"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

Only threads you join on religion are when you attack Christianity, coward.

Because you're the shitholes who are evangelizing your faith. You're the ones who are throwing your faith around in my face when you wear those stupid crosses. You think if Jesus "came back" he'd ever want to see a fucking cross again!?!?!? That's like brandishing a swastika at Elie Weisel's funeral.

Fact is, mass murderers are just as ethical as any atheist. To each his own in making up the rules.

If you need a book written by a bunch of goat-herders and cave-dwellers to teach you morality, then you've got mental problems. Good thing you can now get treatment for them at no cost. I believe a "thanks Obama" is in store for that...
So someone who believes accepting Jesus will get them to heaven should keep it a secret from you so you go to hell?

Help me understand why you think such hate is a good thing.
Again, read this slowly, Islam is the government and rules society with Sharia. There is nothing in Christian doctrine like it. Seeking to impose is not the same thing.

And you seek to make Christianity the government and rule society with Christian Sharia. What's the difference? One is done by white people and the other brown?

I never said any such thing. And if you do not know the difference between Sharia and our Constitution you shouldn't even be here.
Yes they do.

No, they don't. They are mutually exclusive.

Marxism/Communism's end goal is an atheistic stateless society where everyone owns the means of production equally and only takes from what is produced what they need.

So the addition of "athiestic" is new to this definition of Communism. But again, atheism and Communism are mutually exclusive things.

"So the addition of "athiestic" is new to this definition of Communism. But again, atheism and Communism are mutually exclusive things."

Look it up: Vladimir Lenin said in a speech that “We do not believe in God” Lenin also stated that “all worship of a divinity is a necrophilia.”

Look it up: Karl Marx on Communism and Atheism, they are not mutually exclusive, they are on the SAME coin.

What's to debate? You said there's nothing in the Bible that threatens anyone.

There isn't. It's people like you who use the Bible to impose your weirdo, perverted views on society that is a threat.
What are my perverted weirdo views? Spending a lot of money helping people in poverty? Spending 20 hours of my own time a week helping those in need? What exactly is it?
It's you who are the whiny victim Snowflake, in this thread you said you were being victimised by Christians.

I am being victimized by Christians who impose their antiquated, out-dated, religious bullshit on the rule of law.

This is not an extreme case, but rather a simplistic example of religious theocracy: I live in Georgia. The law here in Georgia is that you cannot buy alcohol before 12:30PM on Sundays. Why? It's got nothing to do with society. It's only about religion. So because of someone's weirdo, perverted religious views, I have to wait until half an hour before football starts before I can get loaded at the bar. Now, that's just a very simplistic example of how your religion imposes on my life.

And no you do NOT have to sit here and be victimised, you have the Free Choice to log off and stop embarrassing yourself, or are you a Masochist or something?

Actually, Christians are masochists. Quite literally, they are masochists. It's Christians who flagellate themselves. It's Christians who deprive themselves of their biological nature. The only people that are embarrassing here are those who think Christianity is the standard by which morality is judged. That's fucking hilarious given Christians used religion to justify Jim Crow 60 years ago.
It's you who are the whiny victim Snowflake, in this thread you said you were being victimised by Christians.

I am being victimized by Christians who impose their antiquated, out-dated, religious bullshit on the rule of law.

This is not an extreme case, but rather a simplistic example of religious theocracy: I live in Georgia. The law here in Georgia is that you cannot buy alcohol before 12:30PM on Sundays. Why? It's got nothing to do with society. It's only about religion. So because of someone's weirdo, perverted religious views, I have to wait until half an hour before football starts before I can get loaded at the bar. Now, that's just a very simplistic example of how your religion imposes on my life.

And no you do NOT have to sit here and be victimised, you have the Free Choice to log off and stop embarrassing yourself, or are you a Masochist or something?

Actually, Christians are masochists. Quite literally, they are masochists. It's Christians who flagellate themselves. It's Christians who deprive themselves of their biological nature. The only people that are embarrassing here are those who think Christianity is the standard by which morality is judged. That's fucking hilarious given Christians used religion to justify Jim Crow 60 years ago.
Muslims flaggelate themselves, only small sects of Christians in the middle east flaggelate themselves.
You have posted extensively in this thread about your virulent hatred and objection to Christianity and Christians, yet you do not have any rants to an equal degree against Islam and Muslims?

This thread is about Christianity. That's literally what the OP is about. You all are trying to make it about something else by drudging up Communism and Islam in an attempt to make Christians look like they're victims of something. They're not. All religions suck equally. All religions are stupid. All religions are for people too lazy, boring, or stupid to do the hard work of critical thinking.

The threat the Western world faces is not from Christianity but from Islam.

No, the threat the Western World faces is the same as the rest of the world; climate change. Followed closely by religious dogma of any kind.
Climate change the biggest threat?

Most prolific period of life on earth was when palm trees were growing in the arctic circle.

Science is your friend, embrace it.

"Climate change the biggest threat?

This is the Leftist Maniac Mantra though, they have their love in with the Islamists, they do not think Islamism is a threat to Western nations, they think the internal threat to Western nations is WHITE PEOPLE WHO ARE CHRISTIAN and that the external threat is ONLY climate change.

Leftism is a mental illness.
It's you who are the whiny victim Snowflake, in this thread you said you were being victimised by Christians.

I am being victimized by Christians who impose their antiquated, out-dated, religious bullshit on the rule of law.

This is not an extreme case, but rather a simplistic example of religious theocracy: I live in Georgia. The law here in Georgia is that you cannot buy alcohol before 12:30PM on Sundays. Why? It's got nothing to do with society. It's only about religion. So because of someone's weirdo, perverted religious views, I have to wait until half an hour before football starts before I can get loaded at the bar. Now, that's just a very simplistic example of how your religion imposes on my life.

And no you do NOT have to sit here and be victimised, you have the Free Choice to log off and stop embarrassing yourself, or are you a Masochist or something?

Actually, Christians are masochists. Quite literally, they are masochists. It's Christians who flagellate themselves. It's Christians who deprive themselves of their biological nature. The only people that are embarrassing here are those who think Christianity is the standard by which morality is judged. That's fucking hilarious given Christians used religion to justify Jim Crow 60 years ago.

If you are being victimized, join the club. Everyone is a victim, at least that is what we hear. It is just a lot of us do not believe it.

And it sounds like alcohol is imposing on your life, not government.
What's to debate? You said there's nothing in the Bible that threatens anyone.

There isn't. It's people like you who use the Bible to impose your weirdo, perverted views on society that is a threat.
Friend of mine is a Pastor in Ireland. He went to the local town meeting where everyone gets to vent. The guy sitting next to him goes first and starts ranting about Christians like you. 6 months later my friend baptized him.

I think you're the same. Preconceived lies you've been told and no understanding of Christianity. I pray your eyes get opened too.
That force would have to be sentient in order to create the universe and everything in it

I wasn't talking about "force", I was talking about The Force. Switch out "God" with "The Force" in your statement and it sounds exactly like what Obi-Wan said to Luke on Tatooine.
That force would have to be sentient in order to create the universe and everything in it

I wasn't talking about "force", I was talking about The Force. Switch out "God" with "The Force" in your statement and it sounds exactly like what Obi-Wan said to Luke on Tatooine.
Well I'm talking about God. This discussion would be so much better if you were less about being a dick and more about finding out what those of us who disagree with you think and why we think it.
It's you who are the whiny victim Snowflake, in this thread you said you were being victimised by Christians.

I am being victimized by Christians who impose their antiquated, out-dated, religious bullshit on the rule of law.

This is not an extreme case, but rather a simplistic example of religious theocracy: I live in Georgia. The law here in Georgia is that you cannot buy alcohol before 12:30PM on Sundays. Why? It's got nothing to do with society. It's only about religion. So because of someone's weirdo, perverted religious views, I have to wait until half an hour before football starts before I can get loaded at the bar. Now, that's just a very simplistic example of how your religion imposes on my life.

And no you do NOT have to sit here and be victimised, you have the Free Choice to log off and stop embarrassing yourself, or are you a Masochist or something?

Actually, Christians are masochists. Quite literally, they are masochists. It's Christians who flagellate themselves. It's Christians who deprive themselves of their biological nature. The only people that are embarrassing here are those who think Christianity is the standard by which morality is judged. That's fucking hilarious given Christians used religion to justify Jim Crow 60 years ago.

"The law here in Georgia is that you cannot buy alcohol before 12:30PM on Sundays."

Why do you need to buy alcohol before 12.30PM on Sundays?

"That's fucking hilarious given Christians used religion to justify Jim Crow 60 years ago."

Christians never did such a thing and also Jim Crow ended a long time ago, so what happened 60 years ago is irrelevant to this discussion.

I have not read the middle section of this thread yet, but have you already brought up Muh Slave Trade or not?
Nobody is claiming you cannot be moral and an atheist at the same time

Weatherman2020 said that very thing. You've (in the plural) tied atheism to Communism. So it would appear that you are contradicting your own beliefs with this sentence. If you're gonna walk back stuff, at least have the common decency to admit when you're wrong. Because that's the moral thing to do.

... I would say because God exists, that's how you know right from wrong.

And what makes you think that?

God has written morality on our hearts, we have the choice to obey what we know to be right or go against it.

Jesus Christ...no. God hasn't done that. No one has. This is an example of what I am saying when I say you exercise no critical thinking.
Nobody is claiming you cannot be moral and an atheist at the same time

Weatherman2020 said that very thing. You've (in the plural) tied atheism to Communism. So it would appear that you are contradicting your own beliefs with this sentence. If you're gonna walk back stuff, at least have the common decency to admit when you're wrong. Because that's the moral thing to do.

... I would say because God exists, that's how you know right from wrong.

And what makes you think that?

God has written morality on our hearts, we have the choice to obey what we know to be right or go against it.

Jesus Christ...no. God hasn't done that. No one has. This is an example of what I am saying when I say you exercise no critical thinking.
Lol....why am I even trying with you? Everything you say about me applies to you 10x more....anyone can see that just reading this thread.
That force would have to be sentient in order to create the universe and everything in it

I wasn't talking about "force", I was talking about The Force. Switch out "God" with "The Force" in your statement and it sounds exactly like what Obi-Wan said to Luke on Tatooine.
Art imitates life.
Sounds like The Derp has a terrible life, seeing how it is an imperative for him to be able to purchase alcohol before 12:30 in the afternoon.

I happen to know that AA works. But it involves being honest with yourself. The Derp has a long way to go.
That force would have to be sentient in order to create the universe and everything in it

I wasn't talking about "force", I was talking about The Force. Switch out "God" with "The Force" in your statement and it sounds exactly like what Obi-Wan said to Luke on Tatooine.

"I was talking about The Force."

The Force is with ME, I gave my mind to Darth Vader already in return for The Force :smoke:

If you are being victimized, join the club. Everyone is a victim, at least that is what we hear. It is just a lot of us do not believe it.

Well, maybe you should because your freedoms are being curtailed by religion in many aspects of society.

Or you can just wallow in ignorance. Whatever. I don't care.

And it sounds like alcohol is imposing on your life, not government.

So I don't know if this is you trying to be pithy or what, but you missed my point.

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