"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

Yes you did...you stated there is no God. You therefore stated you are an atheist.

Fine. Then I guess I'm an atheist. I'm more of the "none of this shit matters and we need to stop acting like children" doctrine.

Now, because you can't defeat my.logic that atheism provides no basis for objective moral values...you claim you are not atheist.

The very fact that Greek morality plays were written thousands of years before Christianity proves my point that you don't need religion to determine morality. In fact, you don't need religion for anything.
Greeks morality consisted upon inequality and conquest. Two anti Biblical positions.
The bible does not teach equality of man as in the egalitarian sense of equality...it teaches that we are all equal in the eyes of God. There are numerous stories of men who were unequaled in the bible...Jesus being one of them. I say this not to insult you or anything malicious. People need to be careful that they do not equate the fact God views us as equally good(or bad) with worldly ideas of equality.
I was only being pointed because even my brief condensed version flew over Derps head.
I see.
They aren't just 'pretty' you derp. you should probably do some research on the building of Cathedrals. You *might* learn something.

How about you save me the time and summarize it yourself since you think you know so much?

You're saying Christians need elaborate and ornate places of worship, why?
Largest growing church in the world today started in a tent.

You're preconceived ideas need flushing.
Largest growing church in the world today started in a tent.

And that Church then covered up years, decades, perhaps even centuries of sexual assault by its leaders. In my mind, no amount of "good" they can do will make up for that.
Nobody is claiming you cannot be moral and an atheist at the same time

Weatherman2020 said that very thing. You've (in the plural) tied atheism to Communism. So it would appear that you are contradicting your own beliefs with this sentence. If you're gonna walk back stuff, at least have the common decency to admit when you're wrong. Because that's the moral thing to do.

... I would say because God exists, that's how you know right from wrong.

And what makes you think that?

God has written morality on our hearts, we have the choice to obey what we know to be right or go against it.

Jesus Christ...no. God hasn't done that. No one has. This is an example of what I am saying when I say you exercise no critical thinking.

You've (in the plural) tied atheism to Communism.
Can you tell us where the religious communists are/were?
I have spent a lot of time talking to alt-righters... The majority of them are atheists, the only credit they give to Christianity is that a lot of them were raised in christian households and they say they are "culturally christian"... They don't believe in Jesus(He was a Jew after all)as their savior. The prerequisite for being a true christian is believing that Jesus died for our sins so we all could go to be in heaven when we die. If you don't believe Jesus is your savior. You are not Christian.
Can you tell us where the religious communists are/were?

I. Don't. Care.

Being atheist and being Communist are two mutually exclusive things.

You keep trying to tie them together because you recognize that your own faith is shitty, so to make yourself feel less bad about that, you seek to drag everyone else down to your level using moral relativism.

Fucking. Pathetic. Get over yourself.
Largest growing church in the world today started in a tent.

And that Church then covered up years, decades, perhaps even centuries of sexual assault by its leaders. In my mind, no amount of "good" they can do will make up for that.
I'm talking about a church started in the 70's. You know, those crazy hippies and that Jesus stuff.
Can you tell us where the religious communists are/were?

I. Don't. Care.

Being atheist and being Communist are two mutually exclusive things.

You keep trying to tie them together because you recognize that your own faith is shitty, so to make yourself feel less bad about that, you seek to drag everyone else down to your level using moral relativism.

Fucking. Pathetic. Get over yourself.
You just said the Bible has no issues.

Logic says those who follow its teachings are not an issue for you
Damn you are stupid, boy. Inseparable means one cannot exist without the other. Lmao! Why do you insist on making yourself look illiterate and stupid? Those two things are not inseparable.

Too bad he never said that and that you bought another Conservative lie.
Too bad he did. In a book you can still purchase. Written by Lenin himself.

"Too bad he did. In a book you can still purchase. Written by Lenin himself.

Yes The Derp is an uneducated gibbering moron, he needs to just give it up already, he was demolished 15 pages ago but continues to return to keep embarrassing himself.

The V. I. Lenin book he writes it in is "On Religion", it's in the Introduction from page 5-11, it is on page 7 of the Introduction:



You can still purchase it from Amazon it has a different cover though.

Can you tell us where the religious communists are/were?

I. Don't. Care.

Being atheist and being Communist are two mutually exclusive things.

You keep trying to tie them together because you recognize that your own faith is shitty, so to make yourself feel less bad about that, you seek to drag everyone else down to your level using moral relativism.

Fucking. Pathetic. Get over yourself.
I'm going to be fair and agree with what I think you're trying to say. Yes, you can be an atheist without being communist...however you cannot be a communist without being an atheist.

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