Finally. A President Who Isnt Ashamed of America's Heroes

He ATTACKED the Khan Gold Star family. How quickly you forget...

He didn't ''attack'' them and, besides, being a Gold Star family doesn't give one immunity from rhetorical remarks, particularly when you get up on national tv to attack someone, as they did.

It's THEIR RIGHT to have an opinion. That doesn't mean the President of the United States is supposed to become an internet troll and attack them.

Jesus do you realize almost every post you make you have to come up with an excuse for him? You won't hold him accountable for ANYTHING.
America needs this -- THIS year


Exactly!! Some one who acts like his soldiers are important and who appreciates who and what they do to represent Our nation, land, & rights, freedom!.

Happy 4th D.A.
I'm not a bit partisan. Why is it so hard for you to understand what a piece of shit Trump is?

Actually, I'm far less concerned with what type of person Trump is than I am concerned about what he does for the U.S. I will concede that, Trump should never be elected Pope. Trump was the most outspoken and qualified candidate to be CEO of the American economy. He was also the most outspoken about putting the interests of Americans first.

The economy is doing fabulous. We're not at war and Trump is trying to get us out of places like Afghanistan, Syria and Korea. I think there is a lot to like about the Trump era, so far, but all you can do is cry about Trump avoiding Vietnam 50 fucking years ago.
I'm not a bit partisan. Why is it so hard for you to understand what a piece of shit Trump is?

Actually, I'm far less concerned with what type of person Trump is than I am concerned about what he does for the U.S. I will concede that, Trump should never be elected Pope. Trump was the most outspoken and qualified candidate to be CEO of the American economy. He was also the most outspoken about putting the interests of Americans first.

The economy is doing fabulous. We're not at war and Trump is trying to get us out of places like Afghanistan, Syria and Korea. I think there is a lot to like about the Trump era, so far, but all you can do is cry about Trump avoiding Vietnam 50 fucking years ago.

We aren't at war? Trump PROMISED to pull the troops out of the Middle East. What has he done instead? He keeps poking Iran and sending MORE troops BACK to the Middle East.

Trump avoiding Vietnam is just one of MANY shitty things he's done. You just ignore it when people give you a list of all the things he has done, and then try to validate your actions by blaming it all on partisan politics when it is about the PERSON not the PARTY.
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
But it's ok for a draft dodger to bomb the fuck out of a foreign country, killing thousands of innocent civilians as a distraction from his sexual scandal with an intern half his age as long as he's a Democrat?

Non sequitur. Show me a single post I EVER said I supported what Obama did.

Fuck when I joined here I posted about how he bragged about being good at killing people with drones. :rolleyes:

You people would get your asses handed to you in a real debate.
I was talking about Clinton, dumbass. Did Obama have sex with an intern half his age (well, a female one anyway)?
Lewdog You're hysterical hatred of Trump is duly noted. If the elections were today, Trump would easily win re-election, but it's not. The election is 17 months away. In the meantime, you can hope that a catastrophic calamity strikes America and then, perhaps, you can help an anti-American, open borders, international-socialist like Bernie or Kamala to victory. Good luck.
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
But it's ok for a draft dodger to bomb the fuck out of a foreign country, killing thousands of innocent civilians as a distraction from his sexual scandal with an intern half his age as long as he's a Democrat?

Non sequitur. Show me a single post I EVER said I supported what Obama did.

Fuck when I joined here I posted about how he bragged about being good at killing people with drones. :rolleyes:

You people would get your asses handed to you in a real debate.
I was talking about Clinton, dumbass. Did Obama have sex with an intern half his age (well, a female one anyway)?

I've never voted Democrat nor defended them. You could be talking about Castro and it wouldn't matter because it is a non sequitur. Do you know what that is?
My grandfather Arnold was in the Air Force stationed in Florida with Ted Williams and would work on his car all the time. After he died in a hunting accident, my grandmother remarried a hell of a man that served as a sailor during the Korean War. He married my grandmother despite her being a widower with FIVE kids. My uncle Rock served in the Air Force. My uncle Wayne served in the Navy and graduated from the Great Lakes. My father was in the army stationed in Fort Richardson Alaska. My aunt was a teacher... and my last uncle went to sign up for the military and they wouldn't let him because he had flat feet. This picture is mine...

So I don't want to hear any fucking excuses of why it is ok for Trump to be a draft dodger. What he did today is a fucking disgrace.

You mean the flat feet that kept people from serving, just as heel spurs did? And your speculation is simply that, speculation. Or maybe you want us to speculate as to whether your uncle really had flat feet...
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
But it's ok for a draft dodger to bomb the fuck out of a foreign country, killing thousands of innocent civilians as a distraction from his sexual scandal with an intern half his age as long as he's a Democrat?

Non sequitur. Show me a single post I EVER said I supported what Obama did.

Fuck when I joined here I posted about how he bragged about being good at killing people with drones. :rolleyes:

You people would get your asses handed to you in a real debate.
--------------------------------------- I think that you would LOSE immediately as you Stated your ASSUMPTION concerning SOMEONE being a Draft Dodger . WHO exactly are you calling a Draft Dodger in yer post Lewdog ??
Lewdog You're hysterical hatred of Trump is duly noted. If the elections were today, Trump would easily win re-election, but it's not. The election is 17 months away. In the meantime, you can hope that a catastrophic calamity strikes America and then, perhaps, you can help an anti-American, open borders, international-socialist like Bernie or Kamala to victory. Good luck.

Just because I capitalize words doesn't mean I'm hysterical. You are making assumptions. Hell while posting here I'm working on some business stuff and I am as calm as a cucumber. FlacTenn capitalizes words when he types too, do you think he is always hysterical?

You guys have bought into this whole TDS, and many other crutches to help deflect your thoughts off the real issues. I hope one of these days some of you guys come to your senses, because if there are really this many people in this country that blindly follow Trump and have as little empathy for other human beings as some of the Trump supporters on this forum, this country is going to be fucked for at least another 4-8 years before things get back to semi-normal.

Everyone thinks every hurdle in Washington is a zero sum game and that there is no such thing as a Republican and Democrat working together to fix issues. I hate to tell you, the reason it isn't happening now isn't because of Congress.

John Boehner was respected enough he was elected Speaker of the House. He disagreed with Obama A LOT... but at the end of the day, they were friends and could be human beings outside politics. Boehner would go to the White House and they would watch movies.

The shit we are dealing with today is toxic, and there is one person responsible for that.
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
He didn’t dodge the draft

He fought a heroic battle against heel spurs
We actually drafted him to serve and he’s doing it for free.. I don’t know anything about bone spurs in 2016??
Exactly! There are many ways people serve their country. President Trump SERVES AMERICA admirably. In case you missed this from my earlier post, here's one example

Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
But it's ok for a draft dodger to bomb the fuck out of a foreign country, killing thousands of innocent civilians as a distraction from his sexual scandal with an intern half his age as long as he's a Democrat?

Non sequitur. Show me a single post I EVER said I supported what Obama did.

Fuck when I joined here I posted about how he bragged about being good at killing people with drones. :rolleyes:

You people would get your asses handed to you in a real debate.
I was talking about Clinton, dumbass. Did Obama have sex with an intern half his age (well, a female one anyway)?

I've never voted Democrat nor defended them. You could be talking about Castro and it wouldn't matter because it is a non sequitur. Do you know what that is?
Yeah, and I also know you're a GD liar. Almost every one of you leftists who claim you don't vote for scumbag Democrats defend every one of the scumbags. You're not only a liar, you're a coward. Admit who and what you really are. Or are you ashamed to be a leftist?
Yes, it is great to watch a draft dodger make a long speech trying to leech off of the service and courage of actual American heroes.
But it's ok for a draft dodger to bomb the fuck out of a foreign country, killing thousands of innocent civilians as a distraction from his sexual scandal with an intern half his age as long as he's a Democrat?

Non sequitur. Show me a single post I EVER said I supported what Obama did.

Fuck when I joined here I posted about how he bragged about being good at killing people with drones. :rolleyes:

You people would get your asses handed to you in a real debate.
I was talking about Clinton, dumbass. Did Obama have sex with an intern half his age (well, a female one anyway)?

I've never voted Democrat nor defended them. You could be talking about Castro and it wouldn't matter because it is a non sequitur. Do you know what that is?
Yeah, and I also know you're a GD liar. Almost every one of you leftists who claim you don't vote for scumbag Democrats defend every one of the scumbags. You're not only a liar, you're a coward. Admit who and what you really are. Or are you ashamed to be a leftist?

Strawman. I'm not a leftist. Strike 2. Can you make three posts in a row laced with a logical fallacy?

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