"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

Who led the effort to end slavery in the U.K., then the US?

Christians. But they also led the effort to preserve slavery in the UK and US.

It makes you wonder that if there was no religion at all, would there have even been slavery!?
Yes you did...you stated there is no God. You therefore stated you are an atheist.

Fine. Then I guess I'm an atheist. I'm more of the "none of this shit matters and we need to stop acting like children" doctrine.

Now, because you can't defeat my.logic that atheism provides no basis for objective moral values...you claim you are not atheist.

The very fact that Greek morality plays were written thousands of years before Christianity proves my point that you don't need religion to determine morality. In fact, you don't need religion for anything.
Greeks morality consisted upon inequality and conquest. Two anti Biblical positions.
The bible does not teach equality of man as in the egalitarian sense of equality...it teaches that we are all equal in the eyes of God. There are numerous stories of men who were unequaled in the bible...Jesus being one of them. I say this not to insult you or anything malicious. People need to be careful that they do not equate the fact God views us as equally good(or bad) with worldly ideas of equality.
Greeks morality consisted upon inequality and conquest. Two anti Biblical positions.

And inequality and conquest!?!?!? How do you think the Jews got control of Canaan??!?!?!?!?!

Seriously, what a fucking idiot.
Ah, now events from 4000 years ago bother you.

Cannons had laws too. Like putting your baby on red hot steel.
No tangible product - obviously you've never seen the great cathedrals around the world or the Vatican.

That serve what purpose? None. They're just pretty. Why do you need a gold-plated chapel to worship? Why can't you just worship in your own home? Or in a cave, like they used to?
They aren't just 'pretty' you derp. you should probably do some research on the building of Cathedrals. You *might* learn something.
Sorry, only atheists are threatened by books.

Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright...so it's my imagination that Christians routinely hold book burning rallies?!?!?


And people saying Jesus loves you

It's the ultimate hubris (Greek lit reference there for ya) to speak on behalf of Jesus while simultaneously wearing a MAGA red hat screaming "Jews will not replace us."

Jesus might love me, but you don't love him.
Yes you did...you stated there is no God. You therefore stated you are an atheist.

Fine. Then I guess I'm an atheist. I'm more of the "none of this shit matters and we need to stop acting like children" doctrine.

Now, because you can't defeat my.logic that atheism provides no basis for objective moral values...you claim you are not atheist.

The very fact that Greek morality plays were written thousands of years before Christianity proves my point that you don't need religion to determine morality. In fact, you don't need religion for anything.
Greeks morality consisted upon inequality and conquest. Two anti Biblical positions.
The bible does not teach equality of man as in the egalitarian sense of equality...it teaches that we are all equal in the eyes of God. There are numerous stories of men who were unequaled in the bible...Jesus being one of them. I say this not to insult you or anything malicious. People need to be careful that they do not equate the fact God views us as equally good(or bad) with worldly ideas of equality.
I was only being pointed because even my brief condensed version flew over Derps head.
They aren't just 'pretty' you derp. you should probably do some research on the building of Cathedrals. You *might* learn something.

How about you save me the time and summarize it yourself since you think you know so much?

You're saying Christians need elaborate and ornate places of worship, why?
Sorry, only atheists are threatened by books.

Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright...so it's my imagination that Christians routinely hold book burning rallies?!?!?


And people saying Jesus loves you

It's the ultimate hubris (Greek lit reference there for ya) to speak on behalf of Jesus while simultaneously wearing a MAGA red hat screaming "Jews will not replace us."

Jesus might love me, but you don't love him.
You keep saying they are Christians. Only Satan and his ilk like to destroy Christian symbols.
Only threads you join on religion are when you attack Christianity, coward.

Because you're the shitholes who are evangelizing your faith. You're the ones who are throwing your faith around in my face when you wear those stupid crosses. You think if Jesus "came back" he'd ever want to see a fucking cross again!?!?!? That's like brandishing a swastika at Elie Weisel's funeral.

Fact is, mass murderers are just as ethical as any atheist. To each his own in making up the rules.

If you need a book written by a bunch of goat-herders and cave-dwellers to teach you morality, then you've got mental problems. Good thing you can now get treatment for them at no cost. I believe a "thanks Obama" is in store for that...
You're the ones who are throwing your faith around in my face when you wear those stupid crosses.

:eek-52: You object to Christians wearing a cross?
Do you object to any other religious items?

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