Finally. A President Who Isnt Ashamed of America's Heroes

My grandfather Arnold was in the Air Force stationed in Florida with Ted Williams and would work on his car all the time. After he died in a hunting accident, my grandmother remarried a hell of a man that served as a sailor during the Korean War. He married my grandmother despite her being a widower with FIVE kids. My uncle Rock served in the Air Force. My uncle Wayne served in the Navy and graduated from the Great Lakes. My father was in the army stationed in Fort Richardson Alaska. My aunt was a teacher... and my last uncle went to sign up for the military and they wouldn't let him because he had flat feet. This picture is mine...

So I don't want to hear any fucking excuses of why it is ok for Trump to be a draft dodger. What he did today is a fucking disgrace.

Well one good thing was discovered

City officials say that the Trump administration has still not repaid the city for the nearly $7 million it spent to help fund his inauguration in January 2017.

Ouch, good luck with that one
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
The Surrender Monkey and Blow Job Clinton weren't there!!!!!
American heroes like Ted Williams, Clarke Gable, Pat Tillman... those guys had all the money and fame in the world and they dropped what they were doing to serve their country. Trump paid off a doctor, and then bragged about it and minimized what others went through. He's attacked Gold Star Families... it's a whole hell a lot more than partisan hatred.

You need a teenage girl's shoulder to cry on.

The other prominent Americans you mentioned weren't getting drafted and sent to Vietnam. There was no reason for us to fight that war. I'm sure that you agree that fighting that war was a colossal mistake, yet you have no problem criticizing Trump for staying out of it. YOU are the one that is the partisan hack.

They weren't going to Vietnam... No they were flying bombing missions in WWII. Do you know what the return rate for those guys was?

Go ahead... check out the stats.
This picture is mine...
So I don't want to hear any fucking excuses of why it is ok for Trump to be a draft dodger. What he did today is a fucking disgrace.


Congratulations. You just won the argument!
I thought it was great. No. Awesome.

I don’t know who wrote it but I watched very closely and can say, without hesitation, the president believed every single word of it.

It was given by the man we elected to lead this country.

It reminded us of our past while telling every American that there is nothing they cannot dream – or do.

I was impressed with him starting off with the Coast Guard. For a very long time they have been the “forgotten service” that has played a huge part in our history, policing our coastline – and putting themselves as risk to save lives.

I bet the Left hated every word of it. I expect to read reports of their whining and crying over it.

I even think it might’ve changed some minds about the president and what they think of this great land of ours.
I made up my mind YEARS ago that, guys who avoided being to Vietnam, were smart to do so. I have NEVER criticized anyone for doing so and have, as I am doing here, defended their decision to do so. Trump is deserving of criticism on some things, but not this. The problem with guys like you is that, Trump can take a breath, and you'd be critical of him for doing so. You're a broken record. You might as well be a paid shill for the DNC, that's how unobjectively partisan you are.
Well one good thing was discovered

City officials say that the Trump administration has still not repaid the city for the nearly $7 million it spent to help fund his inauguration in January 2017.

Ouch, good luck with that one

Congress pays for it. Try again
American heroes like Ted Williams, Clarke Gable, Pat Tillman... those guys had all the money and fame in the world and they dropped what they were doing to serve their country. Trump paid off a doctor, and then bragged about it and minimized what others went through. He's attacked Gold Star Families... it's a whole hell a lot more than partisan hatred.

You need a teenage girl's shoulder to cry on.

The other prominent Americans you mentioned weren't getting drafted and sent to Vietnam. There was no reason for us to fight that war. I'm sure that you agree that fighting that war was a colossal mistake, yet you have no problem criticizing Trump for staying out of it. YOU are the one that is the partisan hack.

They weren't going to Vietnam... No they were flying bombing missions in WWII. Do you know what the return rate for those guys was?

Go ahead... check out the stats.

Pat Tillman flew bombing raids over Germany? I learn many amazing things here.
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
You need to learn the actual definition of a draft dodger. Obviously, you weren’t alive during that time.

I know EXACTLY what a draft dodger is. His dad paid a physician to give him a FAKE ailment to dodge the draft. If you are going to defend the coward at least use a good talking point to do it.
No, a draft dodger took off for the hills. He didn’t. And it is just another thing for you guys to accuse him of, unfounded, because truth matters not to you.
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
If you dont like what is going on in the United States, you can always fucking leave. Cuba, the Socialist Utopian Paradise has been opened for you Commies to go and visit. Please leave and leave your passport at the border, because We the People dont want your sorry ass here anymore.

Clinton draft dodger and smoked weed, but didnt inhale, what a waste of money.
Obama did cocaine and smoked dope, dropped more bombs on innocent Muslims than Bush did. Got the NPP. What a waste of a human being.

And Ears took it up the ass
And liked it.
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
But it's ok for a draft dodger to bomb the fuck out of a foreign country, killing thousands of innocent civilians as a distraction from his sexual scandal with an intern half his age as long as he's a Democrat?
I made up my mind YEARS ago that, guys who avoided being to Vietnam, were smart to do so. I have NEVER criticized anyone for doing so and have, as I am doing here, defended their decision to do so. Trump is deserving of criticism on some things, but not this. The problem with guys like you is that, Trump can take a breath, and you'd be critical of him for doing so. You're a broken record. You might as well be a paid shill for the DNC, that's how unobjectively partisan you are.

I'm not a bit partisan. Who am I partisan for? I didn't vote for Obama. I didn't vote for Hillary. I've NEVER voted for a Democrat.

Why is it so hard for you to understand what a piece of shit Trump is? See that's the problem, you no longer see Trump the person. All you see is trump the REPUBLICAN President. So when people like me bring up FACTS about how big a piece of shit he is, you don't see us tearing down this facade he hides behind, you see us attacking a Republican president.

When is the last time in your life time have you EVER seen so many people in the President's SAME party come out against him, and even LEAVE the party because they continue to support him?

It's not the Republican party, it's the piece of shit person they are propping up.
He ATTACKED the Khan Gold Star family. How quickly you forget...

He didn't ''attack'' them and, besides, being a Gold Star family doesn't give one immunity from rhetorical remarks, particularly when you get up on national tv to attack someone, as they did.
I made up my mind YEARS ago that, guys who avoided being to Vietnam, were smart to do so. I have NEVER criticized anyone for doing so and have, as I am doing here, defended their decision to do so. Trump is deserving of criticism on some things, but not this. The problem with guys like you is that, Trump can take a breath, and you'd be critical of him for doing so. You're a broken record. You might as well be a paid shill for the DNC, that's how unobjectively partisan you are.

I'm not a bit partisan. Who am I partisan for? I didn't vote for Obama. I didn't vote for Hillary. I've NEVER voted for a Democrat.

Why is it so hard for you to understand what a piece of shit Trump is? See that's the problem, you no longer see Trump the person. All you see is trump the REPUBLICAN President. So when people like me bring up FACTS about how big a piece of shit he is, you don't see us tearing down this facade he hides behind, you see us attacking a Republican president.

When is the last time in your life time have you EVER seen so many people in the President's SAME party come out against him, and even LEAVE the party because they continue to support him?

It's not the Republican party, it's the piece of shit person they are propping up.

You've got some issues going on...or severe ain't right
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
But it's ok for a draft dodger to bomb the fuck out of a foreign country, killing thousands of innocent civilians as a distraction from his sexual scandal with an intern half his age as long as he's a Democrat?

Non sequitur. Show me a single post I EVER said I supported what Obama did.

Fuck when I joined here I posted about how he bragged about being good at killing people with drones. :rolleyes:

You people would get your asses handed to you in a real debate.

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