"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

What are my perverted weirdo views?

Anti-abortion, pro-slavery, casual racism, misogyny...you name it, chances are it's a perverted, weirdo view.

Spending a lot of money helping people in poverty?

LOL! You don't need religion to help people in poverty. Try again.

You just described Islam.
There are a lot of similarities between the extreme ends of both religions.
Really? Where does it say to kill any Christian who leaves the faith?
What are my perverted weirdo views?

Anti-abortion, pro-slavery, casual racism, misogyny...you name it, chances are it's a perverted, weirdo view.

Spending a lot of money helping people in poverty?

LOL! You don't need religion to help people in poverty. Try again.

You just described Islam.
There are a lot of similarities between the extreme ends of both religions.
No there aren't. There is no extreme in Christian doctrine. Extreme defines the Islamic doctrine.
Keep repeating that. I look at "pastors" like Scott Lively and Steven Anderson and all I see is extremism. there is nothing else.

Who have they killed?
Teachings say to evangelize.


Matthew 6:5-6: “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

So Jesus died to save you.

He didn't have to do that. I never asked him to do that. And it's pretty presumptuous of him to do that, isn't it?
You are a goddamned liar. There was no serious abolitionist effort in world history, aside from some misgivings among the ancient Greeks (white men), until white Christian men in North America and Europe made it into a moral issue in the 19th History.

And then Christians fought in Jesus' name to preserve slavery. So all you're doing is proving my point: that Christianity sucks.
You are wrong. There are books available of actual letters written by Union and Confederate soldiers from the battlefield, many when they knew they were probably going to die the next day. In the book of those letters I read, not a single mention of slavery, for or against, was made.
You are a goddamned liar. There was no serious abolitionist effort in world history, aside from some misgivings among the ancient Greeks (white men), until white Christian men in North America and Europe made it into a moral issue in the 19th History.

And then Christians fought in Jesus' name to preserve slavery. So all you're doing is proving my point: that Christianity sucks.
The only religious angle that I know of regarding the Civil War is the Battle Hymn of the Republic. It was a Union song. Stop with your bigoted Christian-hating lies.
Why were the Jim Crow laws bad according to your atheism?

Never said I was an atheist. So again, this is you doing the Christian thing of constructing straw men. You guys have constructed so many straw men in this thread that you could do a shot-for-shot remake of the Wicker Man if you had Nic Cage and $5.

Jim Crow was institutionalized, religious-based discrimination. You don't need religion to grasp the abhorrence of that.
Yes you did...you stated there is no God. You therefore stated you are an atheist. Now, because you can't defeat my.logic that atheism provides no basis for objective moral values...you claim you are not atheist.

Did you just have a change of heart whilst discussing with us on this thread? If so....good. This is what I'm here for...correct foolish beliefs.
He didn't just say there is no God, he said he'd PROVED there is no God :cuckoo:
They did not fight in Jesus' name to preserve slavery. The bible calls for the death penalty of 'men stealers'.

Are you fucking kidding? What part of the Bible is that? Because the Old Testament is all about slavery. And yes, the South definitely fought in Christianity's name to preserve slavery. The Confederate Constitution literally said: “invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God.”

Chattel slavery is prohibited and worthy of death in the bible. So American slavery was not blessed by God.

Not sure what the fuck Bible you're reading, but the King James version definitely doesn't say that.
No there aren't. There is no extreme in Christian doctrine. Extreme defines the Islamic doctrine.

So you wouldn't call the Westboro Baptist Church "extreme"?
Westboro is heretical in many ways. They have the biblical view of sodomites correct though.
Their body count is 0. I guess that does not count.
Probably not in God's eyes. But, I enjoy a good westboro music video now and then. Lol
Teachings say to evangelize.


Matthew 6:5-6: “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

So Jesus died to save you.

He didn't have to do that. I never asked him to do that. And it's pretty presumptuous of him to do that, isn't it?
Isn't that true love, Jesus dying for you even if you didn't ask?

Don't try to preach a faith you don't understand.

Matthew 28:16-20 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
They did not fight in Jesus' name to preserve slavery. The bible calls for the death penalty of 'men stealers'.

Are you fucking kidding? What part of the Bible is that? Because the Old Testament is all about slavery. And yes, the South definitely fought in Christianity's name to preserve slavery. The Confederate Constitution literally said: “invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God.”

Chattel slavery is prohibited and worthy of death in the bible. So American slavery was not blessed by God.

Not sure what the fuck Bible you're reading, but the King James version definitely doesn't say that.
Read through this...I'm not going to sit here and type out the explanation for you.

Slavery In The Bible (2/5)
They aren't just 'pretty' you derp. you should probably do some research on the building of Cathedrals. You *might* learn something.

How about you save me the time and summarize it yourself since you think you know so much?

You're saying Christians need elaborate and ornate places of worship, why?
You're saying Christians need elaborate and ornate places of worship, why?
Would you care to show me where I said that?
No I am not. I am saying if there is no God, I'm not even talking about any particular religion at the moment... If atheists are correct that the only reason we are here is because of some random accidental occurrence in the universe, then there is no objective morality period

So you think morality is a gift from God? That without his guidance, we have no morals? So then what's the deal with Aesop and his fables? Becuase those are morality tales that the Bible stole. What about all the great Greek and Roman morality plays and philosophers? Morality is a construct of society, not of God.

You ought to be glad Christians formed this country, there would have never been a United States if America were discovered by morally bankrupt, atheistic people.

Fuck off. Riding on the coattails of people from 250 years ago isn't gonna win you any points today.
They did not fight in Jesus' name to preserve slavery. The bible calls for the death penalty of 'men stealers'.

Are you fucking kidding? What part of the Bible is that? Because the Old Testament is all about slavery. And yes, the South definitely fought in Christianity's name to preserve slavery. The Confederate Constitution literally said: “invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God.”

Chattel slavery is prohibited and worthy of death in the bible. So American slavery was not blessed by God.

Not sure what the fuck Bible you're reading, but the King James version definitely doesn't say that.

"Not sure what the fuck Bible you're reading, but the King James version definitely doesn't say that."

The KJB does say exactly that, lol, give it up The Derp, you are in a thread with Christians and we know our Bible.

Exodus 21:16

"And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death."
Yep. Without a higher authority it is up to each of us to determine what is right and wrong.

How difficult that must be for someone like you, who needs guidance from a book written 500 years ago commissioned by a King who didn't even speak English!
No I am not. I am saying if there is no God, I'm not even talking about any particular religion at the moment... If atheists are correct that the only reason we are here is because of some random accidental occurrence in the universe, then there is no objective morality period

So you think morality is a gift from God? That without his guidance, we have no morals? So then what's the deal with Aesop and his fables? Becuase those are morality tales that the Bible stole. What about all the great Greek and Roman morality plays and philosophers? Morality is a construct of society, not of God.

You ought to be glad Christians formed this country, there would have never been a United States if America were discovered by morally bankrupt, atheistic people.

Fuck off. Riding on the coattails of people from 250 years ago isn't gonna win you any points today.
Yes, morality is God's gift to you. I think you object to Christianity for moral reasons. Am I correct?
Can you tell us where the religious communists are/were?

I. Don't. Care.

Being atheist and being Communist are two mutually exclusive things.

You keep trying to tie them together because you recognize that your own faith is shitty, so to make yourself feel less bad about that, you seek to drag everyone else down to your level using moral relativism.

Fucking. Pathetic. Get over yourself.
Communists are atheist.
And What is 'my own faith'?

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