Fillibuster: What do the Democrats think of it?

Love it? Hate it?
Not going to complain about it if the GOP takes the senate?
Going to whine and cry about it if the Dems take it back?
Just curious.

I will support Republicans ending filibuster once and for all

Majority rule
Imagine actually having majority votes once again? What a concept
Imagine having republic and liberty once again. What a concept that was.
We never lost it

Where ya been? Just because you lost an election doesn't mean you have lost your "liberty"
1) 14th amendment, due process clause, state government, and the feds through the states, can take your life, liberty, and property.
2) 16th amendment, the federal government can take all of your income.
3) 17th amendment, the senate is now elected by the majority, vs. being assigned by the state legislatures.

Bang, bang, bang, go the nails as liberty is buried 8' under the ground.
I will support Republicans ending filibuster once and for all

Majority rule
Imagine actually having majority votes once again? What a concept
Imagine having republic and liberty once again. What a concept that was.
We never lost it

Where ya been? Just because you lost an election doesn't mean you have lost your "liberty"
1) 14th amendment, due process clause, state government, and the feds through the states, can take your life, liberty, and property.
2) 16th amendment, the federal government can take all of your income.
3) 17th amendment, the senate is now elected by the majority, vs. being assigned by the state legislatures.

Bang, bang, bang, go the nails as liberty is buried 8' under the ground.

All were enacted by representatives of We the People

Far from a loss of liberty and all are sound legislative decisions
Imagine actually having majority votes once again? What a concept
Imagine having republic and liberty once again. What a concept that was.
We never lost it

Where ya been? Just because you lost an election doesn't mean you have lost your "liberty"
1) 14th amendment, due process clause, state government, and the feds through the states, can take your life, liberty, and property.
2) 16th amendment, the federal government can take all of your income.
3) 17th amendment, the senate is now elected by the majority, vs. being assigned by the state legislatures.

Bang, bang, bang, go the nails as liberty is buried 8' under the ground.

All were enacted by representatives of We the People

Far from a loss of liberty and all are sound legislative decisions
ROFL how is TAKING YOUR LIBERTY NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL How is TAKING YOUR INCOME NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL How is switching to majority vote for senators NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL boot loving tyrants are so funny.
Imagine actually having majority votes once again? What a concept
Imagine having republic and liberty once again. What a concept that was.
We never lost it

Where ya been? Just because you lost an election doesn't mean you have lost your "liberty"
1) 14th amendment, due process clause, state government, and the feds through the states, can take your life, liberty, and property.
2) 16th amendment, the federal government can take all of your income.
3) 17th amendment, the senate is now elected by the majority, vs. being assigned by the state legislatures.

Bang, bang, bang, go the nails as liberty is buried 8' under the ground.

All were enacted by representatives of We the People

Far from a loss of liberty and all are sound legislative decisions
ROFL how is TAKING YOUR LIBERTY NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL How is TAKING YOUR INCOME NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL How is switching to majority vote for senators NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL boot loving tyrants are so funny.

You obviously have no understanding of what Liberty involves. We the People deciding how we want revenue collected and how we want to elect Senators is the very DEFINITION of liberty
Love it? Hate it?
Not going to complain about it if the GOP takes the senate?
Going to whine and cry about it if the Dems take it back?
Just curious.
They will rue the day Harry Reid tampered with time honoured Senate tradition.

As they will rue the day the next Republican president takes advantage of the various Obama power grabs.

That day is coming, too, pretty soon.
Imagine having republic and liberty once again. What a concept that was.
We never lost it

Where ya been? Just because you lost an election doesn't mean you have lost your "liberty"
1) 14th amendment, due process clause, state government, and the feds through the states, can take your life, liberty, and property.
2) 16th amendment, the federal government can take all of your income.
3) 17th amendment, the senate is now elected by the majority, vs. being assigned by the state legislatures.

Bang, bang, bang, go the nails as liberty is buried 8' under the ground.

All were enacted by representatives of We the People

Far from a loss of liberty and all are sound legislative decisions
ROFL how is TAKING YOUR LIBERTY NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL How is TAKING YOUR INCOME NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL How is switching to majority vote for senators NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL boot loving tyrants are so funny.

You obviously have no understanding of what Liberty involves. We the People deciding how we want revenue collected and how we want to elect Senators is the very DEFINITION of liberty
It is called "voting oneself into the till".

It will destroy the nation, because those with "no skin in the game" vote to rob the productive.
Imagine having republic and liberty once again. What a concept that was.
We never lost it

Where ya been? Just because you lost an election doesn't mean you have lost your "liberty"
1) 14th amendment, due process clause, state government, and the feds through the states, can take your life, liberty, and property.
2) 16th amendment, the federal government can take all of your income.
3) 17th amendment, the senate is now elected by the majority, vs. being assigned by the state legislatures.

Bang, bang, bang, go the nails as liberty is buried 8' under the ground.

All were enacted by representatives of We the People

Far from a loss of liberty and all are sound legislative decisions
ROFL how is TAKING YOUR LIBERTY NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL How is TAKING YOUR INCOME NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL How is switching to majority vote for senators NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL boot loving tyrants are so funny.

You obviously have no understanding of what Liberty involves. We the People deciding how we want revenue collected and how we want to elect Senators is the very DEFINITION of liberty
It worked for the right wingers/teaparty they saw nothing wrong,
So what the hell!

Love it? Hate it?
Not going to complain about it if the GOP takes the senate?
Going to whine and cry about it if the Dems take it back?
Just curious.
Love it? Hate it?
Not going to complain about it if the GOP takes the senate?
Going to whine and cry about it if the Dems take it back?
Just curious.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

I think the reform of the Fillibuster rule was a good reform- and it will still be a good reform if Republicans take control of the Senate.

And yes- Democrats will whine about it as much as Republicans did.

On the flip side- do you think the Republicans- who complained about how horrible the Fillibuster changes were- will undo those changes?

I don't think that they will.
I look forward to Republicans taking the Senate. It will be a veritable circus! Imagine how Americans will feel as their labor rights are further reduced, abortion becomes criminalized, we are all forced to pray to the Christian trinity of gods, we start new wars, and taxes are shifted even more from the rich to everyone else.

It's gonna really expose those shills. mean Obama will sign these bills into law?

Love it? Hate it?
Not going to complain about it if the GOP takes the senate?
Going to whine and cry about it if the Dems take it back?
Just curious.

I will support Republicans ending filibuster once and for all

Majority rule
Imagine actually having majority votes once again? What a concept

The Senate is not going to eliminate the filibuster nor should they. It protects the minority party.

Why does a minority party deserve protecting? The voters obviously thought otherwise. Having two houses in Congress and a presidential veto is enough checks and balances

Good point.

Once you replace majority rule with minority rule, what's the point of having elections?
The Democrats will successfully stymie the GOP majority in the Senate for 2 years, and then we'll see how things go in 2016,

when the GOP will have to run as a do-nothing Congress,

and when the GOP will have to defend about 25 Senate seats to the Democrats' 10. More turnabout.
I think the Democrats will have a much more favorable opinion of the filibuster if they become the minority in the Senate.

Agreed. The scripts will flip. The filibuster will be called obstructionism by the GOP and the Democrat will claim it is well need power of the minority party in the Senate. Round and round we go...
And the press will switch from grid lock being the big problem to out of control and bad leadership by republicans being the problem. And Obama... yeah he'll be golfing, vacationing, vetoing, and going to fund raisers.

Pretty much. The liberal press will gas on about poor leadership by the GOP and the conservative press will gas on about obstructionism by Democrats. At least it will be fun to watch the hypocrites spin and flop sides again.
Why in the world do you believe that Obama is treated favorably in the press? They've been savaging him since he was elected. We don't have independent media or free press, you know--it is owned by corporations, and it delivers a corporate message.
Obama was said to be walking on water by the press till after his last election. What happens after a socialist wins his last election and the public finally give up on him being the "savior" who will make socialism work, is the media have to explain to eveAlonye
Love it? Hate it?
Not going to complain about it if the GOP takes the senate?
Going to whine and cry about it if the Dems take it back?
Just curious.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

I think the reform of the Fillibuster rule was a good reform- and it will still be a good reform if Republicans take control of the Senate.

And yes- Democrats will whine about it as much as Republicans did.

On the flip side- do you think the Republicans- who complained about how horrible the Fillibuster changes were- will undo those changes?

I don't think that they will.

If they have a majority they don't need the filibuster to stop President Obama's political appointments. The real question is will the GOP change the rules on Cloture for Bills (legislation) if they win a slight majority?
We never lost it

Where ya been? Just because you lost an election doesn't mean you have lost your "liberty"
1) 14th amendment, due process clause, state government, and the feds through the states, can take your life, liberty, and property.
2) 16th amendment, the federal government can take all of your income.
3) 17th amendment, the senate is now elected by the majority, vs. being assigned by the state legislatures.

Bang, bang, bang, go the nails as liberty is buried 8' under the ground.

All were enacted by representatives of We the People

Far from a loss of liberty and all are sound legislative decisions
ROFL how is TAKING YOUR LIBERTY NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL How is TAKING YOUR INCOME NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL How is switching to majority vote for senators NOT A LOSS OF LIBERTY? ROFL boot loving tyrants are so funny.

You obviously have no understanding of what Liberty involves. We the People deciding how we want revenue collected and how we want to elect Senators is the very DEFINITION of liberty
It is called "voting oneself into the till".

It will destroy the nation, because those with "no skin in the game" vote to rob the productive.

Income tax has been in place for almost 100 years. We have done pretty well with ourselves over that time
Agreed. The scripts will flip. The filibuster will be called obstructionism by the GOP and the Democrat will claim it is well need power of the minority party in the Senate. Round and round we go...
And the press will switch from grid lock being the big problem to out of control and bad leadership by republicans being the problem. And Obama... yeah he'll be golfing, vacationing, vetoing, and going to fund raisers.

Pretty much. The liberal press will gas on about poor leadership by the GOP and the conservative press will gas on about obstructionism by Democrats. At least it will be fun to watch the hypocrites spin and flop sides again.
Why in the world do you believe that Obama is treated favorably in the press? They've been savaging him since he was elected. We don't have independent media or free press, you know--it is owned by corporations, and it delivers a corporate message.
Obama was said to be walking on water by the press till after his last election. What happens after a socialist wins his last election and the public finally give up on him being the "savior" who will make socialism work, is the media have to explain to eveAlonye
Love it? Hate it?
Not going to complain about it if the GOP takes the senate?
Going to whine and cry about it if the Dems take it back?
Just curious.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

I think the reform of the Fillibuster rule was a good reform- and it will still be a good reform if Republicans take control of the Senate.

And yes- Democrats will whine about it as much as Republicans did.

On the flip side- do you think the Republicans- who complained about how horrible the Fillibuster changes were- will undo those changes?

I don't think that they will.

If they have a majority they don't need the filibuster to stop President Obama's political appointments. The real question is will the GOP change the rules on Cloture for Bills (legislation) if they win a slight majority?

I hope they do. Drop all filibuster and ram as many bills through as you can over the next two years. Reid didn't have the balls...lets see if McConnell does
If they have a majority they don't need the filibuster to stop President Obama's political appointments. The real question is will the GOP change the rules on Cloture for Bills (legislation) if they win a slight majority?
There's also the questions in the OP.
Have any answers?

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