Finally, a dem with a plan for college based upon EARNING it.

Earning is not part of the leftist vocabulary. It was nice Buttigieg, but the trial has come to an end.
One truism in life is that no one really appreciates something that's just given to them. Be they rich or poor.

Buttigieg introduces national service plan
I like the creative thinking.

Give value to get value.

I would, however, put limits on what degree courses can be pursued on the government's dime. They need to be geared toward areas of need, rather than some worthless degree path.

Again, value for value.

Earning is not part of the leftist vocabulary. It was nice Buttigieg, but the trial has come to an end.
Who do you think started the Peace Corp and Americacorp. It was bipartisan I give it that, but it was JFK and Slick.
One truism in life is that no one really appreciates something that's just given to them. Be they rich or poor.

Buttigieg introduces national service plan
I like the creative thinking.

Give value to get value.

I would, however, put limits on what degree courses can be pursued on the government's dime. They need to be geared toward areas of need, rather than some worthless degree path.

Again, value for value.

I worked with a guy who was in here just finishing out a couple of years before retirement, and he had seven kids, all of whom worked off their loans by teaching in underserved areas. Their living arrangements were a bit rough, with pretty much dormitory and eating on the cheap, but that's not a bad thing for kids. I know a young woman who did the same as a school counselor.

I did a public service job when I was young, and then threre was just more money supporting educ. But I'd never have been able to do it without govt subsidizing my college educ.
Democrats are socialist. They believe higher education is a right the government should provide for free. He will lose to all the Democrats offering free college. The DNC primary is about who is promising the most free stuff and who hates trump the most.
Democrats are socialist. They believe higher education is a right the government should provide for free. He will lose to all the Democrats offering free college. The DNC primary is about who is promising the most free stuff and who hates trump the most.

They think people should pay for indoctrination to their ideology.

That's what Luciferians believe.
One truism in life is that no one really appreciates something that's just given to them. Be they rich or poor.

Buttigieg introduces national service plan
What's not to like and he's not the only Dem on board. Multiple Democratic presidential candidates, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren, former Rep. John Delaney, and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, have proposed subsidizing college tuition for or forgiving student loan of those who participate in national service programs.

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