Fillibuster: What do the Democrats think of it?

(1) The process of writing and passing a law was made difficult for a good reason; it should not be done casually or on the sperm of the moment.

(2) Significant laws should require the votes of at least 60% of both houses, along with the President's signature for passage. O'Care is the best example of raw, stupid partisanship. The ability to filibuster a law in the Senate is an appropriate way to ensure that a slim majority does not shove bad laws down America's throat, just because they have the upper hand at the moment.

(3) Having a full-time legislature in a country that is over 200 years old is insane. I'm not being facetious when I say, "We have enough laws."
I look forward to Republicans taking the Senate. It will be a veritable circus! Imagine how Americans will feel as their labor rights are further reduced, abortion becomes criminalized, we are all forced to pray to the Christian trinity of gods, we start new wars, and taxes are shifted even more from the rich to everyone else.

It's gonna really expose those shills.
You have no ability to not be an idiot, do you? And you didn't answer the question at all.
I think the Democrats will have a much more favorable opinion of the filibuster if they become the minority in the Senate.

Agreed. The scripts will flip. The filibuster will be called obstructionism by the GOP and the Democrat will claim it is well need power of the minority party in the Senate. Round and round we go...
And the press will switch from grid lock being the big problem to out of control and bad leadership by republicans being the problem. And Obama... yeah he'll be golfing, vacationing, vetoing, and going to fund raisers.

Pretty much. The liberal press will gas on about poor leadership by the GOP and the conservative press will gas on about obstructionism by Democrats. At least it will be fun to watch the hypocrites spin and flop sides again.
Why in the world do you believe that Obama is treated favorably in the press? They've been savaging him since he was elected. We don't have independent media or free press, you know--it is owned by corporations, and it delivers a corporate message. need to sober up in a big way.
Conservatives love the filibuster because they know it's impossible for them to ever get a majority in Congress...

...of conservatives I mean, not just Republicans...
Conservatives love the filibuster because they know it's impossible for them to ever get a majority in Congress...

...of conservatives I mean, not just Republicans...
Democrats love screwing people over, because they know it's impossible for them to ever get anywhere in life without hurting others.

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