File This Under 'DUH': 'Dems: Black voters deserve more from party'

The translation is simple: "keep the racial pot simmering because Black people are starting to drift off the government plantation and establishing themselves in the middle class". If the economy keeps booming Black people might not believe the crap they have been fed all these years from the DNC and start voting (for republicans) in their own interests.
The translation is simple: "keep the racial pot simmering because Black people are starting to drift off the government plantation and establishing themselves in the middle class". If the economy keeps booming Black people might not believe the crap they have been fed all these years from the DNC and start voting (for republicans) in their own interests.
I consider myself middle class and I would never vote for a republican. Specifically because they support racism and believe in the idiotic trickle down theory.
Dems: Black voters deserve more from party

'Democrats...“have taken the black vote and the poor vote for granted for a long time. They’ve always had our votes and they've abused our votes."

“It’s time for them to get off their ass,” Barkley added. “This is a wake up call for Democrats to do better for black people and poor white people.”
Democrats want poor whites to die Barkley.

They couldn’t care less about poor whites.
Blacks are the same thing as Frankensteins monster.

Democrats are Frankenstein and the blacks are the monster. Blacks are almost entirely dependent on their Democrat massas still and they are virtually irretrievably out of control.

What an embarrassment.
This is a welfare mentality. "Somebody else must do better for me.

Gimme gimme gimme."
Why do white racists vote for the GOP? They want something right?
Because Democrats hate white people?
They do? If that was true why did they give white women affirmative action instead of just giving it to Black people?
To divide and conquer the white vote?

The same reason they created the homosexual and transgender and pedophilia lobby...
This is a welfare mentality. "Somebody else must do better for me.

Gimme gimme gimme."
Why do white racists vote for the GOP? They want something right?
Because Democrats hate white people?
They do? If that was true why did they give white women affirmative action instead of just giving it to Black people?
To divide and conquer the white vote?

The same reason they created the homosexual and transgender and pedophilia lobby...
How would giving all whites an advantage divide and conquer the white vote?
This is a welfare mentality. "Somebody else must do better for me.

Gimme gimme gimme."
Why do white racists vote for the GOP? They want something right?
Because Democrats hate white people?
They do? If that was true why did they give white women affirmative action instead of just giving it to Black people?
To divide and conquer the white vote?

The same reason they created the homosexual and transgender and pedophilia lobby...
How would giving all whites an advantage divide and conquer the white vote?
Giving white WOMEN the “advantage”(which doesn’t apply to their white male children or white husbands) insures that they are disconnected from white men of the same background.
Why do white racists vote for the GOP? They want something right?
Because Democrats hate white people?
They do? If that was true why did they give white women affirmative action instead of just giving it to Black people?
To divide and conquer the white vote?

The same reason they created the homosexual and transgender and pedophilia lobby...
How would giving all whites an advantage divide and conquer the white vote?
Giving white WOMEN the “advantage”(which doesn’t apply to their white male children or white husbands) insures that they are disconnected from white men of the same background.
I would have thought adding more income into the white family would make everyone feel good. I guess white men have a problem with a level playing field.
Blacks are a major part of the Democratic Party. The last president was black. Many black leaders in the Democratic party speak out. Republicans hate them.

If any party was leading their lemming minions over a cliff, it's the GOP. The Grand Party of Pedophiles.

Sad they way the GOP attacks Democrats. Especially after what they are doing to their own base.

Only if you leave oy Jeff Epstein, Bill Clinton, and Harvey Weinstein. I'd love to peruse the flight logs of Epstein's private jet to see how many Democrats that are politicians and donors stayed at Lolita Island....
THe Black Caucus has been corrupted for years and have deserted the Black Americans that have supported them. It took Donald Trump to get every Black Americans willing to work a decent paying job. You 'all find that out in November 2020.....

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