"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

Why were the Jim Crow laws bad according to your atheism?

Never said I was an atheist. So again, this is you doing the Christian thing of constructing straw men. You guys have constructed so many straw men in this thread that you could do a shot-for-shot remake of the Wicker Man if you had Nic Cage and $5.

Jim Crow was institutionalized, religious-based discrimination. You don't need religion to grasp the abhorrence of that.
Yes your ilk are always the victim

In this instance, I am a victim of religious theocratic bullshit, and so are millions of other Americans whose lives are affected by the religious imposition that infects our rule of law.

If you don't like what OOM is commenting you have the option of not responding to it, considering it's causing you so much emotional trauma or whatever you poor little victim you.

All I'm saying is that Christians are not victims.

Christians are not victims?

Tell that to the Christians in the Middle East who face daily persecution and slaughter from ISIS and al-Nusra. Also the Coptic Christians who have already been slaughtered by ISIS.

Christian persecution: How many are being killed, where they are being killed

ISIS Targets Egypt's Coptic Christians in Palm Sunday Bombs

Attacks Show ISIS’ New Plan: Divide Egypt by Killing Christians

Christians are not victims?

Tell that to the Christians around the world who face daily persecution and threats of imprisonment, abuse and death.

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View attachment 148015

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Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Open Doors UK & Ireland - Home
He will spin a defense for Islam in 5...4...3....
It's clear he despises Christianity and he says he despises all religion, so I'm gonna go look for his threads on islam. I guess he will have made a few on the religion that actually shuns the separation of church and state and who's adherents are murdering innocent people all around the globe TODAY. Wish me luck ;)
My faith says to let you know Jesus loves you.

If he was real, Jesus seemed like a pretty cool guy. But you know he was Jewish right? And you MAGA red hats don't want Jews to replace you. So that kinda puts you in a tricky spot, doesn't it? How do you reconcile your religion with your politics?

Why do you want to force your religion on me?

I don't have a religion. I am not forcing anything on you. Stop pretending to be a victim.
And yes you're forcing your faith upon me. I should be free to practice my faith. You're saying no.
Do you know how many times God is mentioned in the Founding documents of our nation?

I. Don't. Care. This isn't 1776, its 2017. Things that people explained away with religion back then are correctly explained by science now. If you live your life according to an 18th-century mindset, you need mental health.
Why were the Jim Crow laws bad according to your atheism?

Never said I was an atheist. So again, this is you doing the Christian thing of constructing straw men. You guys have constructed so many straw men in this thread that you could do a shot-for-shot remake of the Wicker Man if you had Nic Cage and $5.

Jim Crow was institutionalized, religious-based discrimination. You don't need religion to grasp the abhorrence of that.
Yes you did...you stated there is no God. You therefore stated you are an atheist. Now, because you can't defeat my.logic that atheism provides no basis for objective moral values...you claim you are not atheist.

Did you just have a change of heart whilst discussing with us on this thread? If so....good. This is what I'm here for...correct foolish beliefs.
What are my perverted weirdo views?

Anti-abortion, pro-slavery, casual racism, misogyny...you name it, chances are it's a perverted, weirdo view.

Spending a lot of money helping people in poverty?

LOL! You don't need religion to help people in poverty. Try again.

You just described Islam.
There are a lot of similarities between the extreme ends of both religions.
Really? Where does it say to kill any Christian who leaves the faith?
What are my perverted weirdo views?

Anti-abortion, pro-slavery, casual racism, misogyny...you name it, chances are it's a perverted, weirdo view.

Spending a lot of money helping people in poverty?

LOL! You don't need religion to help people in poverty. Try again.

You just described Islam.
There are a lot of similarities between the extreme ends of both religions.
No there aren't. There is no extreme in Christian doctrine. Extreme defines the Islamic doctrine.
Keep repeating that. I look at "pastors" like Scott Lively and Steven Anderson and all I see is extremism. there is nothing else.
Boy you couldn't stick to a subject if your life depended on it, could you? Lol

You're the ones who brought up Jesus, not me.

And you're also the ones who wear red hats and scream "Jews will not replace us" as you try to speak for a Jew.

Fucking. Pathetic.
Yes your ilk are always the victim

In this instance, I am a victim of religious theocratic bullshit, and so are millions of other Americans whose lives are affected by the religious imposition that infects our rule of law.

If you don't like what OOM is commenting you have the option of not responding to it, considering it's causing you so much emotional trauma or whatever you poor little victim you.

All I'm saying is that Christians are not victims.

Christians are not victims?

Tell that to the Christians in the Middle East who face daily persecution and slaughter from ISIS and al-Nusra. Also the Coptic Christians who have already been slaughtered by ISIS.

Christian persecution: How many are being killed, where they are being killed

ISIS Targets Egypt's Coptic Christians in Palm Sunday Bombs

Attacks Show ISIS’ New Plan: Divide Egypt by Killing Christians

Christians are not victims?

Tell that to the Christians around the world who face daily persecution and threats of imprisonment, abuse and death.

View attachment 148014
View attachment 148015

Country Profiles

Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Open Doors UK & Ireland - Home
He will spin a defense for Islam in 5...4...3....
It's clear he despises Christianity and he says he despises all religion, so I'm gonna go look for his threads on islam. I guess he will have made a few on the religion that actually shuns the separation of church and state and who's adherents are murdering innocent people all around the globe TODAY. Wish me luck ;)
I did a search. He has never posted anything negative about Islam.
Boy you couldn't stick to a subject if your life depended on it, could you? Lol

You're the ones who brought up Jesus, not me.

And you're also the ones who wear red hats and scream "Jews will not replace us" as you try to speak for a Jew.

Fucking. Pathetic.
I believe money given to Israel is a good thing.


Epic narrative fail
Yes you did...you stated there is no God. You therefore stated you are an atheist.

Fine. Then I guess I'm an atheist. I'm more of the "none of this shit matters and we need to stop acting like children" doctrine.

Now, because you can't defeat my.logic that atheism provides no basis for objective moral values...you claim you are not atheist.

The very fact that Greek morality plays were written thousands of years before Christianity proves my point that you don't need religion to determine morality. In fact, you don't need religion for anything. As one of your own posts indicated, the fanciful and nonsensical belief in God is so easily lampooned that I could be talking about a fantasy sci-fi movie and you didn't even know that was what I was referring to.
I did a search. He has never posted anything negative about Islam.

I don't see Muslims on this board trying to pretend their religion is better than anyone else's. In fact, you're the one doing that. So you get to bear the brunt of my wrath. Stop being such a whiner.
Yes you did...you stated there is no God. You therefore stated you are an atheist.

Fine. Then I guess I'm an atheist. I'm more of the "none of this shit matters and we need to stop acting like children" doctrine.

Now, because you can't defeat my.logic that atheism provides no basis for objective moral values...you claim you are not atheist.

The very fact that Greek morality plays were written thousands of years before Christianity proves my point that you don't need religion to determine morality. In fact, you don't need religion for anything.
Greeks morality consisted upon inequality and conquest. Two anti Biblical positions.
I did a search. He has never posted anything negative about Islam.

I don't see Muslims on this board trying to pretend their religion is better than anyone else's. In fact, you're the one doing that. So you get to bear the brunt of my wrath. Stop being such a whiner.
Who led the effort to end slavery in the U.K., then the US?

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