Film "Gone With the Wind" banned in Tennessee due to "racial tensions"

Is 2017 the realistic start of Orwell's 1984?

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One theater deciding to not screen a movie does not equal a ban.

I'm pretty fucking liberal. I don't agree with all of this sanitization of history going on. History has its ugly side. Hiding it is not going to change it or right wrongs that were made.

This is not a liberal thing. These are people not satisfied with the hand they were dealt or the hand that was dealt to people less fortunate than them. In some ways they're misguided. I'm sure there are a lot of good intentions, but I think they're going too far.
One theater deciding to not screen a movie does not equal a ban.

I'm pretty fucking liberal. I don't agree with all of this sanitization of history going on. History has its ugly side. Hiding it is not going to change it or right wrongs that were made.

This is not a liberal thing. These are people not satisfied with the hand they were dealt or the hand that was dealt to people less fortunate than them. In some ways they're misguided. I'm sure there are a lot of good intentions, but I think they're going too far.

Nobody is sanitizing history.
We are already living 1984 to a degree. If there is not a serious backlash against it from all sides, and very soon, we're done.

Find a foreign bolthole, or be stuck with Victory gin, chocolate rationing and television like the DPRK.
This thread has nothing to do with politics and should be in race relations..
My impression that Gone With the Wind is a chick flick has always kept me from watching it.
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Orwell started a long time ago , and didn't become apparent to many until a few months/years of 911 then it all started to become apparent for many and hasn't stopped ever since.
Orwell started a long time ago , and didn't become apparent to many until a few months/years of 911 then it all started to become apparent for many and hasn't stopped ever since.
Once the American people stood still for the Patriot Act, the government anxiously took advantage of the opportunity to strip us of as much freedom as possible.
Orwell started a long time ago , and didn't become apparent to many until a few months/years of 911 then it all started to become apparent for many and hasn't stopped ever since.
Once the American people stood still for the Patriot Act, the government anxiously took advantage of the opportunity to strip us of as much freedom as possible.

Exactly , and that Patriot act was going to expire for the American people to put it lightly, but then O ass wipe resigned it and added more bs to enslave the American people who in their eyes are the real terrorist.

We can't get the leftards to see it is we the American people they treat as the terrorist.
Orwell started a long time ago , and didn't become apparent to many until a few months/years of 911 then it all started to become apparent for many and hasn't stopped ever since.
Once the American people stood still for the Patriot Act, the government anxiously took advantage of the opportunity to strip us of as much freedom as possible.

Exactly , and that Patriot act was going to expire for the American people to put it lightly, but then O ass wipe resigned it and added more bs to enslave the American people who in their eyes are the real terrorist.

We can't get the leftards to see it is we the American people they treat as the terrorist.


And they wont ever see it coming, sad part it's already here.


  • upload_2017-9-1_8-45-10.png
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This isn't fake news. It totally irresponsible, so-called journalists, who post/print rumors in lieu of "confirmed" facts. It's also a testament to the massive confirmation bias of low information people who believe with without checking as to its validity. - Tennessee Theatre clears up confusion: It won't stop showing 'Gone with the Wind'

For the informed, this is NOT a "movie theater" it's a Theater where they show know, live actors, dancers and stuff. Now the company that performs that production of "Gone With The Wind", will stop performing it so they can switch to a new season. Some fool news services blew it so far out of proportion, these poor people at the theater were subjected to the outbursts of the worse elements of society.

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The ONLY reason I voted Obama in 2008 was his sincere pledge to repeal the Patriot Act. I believe he was actually going to do it to, I wonder who put a gun to his head to stop him.
The ONLY reason I voted Obama in 2008 was his sincere pledge to repeal the Patriot Act. I believe he was actually going to do it to, I wonder who put a gun to his head to stop him.

He's a good liar just like Clinton a lot of people were fooled and still are.
The ONLY reason I voted Obama in 2008 was his sincere pledge to repeal the Patriot Act. I believe he was actually going to do it to, I wonder who put a gun to his head to stop him.
The same one at Trump's head..Congress..
This isn't fake news. It totally irresponsible, so-called journalists, who post/print rumors in lieu of "confirmed" facts. It's also a testament to the massive confirmation bias of low information people who believe with without checking as to its validity. - Tennessee Theatre clears up confusion: It won't stop showing 'Gone with the Wind'

For the informed, this is NOT a "movie theater" it's a Theater where they show know, live actors, dancers and stuff. Now the company that performs that production of "Gone With The Wind", will stop performing it so they can switch to a new season. Some fool news services blew it so far out of proportion, these poor people at the theater were subjected to the outbursts of the worse elements of society.


The theater in your link is not the one that stopped screening Gone With the Wind. The Orpheum Theater in Memphis is the one that has decided to stop their annual summer screening.

Memphis theater to stop screening "Gone With the Wind" - CBS News

Your article appears to be about some confusion that has arisen from reports about the Orpheum Theater leading to people thinking the Tennessee Theatre was stopping Gone With the Wind.

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