than those in Iran.
I know what ticks you off about the Bible.
Being told we are all created equally in the image of God. It threatens your racist views.
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It doesn't matter if morality preceded Christianity

For the sake of your argument, it sure as shit does. You are holding Christianity up as this standard of morality when it's not for me, it's not for most people in the world. Your imposition of that standard is what I have a problem with. So if you want to go around, thinking you're moral because you're a Christian, fine. Do that. But if you start going around imposing that religious morality on others, that's when folks get pissed. Christianity is not the standard. Never has been, never will be. In the history of great religions, Christianity is a blip. It's a patchwork mess of morality tales, patriarchy, and genocide. If you don't think you can be moral without being Christian, then you're a dogmatic fundamentalist and no better than those in Iran.
No I am not. I am saying if there is no God, I'm not even talking about any particular religion at the moment... If atheists are correct that the only reason we are here is because of some random accidental occurrence in the universe, then there is no objective morality period. There is no right or wrong. Killing someone is right to the one doing the killing, and being killed is only wrong to the person who is being killed. All you have in atheism is subjective morals, what you feeeeel is wrong or right. Atheism provides no vehicle with which to say something is objectively bad or objectively good.

You ought to be glad Christians formed this country, there would have never been a United States if America were discovered by morally bankrupt, atheistic people.
It doesn't matter if morality preceded Christianity

For the sake of your argument, it sure as shit does. You are holding Christianity up as this standard of morality when it's not for me, it's not for most people in the world. Your imposition of that standard is what I have a problem with. So if you want to go around, thinking you're moral because you're a Christian, fine. Do that. But if you start going around imposing that religious morality on others, that's when folks get pissed. Christianity is not the standard. Never has been, never will be. In the history of great religions, Christianity is a blip. It's a patchwork mess of morality tales, patriarchy, and genocide. If you don't think you can be moral without being Christian, then you're a dogmatic fundamentalist and no better than those in Iran.
And the greatest nation in history was founded upon Judeo Christian values.
Derp is probably unaware that most atheists agree with what I am saying. That without God, there are no objective moral values.
It doesn't matter if morality preceded Christianity

For the sake of your argument, it sure as shit does. You are holding Christianity up as this standard of morality when it's not for me, it's not for most people in the world. Your imposition of that standard is what I have a problem with. So if you want to go around, thinking you're moral because you're a Christian, fine. Do that. But if you start going around imposing that religious morality on others, that's when folks get pissed. Christianity is not the standard. Never has been, never will be. In the history of great religions, Christianity is a blip. It's a patchwork mess of morality tales, patriarchy, and genocide. If you don't think you can be moral without being Christian, then you're a dogmatic fundamentalist and no better than those in Iran.
And the greatest nation in history was founded upon Judeo Christian values.
Derp is probably unaware that most atheists agree with what I am saying. That without God, there are no objective moral values.
Yep. Without a higher authority it is up to each of us to determine what is right and wrong.
You have posted extensively in this thread about your virulent hatred and objection to Christianity and Christians, yet you do not have any rants to an equal degree against Islam and Muslims?

This thread is about Christianity. That's literally what the OP is about. You all are trying to make it about something else by drudging up Communism and Islam in an attempt to make Christians look like they're victims of something. They're not. All religions suck equally. All religions are stupid. All religions are for people too lazy, boring, or stupid to do the hard work of critical thinking.

The threat the Western world faces is not from Christianity but from Islam.

No, the threat the Western World faces is the same as the rest of the world; climate change. Followed closely by religious dogma of any kind.

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