Film "Gone With the Wind" banned in Tennessee due to "racial tensions"

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From the OP's rubric essay:
In the days following the disturbing events in Charlottesville, VA, the Left has been desperate, apparently, to prove Donald Trump correct. He was using an argument which, in the discipline of logic, is called a reductio ad absurdum when he asked reporters who were defending the violence of Antifa, what would be next after the statue of Robert E. Lee; George Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson. After all, they were slave owners as well.

Two things:
  • Would someone please show me instances of reporters, writing/speaking as a news reporter and not as an editorialist/commentator, defending Antifa?

    Journalists wear at least two "hats: that of reporter and that of commentator/editorialist. As a reporter, journalists defend or chide no one; they merely tell what is. As a commentator, they may advocate for or rail against any number of people, places, and things, but in doing so they represent themselves, not anyone else. As consumers of journalism, we each are required to be able to tell the difference in which hat is being worn with regard to any given piece/statement a journalist releases.
  • Whether Trump was using the reductio ad absurdum technique is irrelevant because the problem with the statues isn't that the individuals depicted owned slaves, but rather that they were Confederates and the statues accord to them honor they do not -- having been Confederates, having been losers in an insurrection against the USA -- deserve. That those Confederates owned slaves and/or condoned and advocated for the maintenance of slavery is, AFAIC, secondary to why they should not by USA governmental institutions and organizations be honored with statues or fêted eponymously via publicly held bridges, buildings, parks, etc.

    Because Trump opted to focus the thrust of his retort on an ancillary aspect of the opprobrium over the Confederate statuary, rhetorically he did not prevail via reductio ad absurdum, but rather floundered by way of ignoratio elenchi (missing the point -- arguing, poorly or well, against/for a claim that is not the relevant claim). Trump's rebuttal became ignoratio elenchi because he assumed that the honored individuals' status as former slaveholders is the basis of the primary objection to their being lionized in statuary form.

    The following sequence of primacy of objection should help one understand how, as goes the statues, the matter of Davis et al's merely having been slaveholders simply is not the point; thus to argue from that perspective -- no matter the position one argues -- is to miss the point.
    • Jefferson/Washington --> Not treasonous -> Slaveholders -->Did they attempt to advance/perpetuate slavery?

      I know GW was keen to abjure slavery; I don't know about Jefferson. I know Madison preferred keeping the races physically separate, ideally in distinct nations, but he didn't advocate slavery. I'd have to check for the rest of the founders.
    • Davis/Lee --> Treasonous --> Confederate --> Known advocates of slavery --> Slaveholders
The theater in your link is not the one that stopped screening Gone With the Wind. The Orpheum Theater in Memphis is the one that has decided to stop their annual summer screening. Memphis theater to stop screening "Gone With the Wind" - CBS NewsYour article appears to be about some confusion that has arisen from reports about the Orpheum Theater leading to people thinking the Tennessee Theatre was stopping Gone With the Wind.

I'm sorry but your link goes to the old story.
"Racial tensions" = sniveling black crybabies stirring up racial melodrama where none exists because they can't stand not being the center of attention.
"Racial tensions" = sniveling black crybabies stirring up racial melodrama where none exists because they can't stand not being the center of attention.
then you'd think not giving them the attention they seek would be a way to get them to quit it.
"Racial tensions" = sniveling black crybabies stirring up racial melodrama where none exists because they can't stand not being the center of attention.
A very Ironic post considering the Truth as opposed to the OP's claim.
The theater in your link is not the one that stopped screening Gone With the Wind. The Orpheum Theater in Memphis is the one that has decided to stop their annual summer screening. Memphis theater to stop screening "Gone With the Wind" - CBS NewsYour article appears to be about some confusion that has arisen from reports about the Orpheum Theater leading to people thinking the Tennessee Theatre was stopping Gone With the Wind.

I'm sorry but your link goes to the old story.

My link is about the theater the OP talks about. You brought up a different theater, one that was inadvertently brought into the discussion because of its name. Some articles mentioned a Tennessee theater. The place in your post is named the Tennessee Theatre, so some people thought it was that theater that had stopped playing Gone With the Wind. That was not the case, it was the Orpheum theater.

The two things are related, but the story from your link is not the one being discussed.
The ONLY reason I voted Obama in 2008 was his sincere pledge to repeal the Patriot Act. I believe he was actually going to do it to, I wonder who put a gun to his head to stop him.

It was bullshit that Obama did not take a stand and refuse to sign the act but the numbers in the senate that passed that asinine law voted damn near unanimously.

That was the problem with the PA and why I was staunchly against it at the outset - no matter what the intentions are in the beginning the government does not remit power. As a general rule of thumb, it only grows.
The ONLY reason I voted Obama in 2008 was his sincere pledge to repeal the Patriot Act. I believe he was actually going to do it to, I wonder who put a gun to his head to stop him.
Nobody had to put a gun to his head, he never intended to repeal it in the first place. He's a big government socialist/communist, has been his whole life. How could you not see it?

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