"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

Yet another thread where the left are terrified to even mention Islam while they attack Christianity. Brave souls.

Save your Christian victimhood for someone who gives a shit. If you actually paid attention to my posts, you'd see that I think all religions are equally bad and stupid. And that society would be much better off without the lofty and influential position it has. The days of religion leading to great art and innovation are long gone. So if it's not producing those things, what the fuck good is it?

Like I said before, if you need a book to teach you morality, why use the Bible and not Aesop's Fables, which were written before the Bible and are actual morality tales???????
The thread is about Christianity. Save your victim status for the 65 million slaughtered by their own Godless government in the past century.
Yes your ilk are always the victim

In this instance, I am a victim of religious theocratic bullshit, and so are millions of other Americans whose lives are affected by the religious imposition that infects our rule of law.

If you don't like what OOM is commenting you have the option of not responding to it, considering it's causing you so much emotional trauma or whatever you poor little victim you.

All I'm saying is that Christians are not victims.

Christians are not victims?

Tell that to the Christians in the Middle East who face daily persecution and slaughter from ISIS and al-Nusra. Also the Coptic Christians who have already been slaughtered by ISIS.

Christian persecution: How many are being killed, where they are being killed

ISIS Targets Egypt's Coptic Christians in Palm Sunday Bombs

Attacks Show ISIS’ New Plan: Divide Egypt by Killing Christians

Christians are not victims?

Tell that to the Christians around the world who face daily persecution and threats of imprisonment, abuse and death.



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Yet another thread where the left are terrified to even mention Islam while they attack Christianity. Brave souls.

Save your Christian victimhood for someone who gives a shit. If you actually paid attention to my posts, you'd see that I think all religions are equally bad and stupid. And that society would be much better off without the lofty and influential position it has. The days of religion leading to great art and innovation are long gone. So if it's not producing those things, what the fuck good is it?

Like I said before, if you need a book to teach you morality, why use the Bible and not Aesop's Fables, which were written before the Bible and are actual morality tales???????
Coward attacks Christianity because he knows his throat won't be slit.
Derp is a christophobe and a bigot. That's all he is.

I am proudly bigoted against religion, no matter the "doctrine". The reasons are myriad, but the chief one is that religion treats faith as a commodity and profits off that commodity while producing no tangible product in return. At least, organized religion does. I don't have a problem if you believe in God; people believe in all sorts of wacky stuff. I don't have a problem if you worship him in the privacy of your own home, or in a church where it belongs. What I have a problem with is the imposition of religious dogma into the rule of law. That's where I draw the line.

No tangible product - obviously you've never seen the great cathedrals around the world or the Vatican. Reach out, touch them and then come back and lie some more you homo heathen.
Yes your ilk are always the victim

In this instance, I am a victim of religious theocratic bullshit, and so are millions of other Americans whose lives are affected by the religious imposition that infects our rule of law.

If you don't like what OOM is commenting you have the option of not responding to it, considering it's causing you so much emotional trauma or whatever you poor little victim you.

All I'm saying is that Christians are not victims.

Christians are not victims?

Tell that to the Christians in the Middle East who face daily persecution and slaughter from ISIS and al-Nusra. Also the Coptic Christians who have already been slaughtered by ISIS.

Christian persecution: How many are being killed, where they are being killed

ISIS Targets Egypt's Coptic Christians in Palm Sunday Bombs

Attacks Show ISIS’ New Plan: Divide Egypt by Killing Christians

Christians are not victims?

Tell that to the Christians around the world who face daily persecution and threats of imprisonment, abuse and death.

View attachment 148014
View attachment 148015

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Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Open Doors UK & Ireland - Home
He will spin a defense for Islam in 5...4...3....
Yet another thread where the left are terrified to even mention Islam while they attack Christianity. Brave souls.

Save your Christian victimhood for someone who gives a shit. If you actually paid attention to my posts, you'd see that I think all religions are equally bad and stupid. And that society would be much better off without the lofty and influential position it has. The days of religion leading to great art and innovation are long gone. So if it's not producing those things, what the fuck good is it?

Like I said before, if you need a book to teach you morality, why use the Bible and not Aesop's Fables, which were written before the Bible and are actual morality tales???????
The thread is about Christianity. Save your victim status for the 65 million slaughtered by their own Godless government in the past century.

"Save your victim status for the 65 million slaughtered by their own Godless government in the past century."

It's 100 million slaughtered by Godless Communist Regimes.

If atheism is correct, then there are no objective moral values and duties to your fellow man, Derp.

Sure there are...but those values and duties didn't start with Christianity and certainly haven't been practiced by Christians over the millennia. That's for fuckin' sure.

What I mean by that is if atheists are correct, there is no system of ethics which universally pertains irrespective of the opinions or tastes of human persons.

First of all, you're an illiterate goofball if you think morality started with Christianity. It didn't. Aesop wrote moral fables 600 years before Jesus was even born. The ancient Greek and Roman Gods also had a system of ethics and duties that came along with their worship. Same with the Egyptians. Same with the Babylonians. Same with the Sumerians. Same with the Native Americans. So you're not being clever here by pretending that Christianity is some sort of universal morality, or that it was even the first.

You have nothing on which to base your objections to what you perceive as right or wrong other than your feels and opinions....we are just here for no reason so therefore we can do whatever we want....there is no right or wrong.

Yeah, you can believe whatever you want. Which is what I said. My issue is when those beliefs of yours start imposing themselves in the rule of law. That's when we cease being a democracy and become a theocracy. Which seems to be what you want.

What Hitler did to the jews is not wrong or right

Wow. You might want to take that back.
If atheism is correct, then there are no objective moral values and duties to your fellow man, Derp.

Sure there are...but those values and duties didn't start with Christianity and certainly haven't been practiced by Christians over the millennia. That's for fuckin' sure.

What I mean by that is if atheists are correct, there is no system of ethics which universally pertains irrespective of the opinions or tastes of human persons.

First of all, you're an illiterate goofball if you think morality started with Christianity. It didn't. Aesop wrote moral fables 600 years before Jesus was even born. The ancient Greek and Roman Gods also had a system of ethics and duties that came along with their worship. Same with the Egyptians. Same with the Babylonians. Same with the Sumerians. Same with the Native Americans. So you're not being clever here by pretending that Christianity is some sort of universal morality, or that it was even the first.

You have nothing on which to base your objections to what you perceive as right or wrong other than your feels and opinions....we are just here for no reason so therefore we can do whatever we want....there is no right or wrong.

Yeah, you can believe whatever you want. Which is what I said. My issue is when those beliefs of yours start imposing themselves in the rule of law. That's when we cease being a democracy and become a theocracy. Which seems to be what you want.

What Hitler did to the jews is not wrong or right

Wow. You might want to take that back.
Dufus atheist claims the Greeks and Romans were ethical.

Atheism is a mental illness causing delusional fantasy.
It's 100 million slaughtered by Godless Communist Regimes.

So fucking what? Religion's killed hundreds of millions of people too over the years. I don't understand what you think you're trying to accomplish here. I never defended or "owned" Communism. This is you trying to find a moral equivalence between religion and Communism. So that means you actually do think religion is responsible for a lot of shit and misery, if you're trying to equate it with Communism. And if it's that full of shit and misery that you have to make that comparison, then why the fuck should it have any bearing on the rule of law?!?!?!?!?!?!?
He will spin a defense for Islam in 5...4...3....

As I've said, I think all religions are equally dumb and dangerous.

You do not have to be involved in one of the Organised Religions to have Faith in Our Lord, the Faith is within you, Our Lord does not expect us to be in an Organised Religion to show Him we have Faith in Him.
If atheism is correct, then there are no objective moral values and duties to your fellow man, Derp.

Sure there are...but those values and duties didn't start with Christianity and certainly haven't been practiced by Christians over the millennia. That's for fuckin' sure.

What I mean by that is if atheists are correct, there is no system of ethics which universally pertains irrespective of the opinions or tastes of human persons.

First of all, you're an illiterate goofball if you think morality started with Christianity. It didn't. Aesop wrote moral fables 600 years before Jesus was even born. The ancient Greek and Roman Gods also had a system of ethics and duties that came along with their worship. Same with the Egyptians. Same with the Babylonians. Same with the Sumerians. Same with the Native Americans. So you're not being clever here by pretending that Christianity is some sort of universal morality, or that it was even the first.

You have nothing on which to base your objections to what you perceive as right or wrong other than your feels and opinions....we are just here for no reason so therefore we can do whatever we want....there is no right or wrong.

Yeah, you can believe whatever you want. Which is what I said. My issue is when those beliefs of yours start imposing themselves in the rule of law. That's when we cease being a democracy and become a theocracy. Which seems to be what you want.

What Hitler did to the jews is not wrong or right

Wow. You might want to take that back.
An atheist believing Hilter was right is 100% valid. A Muslim believing 9-11 was good is 100% valid.

Morons like you thinking all belief systems are equal are naive idiots.
Dufus atheist claims the Greeks and Romans were ethical.

At the time, they were. Just like in the current time now, you think Christianity is ethical. And what do you mean by "ethical"? Murder was against the law in Ancient Greece. So was theft. So was cursing the Gods. You want to talk ethics, fine. Let's talk ethics then. Let's talk about how Christianity seems to have stolen its "ethics" from all the great and ancient religions and writings before it. Because the shit you think you take away from the Bible was written by a Greek slave 600 years prior to Jesus, 1000 years prior to the first Bible, and nearly 2000 years before the King James Bible.
If atheism is correct, then there are no objective moral values and duties to your fellow man, Derp.

Sure there are...but those values and duties didn't start with Christianity and certainly haven't been practiced by Christians over the millennia. That's for fuckin' sure.

What I mean by that is if atheists are correct, there is no system of ethics which universally pertains irrespective of the opinions or tastes of human persons.

First of all, you're an illiterate goofball if you think morality started with Christianity. It didn't. Aesop wrote moral fables 600 years before Jesus was even born. The ancient Greek and Roman Gods also had a system of ethics and duties that came along with their worship. Same with the Egyptians. Same with the Babylonians. Same with the Sumerians. Same with the Native Americans. So you're not being clever here by pretending that Christianity is some sort of universal morality, or that it was even the first.

You have nothing on which to base your objections to what you perceive as right or wrong other than your feels and opinions....we are just here for no reason so therefore we can do whatever we want....there is no right or wrong.

Yeah, you can believe whatever you want. Which is what I said. My issue is when those beliefs of yours start imposing themselves in the rule of law. That's when we cease being a democracy and become a theocracy. Which seems to be what you want.

What Hitler did to the jews is not wrong or right

Wow. You might want to take that back.
An atheist believing Hilter was right is 100% valid. A Muslim believing 9-11 was good is 100% valid.

Morons like you thinking all belief systems are equal are naive idiots.

This is why I posted the Communist Death Toll, but of course it went right over The Derp's head.
Dufus atheist claims the Greeks and Romans were ethical.

At the time, they were. Just like in the current time now, you think Christianity is ethical. And what do you mean by "ethical"? Murder was against the law in Ancient Greece. So was theft. So was cursing the Gods. You want to talk ethics, fine. Let's talk ethics then. Let's talk about how Christianity seems to have stolen its "ethics" from all the great and ancient religions and writings before it. Because the shit you think you take away from the Bible was written by a Greek slave 600 years prior to Jesus, 1000 years prior to the first Bible, and nearly 2000 years before the King James Bible.
Dufus thinks moral relativism is a good thing.
It's 100 million slaughtered by Godless Communist Regimes.

So fucking what? Religion's killed hundreds of millions of people too over the years. I don't understand what you think you're trying to accomplish here. I never defended or "owned" Communism. This is you trying to find a moral equivalence between religion and Communism. So that means you actually do think religion is responsible for a lot of shit and misery, if you're trying to equate it with Communism. And if it's that full of shit and misery that you have to make that comparison, then why the fuck should it have any bearing on the rule of law?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Communism is the codification of atheist law. Hence, comparisons are indeed valid between religious based western democracy and communism. Look at the middle east for your source of islamic law put into governance.
Coward. Still won't ever join a thread about Islam.

So what's got sand in your panties is that I don't join a thread to bash Islam? Wouldn't bashing all religions cover that? Why is it so important for you to have me single out Islam when I think all religions are equally stupid and disgusting? Are you that insecure?
If atheism is correct, then there are no objective moral values and duties to your fellow man, Derp.

Sure there are...but those values and duties didn't start with Christianity and certainly haven't been practiced by Christians over the millennia. That's for fuckin' sure.

What I mean by that is if atheists are correct, there is no system of ethics which universally pertains irrespective of the opinions or tastes of human persons.

First of all, you're an illiterate goofball if you think morality started with Christianity. It didn't. Aesop wrote moral fables 600 years before Jesus was even born. The ancient Greek and Roman Gods also had a system of ethics and duties that came along with their worship. Same with the Egyptians. Same with the Babylonians. Same with the Sumerians. Same with the Native Americans. So you're not being clever here by pretending that Christianity is some sort of universal morality, or that it was even the first.

You have nothing on which to base your objections to what you perceive as right or wrong other than your feels and opinions....we are just here for no reason so therefore we can do whatever we want....there is no right or wrong.

Yeah, you can believe whatever you want. Which is what I said. My issue is when those beliefs of yours start imposing themselves in the rule of law. That's when we cease being a democracy and become a theocracy. Which seems to be what you want.

What Hitler did to the jews is not wrong or right

Wow. You might want to take that back.
You keep deflecting like the moron you are.

It doesn't matter if morality preceded Christianity, you imbecile. The fact is objective morality cannot exist if atheism is correct that there is no God. Atheism being correct means we are just a bunch of accidental beings on an accident planet, so whatever we want to do, we can do it... With no consequences or guilt. Let's try this, see if itll penetrate that thick skull of yours...Why would it be wrong for me to kill you if there is no objectively moral reason not to? Because you don't want to die? Getting violently attacked makes you sad? If I were an atheist, I'd say so fucking what? I don't like you and what you stand for so I'm going to kill you. And there is nothing objectively wrong with me doing it either.....if atheism is correct...because there are no universal laws for men, there would be nothing to base it off of.
Dufus atheist claims the Greeks and Romans were ethical.

At the time, they were. Just like in the current time now, you think Christianity is ethical. And what do you mean by "ethical"? Murder was against the law in Ancient Greece. So was theft. So was cursing the Gods. You want to talk ethics, fine. Let's talk ethics then. Let's talk about how Christianity seems to have stolen its "ethics" from all the great and ancient religions and writings before it. Because the shit you think you take away from the Bible was written by a Greek slave 600 years prior to Jesus, 1000 years prior to the first Bible, and nearly 2000 years before the King James Bible.
Tell us what in the Bible upsets you so much. Golden Rule? 10 Commandments?

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