"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

No, go fuck yourself. This country was founded upon religious freedom.

Yes, the freedom to practice religion as you want, or not to practice religion at all. But you all think that practicing your religion entails imposing those dogmatic views on society and the rule of law. And that's what my issue is. An issue you don't seem to want to discuss because you know it will result in you arguing for a theocracy.

You keep your bitching and complaining about it in the privacy of your own home.

Just like religion. Keep it in the home and church, no one wants to see you praying at a restaurant before you eat. It's disgusting. Think of the children!
I'd pray for you to grow a brain while standing right next to you in a restaurant.
If they cannot distinguish between the doctrines that is just laziness.

No, not really. It's not the doctrines, it's the fundamental adherence to faith in a magical, omnipotent being. Laziness is saying "it's God's will" to questions that you don't know the answer to.

Why did God let 6,000,000 of his chosen people be slaughtered? It's his will.
Why did God let Priests sexually abuse children and allow the Catholic Church to cover it up? It's his will.
Why did God let a giant Hurricane destroy New Orleans? It's his will
Why did God let a woman get raped? It's his will

The laziness is on religion's side, relying on faith to explain away questions you don't know the answer to, either because you're too scared, lazy, or stupid.

Islams religious views are the government and society. Get the difference there?

No. Christians seek to impose their religious views in government and society all the fucking time.

Again, read this slowly, Islam is the government and rules society with Sharia. There is nothing in Christian doctrine like it. Seeking to impose is not the same thing.
If they cannot distinguish between the doctrines that is just laziness.

No, not really. It's not the doctrines, it's the fundamental adherence to faith in a magical, omnipotent being. Laziness is saying "it's God's will" to questions that you don't know the answer to.

Why did God let 6,000,000 of his chosen people be slaughtered? It's his will.
Why did God let Priests sexually abuse children and allow the Catholic Church to cover it up? It's his will.
Why did God let a giant Hurricane destroy New Orleans? It's his will
Why did God let a woman get raped? It's his will

The laziness is on religion's side, relying on faith to explain away questions you don't know the answer to, either because you're too scared, lazy, or stupid.

Islams religious views are the government and society. Get the difference there?

No. Christians seek to impose their religious views in government and society all the fucking time.

Again, read this slowly, Islam is the government and rules society with Sharia. There is nothing in Christian doctrine like it. Seeking to impose is not the same thing.
Derp is a christophobe and a bigot. That's all he is.
It's either your beliefs or mine that are going to be pushed onto society

See, that's what you don't get. It's not a matter of belief for me, it's a matter of fact. And the fact is that religion shuld not have bearing on the rule of law. Then all citizens are subject to the religious rule of law, which many (if not most) people would not accept. You're using religion to inform your position on the rule of law, which is what a theocracy is.

Mine has a better track record, atheistic communist regimes killed over 100 million people, religion never took that many lives even in it's most bloody conflicts in human history. You are a whiny little bigot, that's what you are...not a victim.

First of all, Communism isn't "mine". So you're doing that thing again where you build a straw man, impose that straw man on my position, then argue the straw man. This isn't a comparison. Religion informing the rule of law is what happens in Iran, not in Western Democracies.

Let me ask you something, if you are right...and there is no God, we are just accidentally here on this earth for no particular reason....By what or who's authority do you have to tell anyone what is right or wrong?

So you think it's "right" to impose your religious views that others don't have on the rule of law? So how are you not a theocrat, then?

Why shouldn't anyone who is more powerful, regardless of what they believe or don't believe...not be able to oppress and rule over the weak? Why can't they just kill off entire groups?

What do you mean by "power"? What are you trying to say?

After all, we are all just a cosmic accident on a ball of rock for no reason...there cannot be any such thing as objective morality if what you believe is true.

If you think you need religion in order to have morality, then you're a fucking confused person. Morality existed before Christianity. What do you think Aesop's Fables are all about?????
Again, read this slowly, Islam is the government and rules society with Sharia. There is nothing in Christian doctrine like it. Seeking to impose is not the same thing.

And you seek to make Christianity the government and rule society with Christian Sharia. What's the difference? One is done by white people and the other brown?
Why the ones who call themselves conservative are thr least compasionate towards others, wouldnt jesus have helped the refugees? The dreamers? Thr immigrants?
Why is it highly likely a racist and a bigot can be conservative more than. A liberal who doesn't even believe in god.
Study after study shows the left give less time and money for charitable causes.
Derp is a christophobe and a bigot. That's all he is.

I am proudly bigoted against religion, no matter the "doctrine". The reasons are myriad, but the chief one is that religion treats faith as a commodity and profits off that commodity while producing no tangible product in return. At least, organized religion does. I don't have a problem if you believe in God; people believe in all sorts of wacky stuff. I don't have a problem if you worship him in the privacy of your own home, or in a church where it belongs. What I have a problem with is the imposition of religious dogma into the rule of law. That's where I draw the line.
He must be a kid, adult atheists eventually mature and realize if they actually do not believe in God, they shouldnt care if people believe in God or not. They are at peace with the idea that everyone has the right to believe as they wish...and many mature, adult atheists actually find that observing christian morality in their own lives is the best way to live..

So you have this terrible habit of not reading comprehensively what someone posts. I said I don't care if you believe in God, what I care about is you imposing those beliefs on society and the rule of law.

Your problem is one that all religious people have; you only hear the things you want to hear.

So what you're trying to do is build a straw man that I think you shouldn't believe in God, when that's not what I have said at all. You do that so you can exercise victimhood and cast yourself as being the victim when you're not. I'm the victim because I have to sit here and be victimized by your shitty religious beliefs that impose upon the rule of law. You're not the victim because you believe in God. You're the aggressor because you force your belief in God upon society and the rule of law.

So eat shit.

"I'm the victim"

Yes your ilk are always the victim :itsok: :lol:

If you don't like what OOM is commenting you have the option of not responding to it, considering it's causing you so much emotional trauma or whatever you poor little victim you.
Derp is a christophobe and a bigot. That's all he is.

I am proudly bigoted against religion, no matter the "doctrine". The reasons are myriad, but the chief one is that religion treats faith as a commodity and profits off that commodity while producing no tangible product in return. At least, organized religion does. I don't have a problem if you believe i God. I don't have a problem if you worship him in the privacy of your own home, or in a church where it belongs. What I have a problem with is the imposition of religious dogma into the rule of law. That's where I draw the line.

"I am proudly bigoted against religion"

^^^^ Admits he's a bigot.
Derp is a christophobe and a bigot. That's all he is.

I am proudly bigoted against religion, no matter the "doctrine". The reasons are myriad, but the chief one is that religion treats faith as a commodity and profits off that commodity while producing no tangible product in return. At least, organized religion does. I don't have a problem if you believe in God; people believe in all sorts of wacky stuff. I don't have a problem if you worship him in the privacy of your own home, or in a church where it belongs. What I have a problem with is the imposition of religious dogma into the rule of law. That's where I draw the line.
Translation: My excuse for not giving my time and/or money to help those in need.
Yes your ilk are always the victim

In this instance, I am a victim of religious theocratic bullshit, and so are millions of other Americans whose lives are affected by the religious imposition that infects our rule of law.

If you don't like what OOM is commenting you have the option of not responding to it, considering it's causing you so much emotional trauma or whatever you poor little victim you.

All I'm saying is that Christians are not victims.
Translation: My excuse for not giving my time and/or money to help those in need.

You don't shit about me. So you can make all the guesses you want. If you think religion helps those in need, you only need look at Mr. Osteen's reaction to the Hurricane in Houston to know that religion is a fraud and sham not dedicated to helping those in need. You also don't need religion to help those in need, and if you think you do, then you're a very confused person.
def's asking you for your answer though.

Also, your little signature there is the exact opposite of what Christ taught...accepting refugees and caring for them. Here you are, defending Christianity with a signature that is 100% in contradiction to Christ's teachings.

So eat shit.
Translation: My excuse for not giving my time and/or money to help those in need.

You don't shit about me. So you can make all the guesses you want. If you think religion helps those in need, you only need look at Mr. Osteen's reaction to the Hurricane in Houston to know that religion is a fraud and sham not dedicated to helping those in need. You also don't need religion to help those in need, and if you think you do, then you're a very confused person.
No, I look at the millions being helped by Christians as I travel the world. Poverty is not declining because of leftists like you.
It's either your beliefs or mine that are going to be pushed onto society

See, that's what you don't get. It's not a matter of belief for me, it's a matter of fact. And the fact is that religion shuld not have bearing on the rule of law. Then all citizens are subject to the religious rule of law, which many (if not most) people would not accept. You're using religion to inform your position on the rule of law, which is what a theocracy is.

Mine has a better track record, atheistic communist regimes killed over 100 million people, religion never took that many lives even in it's most bloody conflicts in human history. You are a whiny little bigot, that's what you are...not a victim.

First of all, Communism isn't "mine". So you're doing that thing again where you build a straw man, impose that straw man on my position, then argue the straw man. This isn't a comparison. Religion informing the rule of law is what happens in Iran, not in Western Democracies.

Let me ask you something, if you are right...and there is no God, we are just accidentally here on this earth for no particular reason....By what or who's authority do you have to tell anyone what is right or wrong?

So you think it's "right" to impose your religious views that others don't have on the rule of law? So how are you not a theocrat, then?

Why shouldn't anyone who is more powerful, regardless of what they believe or don't believe...not be able to oppress and rule over the weak? Why can't they just kill off entire groups?

What do you mean by "power"? What are you trying to say?

After all, we are all just a cosmic accident on a ball of rock for no reason...there cannot be any such thing as objective morality if what you believe is true.

If you think you need religion in order to have morality, then you're a fucking confused person. Morality existed before Christianity. What do you think Aesop's Fables are all about?????
If atheism is correct, then there are no objective moral values and duties to your fellow man, Derp. What I mean by that is if atheists are correct, there is no system of ethics which universally pertains irrespective of the opinions or tastes of human persons. You have nothing on which to base your objections to what you perceive as right or wrong other than your feels and opinions....we are just here for no reason so therefore we can do whatever we want....there is no right or wrong. What Hitler did to the jews is not wrong or right, it was what he wanted to do, and since he had the power to do so, he did it. This is all it can be, because there is no objective morality if atheism is correct.

You base your 'morality' on your subjective feelings, not facts.
No, I look at the millions being helped by Christians as I travel the world. Poverty is not declining because of leftists like you.

I don't believe you've ever left the safety and comfort of the backwater, podunk, hicksville pit where you live. Secondly, religion's been around for thousands of years, yet it's done nothing to reduce poverty. So when's it gonna start? Christianity has only been around for 2000 years, you'd figure it would have solved poverty by now. How come it hasn't? What are we waiting for?
Yet another thread where the left are terrified to even mention Islam while they attack Christianity. Brave souls.

Save your Christian victimhood for someone who gives a shit. If you actually paid attention to my posts, you'd see that I think all religions are equally bad and stupid. And that society would be much better off without the lofty and influential position it has. The days of religion leading to great art and innovation are long gone. So if it's not producing those things, what the fuck good is it?

Like I said before, if you need a book to teach you morality, why use the Bible and not Aesop's Fables, which were written before the Bible and are actual morality tales???????

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