Finally. A President Who Isnt Ashamed of America's Heroes

No one in the military can be honored by this garbage man posing as president.
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
You need to learn the actual definition of a draft dodger. Obviously, you weren’t alive during that time.

I know EXACTLY what a draft dodger is. His dad paid a physician to give him a FAKE ailment to dodge the draft. If you are going to defend the coward at least use a good talking point to do it.
Nothing objectionable in the speech

Trump just sucks as a speaker
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
If you dont like what is going on in the United States, you can always fucking leave. Cuba, the Socialist Utopian Paradise has been opened for you Commies to go and visit. Please leave and leave your passport at the border, because We the People dont want your sorry ass here anymore.

Clinton draft dodger and smoked weed, but didnt inhale, what a waste of money.
Obama did cocaine and smoked dope, dropped more bombs on innocent Muslims than Bush did. Got the NPP. What a waste of a human being.
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
If you dont like what is going on in the United States, you can always fucking leave. Cuba, the Socialist Utopian Paradise has been opened for you Commies to go and visit. Please leave and leave your passport at the border, because We the People dont want your sorry ass here anymore.

Clinton draft dodger and smoked weed, but didnt inhale, what a waste of money.
Obama did cocaine and smoked dope, dropped more bombs on innocent Muslims than Bush did. Got the NPP. What a waste of a human being.

And Ears took it up the ass
But he openly used his wealth...

You or I would have gladly used wealth or any other means to avoid being drafted and sent into the Vietnam death trap. And Trump isn't exactly the first guy, or the last, to use his wealth to avoid a bad situation. Out of a million guys that dodged the draft, your outrage for doing so is reserved solely for Trump because of your extreme, political partisanship.

I told you EXACTLY why. It was a lot more than being a coward not wanting to die in a war. Not everyone is a coward, there are a lot of American heroes like Ted Williams, Clarke Gable, Pat Tillman... those guys had all the money and fame in the world and they dropped what they were doing to serve their country. Trump paid off a doctor, and then bragged about it and minimized what others went through. He's attacked Gold Star Families... it's a whole hell a lot more than partisan hatred.
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
If you dont like what is going on in the United States, you can always fucking leave. Cuba, the Socialist Utopian Paradise has been opened for you Commies to go and visit. Please leave and leave your passport at the border, because We the People dont want your sorry ass here anymore.

Clinton draft dodger and smoked weed, but didnt inhale, what a waste of money.
Obama did cocaine and smoked dope, dropped more bombs on innocent Muslims than Bush did. Got the NPP. What a waste of a human being.

You say this shit every time. Are you fucking retarded? The whole fucking thing about the United States is the FREEDOM to have your own opinion, and that politicians are voted into office and have limited terms. You need to take a civics class. Did you not learn enough 7th grade history from Trump's speech today?
This thread has given the libtards the chance to show how ungrateful, unappreciative and un-American they really are. If you fuktards don't like what's happening in America these days, why don't you get the fuck out of MY country.
This thread has given the libtards the chance to show how ungrateful, unappreciative and un-American they really are. If you fuktards don't like what's happening in America these days, why don't you get the fuck out of MY country.

Because it isn't "your" country. It is OUR country. You have the right to follow a worthless piece of shit that cages up children and then tries to USE real American heroes for his own gain... just as much as I, and others have the right to tell you how fucking ignorant you guys look doing it.
American heroes like Ted Williams, Clarke Gable, Pat Tillman... those guys had all the money and fame in the world and they dropped what they were doing to serve their country. Trump paid off a doctor, and then bragged about it and minimized what others went through. He's attacked Gold Star Families... it's a whole hell a lot more than partisan hatred.

You need a teenage girl's shoulder to cry on.

The other prominent Americans you mentioned weren't getting drafted and sent to Vietnam. There was no reason for us to fight that war. I'm sure that you agree that fighting that war was a colossal mistake, yet you have no problem criticizing Trump for staying out of it. YOU are the one that is the partisan hack.
This thread has given the libtards the chance to show how ungrateful, unappreciative and un-American they really are. If you fuktards don't like what's happening in America these days, why don't you get the fuck out of MY country.

Because it isn't "your" country. It is OUR country. You have the right to follow a worthless piece of shit that cages up children and then tries to USE real American heroes for his own gain... just as much as I, and others have the right to tell you how fucking ignorant you guys look doing it.
Please keep talking like that until November 2020

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