Finally, A President Willing To Cut Off Boomers' Social Security And Medicare Charity

The rich just need to pony up until you've had your fill of free shit, huh?

Works for me.... We could also serve them as hamburgers..

Okay, seriously... This isn't even a discussion in Europe. In Europe, they have universal health care, generous pension benefits, paid family leave, free college education, and they get six weeks of vacation compared to our two.

The rich just need to pony up until you've had your fill of free shit, huh?

Works for me.... We could also serve them as hamburgers..

Okay, seriously... This isn't even a discussion in Europe. In Europe, they have universal health care, generous pension benefits, paid family leave, free college education, and they get six weeks of vacation compared to our two.

Very true, the EU has all those benefits because the US has troops there protecting them from Russia, who the Germans buy gas from to fund the Russian military?! WTF?
Trump wants the EU to pay for their own defense so we can bring US troops home and save $24b a year, that we paid since 1947, about 73-years worth of defending the EU.

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The only corpus in Soc Sec are government bonds and notes paying less then the rate of inflation. How are these interest payments paid may you ask, with a printing press thus further devaluation of purchasing power. It’s a scam, do yourself a big favor and run the numbers.
Now as for saving, America has the lowest if not one of the lowest savings rates of industrialized countries.
Chile as an example is a rather long stretch, be honest. Mandatory savings accounts with a mixed basket of government, municipal, and public companies has out performed a basket of T Bills and Government notes 7 days a week.
you fail to address the Earned Income Ceiling, why? Do you make over the threshold?
The rich just need to pony up until you've had your fill of free shit, huh?

Works for me.... We could also serve them as hamburgers..

Okay, seriously... This isn't even a discussion in Europe. In Europe, they have universal health care, generous pension benefits, paid family leave, free college education, and they get six weeks of vacation compared to our two.

Very true, the EU has all those benefits because the US has troops there protecting them from Russia, who the Germans buy gas from to fund the Russian military?! WTF?
Trump wants the EU to pay for their own defense so we can bring US troops home and save $24b a year, that we paid since 1947, about 73-years worth of defending the EU.

In many ways, I agree with you. But there is one way I can't agree with you. The US needs to have those troops there for the same reason we have them in South Korea. It's a trip wire. One that Russia will not cross. We made one hell of a mistake with Vietnam by pulling out our troops and the NVA invaded. Had we left the trip wired in place Vietnam would be a much different place.
The maximum earned income threshold subject to Soc Sec Tax is I believe $140,000 per year. So what about those earning a great deal more? No additional Soc Sec taxes for incomes above $140,000. So who benefits and how is that fair?
What about all those in the entertainment and sports industry that earn millions each year, over $140,000 no additional Soc Sec tax liability. Why because the ass holes in congress say it’s not fair they won’t receive a proportionate share of what they paid in! Go figure, yet they keep being re-elected.


I don't agree with easy65 on much or anything , but here he is 100 percent right. I've been paying into social security since I was 14. I'm 59 now. I'll be damned if the money I got taken from me that was supposed to be saved for me is not given back to me. Medicare ain't free either. People pay a premium every month for it. So anyone thinking these things are handouts is a fucking idiot!
WORKING for a pension, having the government take money from every check for retirement is NOT WELFARE you moron.

Sure it is. If Social Security were a pension, it would be a fixed amount that would run out after a certain point. You would be able to take out as much or as little as you need. That's clearly not what it is.

p.s. I never said porch monkeys were black?? Funny how that clicked in your head?

Everyone knows that's a racist term.

porch monkey (plural porch monkeys)
  1. (idiomatic, offensive, ethnic slur) A lazy black person. quotations ▼

Believe it or not, there are some isolated white folks that are so clueless? The really do not know the origin of this word.

If you look in the on-line hipster dictionary, you will see, the number one ranked definition has no racist connotations.

This, in fact, is a source of humor between the hipster white community, and the American Black community when redneck whites come into the city. . .

Exhibit from Clerks 2

You can't taste racism. . . :auiqs.jpg:
WORKING for a pension, having the government take money from every check for retirement is NOT WELFARE you moron.

Sure it is. If Social Security were a pension, it would be a fixed amount that would run out after a certain point. You would be able to take out as much or as little as you need. That's clearly not what it is.

p.s. I never said porch monkeys were black?? Funny how that clicked in your head?

Everyone knows that's a racist term.

porch monkey (plural porch monkeys)
  1. (idiomatic, offensive, ethnic slur) A lazy black person. quotations ▼

Believe it or not, there are some isolated white folks that are so clueless? The really do not know the origin of this word.

If you look in the on-line hipster dictionary, you will see, the number one ranked definition has no racist connotations.

This, in fact, is a source of humor between the hipster white community, and the American Black community when redneck whites come into the city. . .

Exhibit from Clerks 2

You can't taste racism. . . :auiqs.jpg:

Yeah we know, nothing is racist unless it holds whites accountable. The urban dictionary is not official and how many whites are described as 40 oz drinkers?
The EU countries need to fund their own National Defense. Germany in particular needs to step up to the plate. The US at the close of WWII with the adoption of the Marshall Plan agreed to defend Europe. After 75 years of paying the majority of the costs we have finally reached the point that we can no longer afford bearing the lions share of the expense. Total withdraw no, reduction in financial liability yes. As for Nam, America learned that politicians have no business in conducting a war.
Very true, the EU has all those benefits because the US has troops there protecting them from Russia, who the Germans buy gas from to fund the Russian military?! WTF?
Trump wants the EU to pay for their own defense so we can bring US troops home and save $24b a year, that we paid since 1947, about 73-years worth of defending the EU.

Actually, the reason why they have all those benefits is that after WWII, the US helped them set up their governments, but UNLIKE ours, they didn't have to deal with a GOP whining, "But Rich people can't have their mansions if you do that!!!"

Has nothing to do with defense.

But I'm all for cutting the bloated Military Industrial Complex and providing European style benefits to America. Problem solved.
The EU countries need to fund their own National Defense. Germany in particular needs to step up to the plate. The US at the close of WWII with the adoption of the Marshall Plan agreed to defend Europe. After 75 years of paying the majority of the costs we have finally reached the point that we can no longer afford bearing the lions share of the expense. Total withdraw no, reduction in financial liability yes. As for Nam, America learned that politicians have no business in conducting a war.

I think you and Trump are a little confused as to why we are over in Europe. It's not to defend Europe from a Russian threat that is never coming, it's so we have forward forces to react to problems in the Middle East, where we have more interests than they do because we let the Zionists and Oil Companies run our politics.

Trump pulling out troops because he's having a hissy with Merkel is kind of silly.
I'm for cutting off Social Security for everyone under 25yo - no more AFTER everyone above that who has actually paid into if for at least 20 years gets theirs paid.

You snowflakes seem to believe that the government is giving recipients government money each month, that they are doing recipients a favor by doing so. Those who believe that are just f*ing STUPID.



I don't know about you idiots who think killing SS without reimbursing anyone who has paid in is a good idea, but doing so would amount to THE LARGEST PONZI SCHEME IN WORLD HISTORY.

A man is sitting in prison right now for doing what is being suggested.

Screw that....

Tell you what...cut me a check right now for HALF of the money I have paid into SS, and you can do whatever you want with SS.

If you are a Baby Boomer, the president is finally ending your free ride.
What's free about getting my money, ya lying pos? Is this the best you chinese can do?
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

Why do have SS in the first place? Oh yeah, during the depression seniors were starving. Ah, the good old days.

In fact, getting rid of the payroll tax doesn't mean getting rid of SS or Medicare. They will simply be funded in other ways.

The General Fund already owes enough to the SS for money it blows on corporate welfare, out of budget military spending, highways, and much more in pork it can ride for a long time without borrowing dime to fund it.They will have to borrow when they can't raid the SS revenues, though.
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

Kinda like how he repealed ACA?
Once a lying pos always a lying pos, aren't you chinaman? 'Splain to us all how that can be true when I don't have an employer, liar?

I don't know, are you always sitting on your ass collecting that disability, Cleetus.

President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

You realize that social security is just a government mandated Ponzi scheme. You find an initial group of investors, then find a second larger group of investors to pay off the first group, then find an even larger to pay off the 2nd group, and so on. The problem with ponzi schemes is that you get to a point where you never have a large enough group of investors to pay off the previous groups of investors. We’ve hit that point long ago. Social security was projected to go bankrupt in a decade back when Obama was still president. Pensions for government Union workers are also ponzi schemes, which is why a judge ordered Chicago to pay pensions for police, firefighters, and other city workers even though the cost is Chicago’s entire budget...on the pensions alone. The solution to a ponzi schemes is not to keep pumping money into the system. You don’t want to turn into Chicago where the city kept promising to deliver money at a later date that it knew it wouldn’t ever have. Social security was always going to need a reform. Ages to receive benefits pushed up, and privatization opt out systems that would be completely tax free in order to incentivize use of the private system. I’m 30, there’s no way in hell im ever going to see the money that I put into social security. Mathematically it isn’t going to happen.

The entitlement programs we put into place many decades ago have been growing into unsustainable monsters. They alone make up more than 60% of the fed budget. They continue to grow at an alarming rate. The answer is not to throw more money at it. Especially considering it’s the very same Federal government that misspent 1 trillion from 2006-2016. Misspent not meaning wasteful spending on clown collages in Argentina (yes we are giving money to clown collages in Argentina) but money going to the wrong places, double charging, or just straight up disappearing. Think about that. The government essentially lost 1 trillion in ten years. It took apple 40 years to become the most wealthy business in human history valued at 1 trillion. Government lost what the most wealthy business is worth in 10 years. It lost a full 1/3 of tax revenues it receives yearly. 5% of the national GDP was disappeared by the government. That’s something to get enraged about.

The solution is NOT to keep throwing money at the government. It’s to demand government get its shit together, cut back on spending, streamline, stop passing omnibus budgets, stop being a cesspool for fraud, stop passing regulations by big companies for big companies at the expense of small ones, have a balanced budget amendment...and oh yeah, fucking reform these damn programs that we know for a fact are going to bankrupt us in a matter of decades. They’re spending like a spoiled 20 year old girl with daddy’s credit card. It’s ridiculous.

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