"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

Friend of mine is a Pastor in Ireland.

Probably molested several children, but continue...

He went to the local town meeting where everyone gets to vent. The guy sitting next to him goes first and starts ranting about Christians like you. 6 months later my friend baptized him.

I don't give a shit about your stupid, made-up story no one can verify that seems like you pulled it out of your ass because you recognize your position is shitty and you can't debate me like a man.

Fucking. Pathetic.
<Fake Meme>

Marx never said that. Not a real quote. You've been hoodwinked. Which makes sense because anyone who believes in a magical cloud fairy would believe shit like that meme you posted.
You are so obviously uneducated it isn't even funny:
Vladimir Lenin was highly critical of religion, saying in his book Religion

"Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism."

Marxism and religion - Wikipedia
Nobody is claiming you cannot be moral and an atheist at the same time

Weatherman2020 said that very thing. You've (in the plural) tied atheism to Communism. So it would appear that you are contradicting your own beliefs with this sentence. If you're gonna walk back stuff, at least have the common decency to admit when you're wrong. Because that's the moral thing to do.

... I would say because God exists, that's how you know right from wrong.

And what makes you think that?

God has written morality on our hearts, we have the choice to obey what we know to be right or go against it.

Jesus Christ...no. God hasn't done that. No one has. This is an example of what I am saying when I say you exercise no critical thinking.
You're the one holding up atheism as a role model for civilization. We simply pointed out it's the opposite.
Friend of mine is a Pastor in Ireland.

Probably molested several children, but continue...

He went to the local town meeting where everyone gets to vent. The guy sitting next to him goes first and starts ranting about Christians like you. 6 months later my friend baptized him.

I don't give a shit about your stupid, made-up story no one can verify that seems like you pulled it out of your ass because you recognize your position is shitty and you can't debate me like a man.

Fucking. Pathetic.
So you know I'm a liar simply because the event frightens you.
What are my perverted weirdo views?

Anti-abortion, pro-slavery, casual racism, misogyny...you name it, chances are it's a perverted, weirdo view.

Spending a lot of money helping people in poverty?

LOL! You don't need religion to help people in poverty. Try again.
LOL! You don't need religion to help people in poverty. Try again.
No, you don't. But the number of atheists spending time and money are far and few between.
What are my perverted weirdo views?

Anti-abortion, pro-slavery, casual racism, misogyny...you name it, chances are it's a perverted, weirdo view.

Spending a lot of money helping people in poverty?

LOL! You don't need religion to help people in poverty. Try again.

You just described Islam.
There are a lot of similarities between the extreme ends of both religions.
Why do you need to buy alcohol before 12.30PM on Sundays?

None of your fucking business, that's why. Secondly, I gave you a perfect example of how my freedoms were abridged by your religion.

So suck it.

Christians never did such a thing

Are you fucking kidding!?

What does this picture show? What do you see here? I see a bunch of Christians burning a cross during Jim Crow. So you were saying...?

What are my perverted weirdo views?

Anti-abortion, pro-slavery, casual racism, misogyny...you name it, chances are it's a perverted, weirdo view.

Spending a lot of money helping people in poverty?

LOL! You don't need religion to help people in poverty. Try again.

You just described Islam.
There are a lot of similarities between the extreme ends of both religions.
Really? Where does it say to kill any Christian who leaves the faith?
What's to debate? You said there's nothing in the Bible that threatens anyone.

There isn't. It's people like you who use the Bible to impose your weirdo, perverted views on society that is a threat.

"There isn't. It's people like you who use the Bible to impose your weirdo, perverted views on society that is a threat."

No that would be the Athiests and general God Haters who want to impose their weirdo, perverted views on society, you know like LGBTQ, Transgenderism, a boy can also have a vagina and periods, a girl can also have a penis, Gender Fluid crap, Baby Sacrifices aka Abortion on demand etc.

Of course Leftist Maniacs invert everything, so Good is Bad, Day is Night.

Or as Eric Blair wrote:

Why do you need to buy alcohol before 12.30PM on Sundays?

None of your fucking business, that's why. Secondly, I gave you a perfect example of how my freedoms were abridged by your religion.

So suck it.

Christians never did such a thing

Are you fucking kidding!?

What does this picture show? What do you see here? I see a bunch of Christians burning a cross during Jim Crow. So you were saying...?

And the people who opposed that stuff were also Christians...so...what is your point, dipshit?
Why do you need to buy alcohol before 12.30PM on Sundays?

None of your fucking business, that's why. Secondly, I gave you a perfect example of how my freedoms were abridged by your religion.

So suck it.

Christians never did such a thing

Are you fucking kidding!?

What does this picture show? What do you see here? I see a bunch of Christians burning a cross during Jim Crow. So you were saying...?

Why would a Christian burn a symbol of their faith?

They wouldn't.
You just described Islam.

I described Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, every major organized religion and Conservatism.

So the broad statement can apply to all religions and Conservatism, if you wish...
Everything you say about me applies to you 10x more....anyone can see that just reading this thread.

Ah, the "I'm rubber, you're glue" defense. How very Christian. Turn that other cheek so I can slap it with ma diiiiiiiiiiiiiick!
What a lost soul you are. You do need some prayer, little guy. I'll pray that you don't drink beer earlier than 12:30 in the afternoon... Bet that is horrible for both your physical and mental health.
You're the one holding up atheism as a role model for civilization.

When did I do that? Never. As I've said countless times (and you keep ignoring either deliberately or not) is that if you want to pray to some cloud fairy, go for it. Just do that shit in the privacy of your own home, or in a church. But don't bring that shit to the legislature. There's no place for it.
You are so obviously uneducated it isn't even funny:
Vladimir Lenin was highly critical of religion, saying in his book Religion
"Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism."
Marxism and religion - Wikipedia

So thanks for proving that even Lenin thought the two were mutually exclusive.
Damn you are stupid, boy. Inseparable means one cannot exist without the other. Lmao! Why do you insist on making yourself look illiterate and stupid? Those two things are not inseparable.

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