Finally figured out what the libs are pulling with this Russian hack business.

Sabotage. It isn't about Putin and Russia. It's solely about Trump. They want revenge. That's all their Russia Hissy-Fit is about. Obviously they'll say otherwise, but they know the truth.
The claim is now that the Russia hacked the DNC and is responsible for the initial release of the emails (not the podesta emails).

To that I say, thank you Russia! Your did the job that the US media was supposed to do. Uncover corruption...

Unfortunately they were bunch of Hillary heads who interfered with transparent election process, instead banging the drum for their candidate to the point of giving her debate questions in advance and outright telling the people to vote for this candidate.

So our media is supposed to hack and steal emails? WTF is wrong with you?

Russia can have your rancid ass. They like stupid people who can't think. You will fit in perfectly

Ya gotta love this persons outrage and excuse.

Here, let me help ya---------> No, we don't want our media hacking e-mails.......and why should they.......half the MSM reporters were included on all of the e-mails released.

TRANSLATION----------->the DNC and MSM have been outed as partners in crime as we on the right have always said. The MSM has no sway now; except maybe with you far leftists. Your narrative falls on most of the American publics deaf ears. Doesn't mean you are correct, or not correct. All it means is, either show us the proof to your allegations for EVERYTHING you insist from here forward, or in our nook, it didn't happen since you guys have been so full of crapola; with the MSMs help, for so long, and are now BUSTED!

The new rule for EVERY conservative on this board should be---------->any leftist wants to make a point and use the MSM as a reference link.............BUZZER.........over ruled, not a good enough source! And if the left disagrees, we have PROOF of their collusion, and we go right back there to a place the left can't have people go, namely....the MSM is as phony as the far leftists-)

The left wing media has been caught so many times lying or editing news.

This goes back to the New York Times lying about the Ukranian holocaust carried out by Stalin in the 30s.

I've been aware of this since I saw a speech Reagan gave (as a candidate in 1980) where ABC edited out the applause to make it look as if Reagan's speech wasn't popular with the audience.

Whether it's putting blast caps near the gas tank to make a car look dangerous, faking Bush National Guard records, or editing the George Zimmerman 911 tapes the media has a long history of faking news to get the liberal result they want.

They just got caught again editing a Julian Assange interview. The liberal media lying never stops.

Fake News: Guardian Caught Deceptively Editing Quotes from Julian Assange Interview
Fake News: Guardian Caught Deceptively Editing Quotes from Julian Assange Interview - Breitbart

Agree with your whole post...........but never before has the MSM been caught red handed with their hands in "the election cookie jar," in real time.

The left wants to make it an either/or issue, with the Russians, but I say there is nuance here, and it goes something like this----->

Let us ALL say for the sake of debate, the Russians had EVERYTHING to do with the DNC being hacked, but that has been proven, they did NOT do any changing of votes after they were cast, that is our premise for this post!

1. Did the Russians do something illegal? Yes, absolutely, no doubt about it.

2. Did the Russians know what they were doing was illegal? Yes, no doubt, they knew it!

3. Should Americans be upset that the Russians hacked the DNCs e-mails? I would say, no doubt about it!

4. Should Americans be pissed that the Obama administration has been unable to stop hacks in Washington for the last 6 years at least? Yes, what the hell is going on there anyway? If nothing else, maybe they should make just a government server totally offline.

5. If we as Americans believe that Russia hacked the DNC, know that certainly the Chinese have been shown to hack Washington, should ANYONE with any sense believe that Hillarys private server did NOT get hacked? Ummmmmmmm, how dumb are we? If we are to believe what the leftists are telling us, then of COURSE her server got hacked. To think otherwise and yet to believe the Russians hacked the DNC is total fantasy!

6. So ok............the Russians, the Chinese, and anyone else who hacks our institutions are evil, and the government should have already done something to stop it, and if not, certainly in the immediate future must. Can we all agree! YES, yes, and yes, again!

7. Did the Russian hack of the DNC prove that the DNC was as crooked as the day is long? Yes, yes, yes!

8. Did the Russian hack prove the MSM was as crooked as the day is long also? Yes, yes, yes!

9. Did the Russian hack prove that the MSM and DNC were colluding to steal the election from Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump by unethical means? Yes, yes, and yes again!

10. And so, in the end, while most Americans want this hacking stopped dead in its tracks because of secrecy issues, do we think that MOST Americans......while not happy with the hack.....are happy that WikiLeaks outed the MSM, and especially the DNC? Absolutely! While the information was gotten by illegal methods, it also proved illegal activity.......or certainly UNETHICAL activity by both the DNC, and the MSM. Two wrongs do not make a right, but a bunch of DNC/MSM crooks controlling what Americans think through collusion, does NOT a Republic make!

CONCLUSION---------> Because of their illegal/unethical activity, if the Russians suffer and they did hack, they deserve it! Because the DNC did the same thing along with the MSM, they are getting what they deserve too! They are all 3 a cabal of Socialist entities, and who should feel sorry for any of them because they who are so much alike, screwed each other-) Not me/us!

One problem!

In all the controversy over this no one is Disputing what's IN the emails is TRUE.

No one, not even the lying liberals are disputing what's in the emails is TRUE.

No one!

The only thing I'm disputing is the idea the Russians hacked the election.

Liberals are STILL without proof of that, and yet are acting like it's established fact, which isn't new. The do the same thing with the lie of global warming.
The claim is now that the Russia hacked the DNC and is responsible for the initial release of the emails (not the podesta emails).

To that I say, thank you Russia! Your did the job that the US media was supposed to do. Uncover corruption...

Unfortunately they were bunch of Hillary heads who interfered with transparent election process, instead banging the drum for their candidate to the point of giving her debate questions in advance and outright telling the people to vote for this candidate.

So our media is supposed to hack and steal emails? WTF is wrong with you?

Russia can have your rancid ass. They like stupid people who can't think. You will fit in perfectly

Ya gotta love this persons outrage and excuse.

Here, let me help ya---------> No, we don't want our media hacking e-mails.......and why should they.......half the MSM reporters were included on all of the e-mails released.

TRANSLATION----------->the DNC and MSM have been outed as partners in crime as we on the right have always said. The MSM has no sway now; except maybe with you far leftists. Your narrative falls on most of the American publics deaf ears. Doesn't mean you are correct, or not correct. All it means is, either show us the proof to your allegations for EVERYTHING you insist from here forward, or in our nook, it didn't happen since you guys have been so full of crapola; with the MSMs help, for so long, and are now BUSTED!

The new rule for EVERY conservative on this board should be---------->any leftist wants to make a point and use the MSM as a reference link.............BUZZER.........over ruled, not a good enough source! And if the left disagrees, we have PROOF of their collusion, and we go right back there to a place the left can't have people go, namely....the MSM is as phony as the far leftists-)

The left wing media has been caught so many times lying or editing news.

This goes back to the New York Times lying about the Ukranian holocaust carried out by Stalin in the 30s.

I've been aware of this since I saw a speech Reagan gave (as a candidate in 1980) where ABC edited out the applause to make it look as if Reagan's speech wasn't popular with the audience.

Whether it's putting blast caps near the gas tank to make a car look dangerous, faking Bush National Guard records, or editing the George Zimmerman 911 tapes the media has a long history of faking news to get the liberal result they want.

They just got caught again editing a Julian Assange interview. The liberal media lying never stops.

Fake News: Guardian Caught Deceptively Editing Quotes from Julian Assange Interview
Fake News: Guardian Caught Deceptively Editing Quotes from Julian Assange Interview - Breitbart

Agree with your whole post...........but never before has the MSM been caught red handed with their hands in "the election cookie jar," in real time.

The left wants to make it an either/or issue, with the Russians, but I say there is nuance here, and it goes something like this----->

Let us ALL say for the sake of debate, the Russians had EVERYTHING to do with the DNC being hacked, but that has been proven, they did NOT do any changing of votes after they were cast, that is our premise for this post!

1. Did the Russians do something illegal? Yes, absolutely, no doubt about it.

2. Did the Russians know what they were doing was illegal? Yes, no doubt, they knew it!

3. Should Americans be upset that the Russians hacked the DNCs e-mails? I would say, no doubt about it!

4. Should Americans be pissed that the Obama administration has been unable to stop hacks in Washington for the last 6 years at least? Yes, what the hell is going on there anyway? If nothing else, maybe they should make just a government server totally offline.

5. If we as Americans believe that Russia hacked the DNC, know that certainly the Chinese have been shown to hack Washington, should ANYONE with any sense believe that Hillarys private server did NOT get hacked? Ummmmmmmm, how dumb are we? If we are to believe what the leftists are telling us, then of COURSE her server got hacked. To think otherwise and yet to believe the Russians hacked the DNC is total fantasy!

6. So ok............the Russians, the Chinese, and anyone else who hacks our institutions are evil, and the government should have already done something to stop it, and if not, certainly in the immediate future must. Can we all agree! YES, yes, and yes, again!

7. Did the Russian hack of the DNC prove that the DNC was as crooked as the day is long? Yes, yes, yes!

8. Did the Russian hack prove the MSM was as crooked as the day is long also? Yes, yes, yes!

9. Did the Russian hack prove that the MSM and DNC were colluding to steal the election from Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump by unethical means? Yes, yes, and yes again!

10. And so, in the end, while most Americans want this hacking stopped dead in its tracks because of secrecy issues, do we think that MOST Americans......while not happy with the hack.....are happy that WikiLeaks outed the MSM, and especially the DNC? Absolutely! While the information was gotten by illegal methods, it also proved illegal activity.......or certainly UNETHICAL activity by both the DNC, and the MSM. Two wrongs do not make a right, but a bunch of DNC/MSM crooks controlling what Americans think through collusion, does NOT a Republic make!

CONCLUSION---------> Because of their illegal/unethical activity, if the Russians suffer and they did hack, they deserve it! Because the DNC did the same thing along with the MSM, they are getting what they deserve too! They are all 3 a cabal of Socialist entities, and who should feel sorry for any of them because they who are so much alike, screwed each other-) Not me/us!

One problem!

In all the controversy over this no one is Disputing what's IN the emails is TRUE.

No one, not even the lying liberals are disputing what's in the emails is TRUE.

No one!

The only thing I'm disputing is the idea the Russians hacked the election.

Liberals are STILL without proof of that, and yet are acting like it's established fact, which isn't new. The do the same thing with the lie of global warming.

Oh, you mean their phony statement that it is settled science, lol! Don't worry, the eco fanatics are gonna be persona non grata at the public trough for the forseeable future.

As far as their proof that it was the Russians------------->it was not my intention to claim it was, or was not true. What it was my intention to point out was-------->that while America will be pissed, they are also happy to learn how damn manipulative and phony the DNC and MSM are. They all just lost their credibility card, and anything that they say with evidence with a link to the MSM is no longer viable, unless it is a video. Besides that, how can ANY of us debate with leftists any longer, when all of their sources have been proven, phony-baloney-)
They NEVER change their playbook.

They have done this before.

In 1980, when Reagan shellacked them good (and humiliated them as much as Trump did now) the Democrats tried to retaliate.

They did by making the charge that Reagan had sent Bush (before the election) to negotiate with the Iranians to not release the hostages until AFTER election day.

There was NEVER a shred of evidence for it. But they made the charge over and over, even had hearings, and some idiot even wrote a book about it.

They are pulling the same bit with this Russian hack of the election.

It makes sense. Same story. Outside influence from a foreign government to affect our election, and a Republican "colluding" with them.

Trust me, they will try to impeach Trump as well, as they tried to pin that fiction on Reagan.

Barry has just being black. He was proper for eight years with Russia, but couldn't hold on for another few weeks and had to go full ghetto. He's chimping out because he'll have no legacy left behind him. He actually trash-talked Trump like a fucking street punk, and is now trying to do to US policy and world standing what blacks typically do to Section 8 housing. He piss Russia off, he set up a time bomb and will blame it on Trump when it goes off.

It's all big distraction from the massive election fraud that the DNC was caught doing.



Is it the dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing snake to whom you refer????
The claim is now that the Russia hacked the DNC and is responsible for the initial release of the emails (not the podesta emails).

To that I say, thank you Russia! Your did the job that the US media was supposed to do. Uncover corruption...

Unfortunately they were bunch of Hillary heads who interfered with transparent election process, instead banging the drum for their candidate to the point of giving her debate questions in advance and outright telling the people to vote for this candidate.

So our media is supposed to hack and steal emails? WTF is wrong with you?

Russia can have your rancid ass. They like stupid people who can't think. You will fit in perfectly

Ya gotta love this persons outrage and excuse.

Here, let me help ya---------> No, we don't want our media hacking e-mails.......and why should they.......half the MSM reporters were included on all of the e-mails released.

TRANSLATION----------->the DNC and MSM have been outed as partners in crime as we on the right have always said. The MSM has no sway now; except maybe with you far leftists. Your narrative falls on most of the American publics deaf ears. Doesn't mean you are correct, or not correct. All it means is, either show us the proof to your allegations for EVERYTHING you insist from here forward, or in our nook, it didn't happen since you guys have been so full of crapola; with the MSMs help, for so long, and are now BUSTED!

The new rule for EVERY conservative on this board should be---------->any leftist wants to make a point and use the MSM as a reference link.............BUZZER.........over ruled, not a good enough source! And if the left disagrees, we have PROOF of their collusion, and we go right back there to a place the left can't have people go, namely....the MSM is as phony as the far leftists-)

The left wing media has been caught so many times lying or editing news.

This goes back to the New York Times lying about the Ukranian holocaust carried out by Stalin in the 30s.

I've been aware of this since I saw a speech Reagan gave (as a candidate in 1980) where ABC edited out the applause to make it look as if Reagan's speech wasn't popular with the audience.

Whether it's putting blast caps near the gas tank to make a car look dangerous, faking Bush National Guard records, or editing the George Zimmerman 911 tapes the media has a long history of faking news to get the liberal result they want.

They just got caught again editing a Julian Assange interview. The liberal media lying never stops.

Fake News: Guardian Caught Deceptively Editing Quotes from Julian Assange Interview
Fake News: Guardian Caught Deceptively Editing Quotes from Julian Assange Interview - Breitbart

Agree with your whole post...........but never before has the MSM been caught red handed with their hands in "the election cookie jar," in real time.

The left wants to make it an either/or issue, with the Russians, but I say there is nuance here, and it goes something like this----->

Let us ALL say for the sake of debate, the Russians had EVERYTHING to do with the DNC being hacked, but that has been proven, they did NOT do any changing of votes after they were cast, that is our premise for this post!

1. Did the Russians do something illegal? Yes, absolutely, no doubt about it.

2. Did the Russians know what they were doing was illegal? Yes, no doubt, they knew it!

3. Should Americans be upset that the Russians hacked the DNCs e-mails? I would say, no doubt about it!

4. Should Americans be pissed that the Obama administration has been unable to stop hacks in Washington for the last 6 years at least? Yes, what the hell is going on there anyway? If nothing else, maybe they should make just a government server totally offline.

5. If we as Americans believe that Russia hacked the DNC, know that certainly the Chinese have been shown to hack Washington, should ANYONE with any sense believe that Hillarys private server did NOT get hacked? Ummmmmmmm, how dumb are we? If we are to believe what the leftists are telling us, then of COURSE her server got hacked. To think otherwise and yet to believe the Russians hacked the DNC is total fantasy!

6. So ok............the Russians, the Chinese, and anyone else who hacks our institutions are evil, and the government should have already done something to stop it, and if not, certainly in the immediate future must. Can we all agree! YES, yes, and yes, again!

7. Did the Russian hack of the DNC prove that the DNC was as crooked as the day is long? Yes, yes, yes!

8. Did the Russian hack prove the MSM was as crooked as the day is long also? Yes, yes, yes!

9. Did the Russian hack prove that the MSM and DNC were colluding to steal the election from Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump by unethical means? Yes, yes, and yes again!

10. And so, in the end, while most Americans want this hacking stopped dead in its tracks because of secrecy issues, do we think that MOST Americans......while not happy with the hack.....are happy that WikiLeaks outed the MSM, and especially the DNC? Absolutely! While the information was gotten by illegal methods, it also proved illegal activity.......or certainly UNETHICAL activity by both the DNC, and the MSM. Two wrongs do not make a right, but a bunch of DNC/MSM crooks controlling what Americans think through collusion, does NOT a Republic make!

CONCLUSION---------> Because of their illegal/unethical activity, if the Russians suffer and they did hack, they deserve it! Because the DNC did the same thing along with the MSM, they are getting what they deserve too! They are all 3 a cabal of Socialist entities, and who should feel sorry for any of them because they who are so much alike, screwed each other-) Not me/us!

One problem!

In all the controversy over this no one is Disputing what's IN the emails is TRUE.

No one, not even the lying liberals are disputing what's in the emails is TRUE.

No one!

The only thing I'm disputing is the idea the Russians hacked the election.

Liberals are STILL without proof of that, and yet are acting like it's established fact, which isn't new. The do the same thing with the lie of global warming.

That's what they are really upset about. How dare somebody come out and tell the truth about the Democrat party? Telling the truth cost us the election! You can't tell the Americans what we Democrats are really about! We want tough measures against people that tell the truth about us!

And they say it with a straight face to boot.

This coming from the side that is believing nothing but allegations about a hack job of the ENTIRE ELECTION!!!!!

You realise that Obama has kicked out Russian diplomats over the incident, right?

Yes, he is going to do whatever he can to make it more difficult for Trump. Lucky, Putin is a little smarter than that. He's not going to kick any American out. Why should he make Obama's goal easier?
Last edited:
Did Russia get caught hacking into Vermont's electric grid last nite?
The claim is now that the Russia hacked the DNC and is responsible for the initial release of the emails (not the podesta emails).

To that I say, thank you Russia! Your did the job that the US media was supposed to do. Uncover corruption...

Unfortunately they were bunch of Hillary heads who interfered with transparent election process, instead banging the drum for their candidate to the point of giving her debate questions in advance and outright telling the people to vote for this candidate.

So our media is supposed to hack and steal emails? WTF is wrong with you?

Russia can have your rancid ass. They like stupid people who can't think. You will fit in perfectly

Ya gotta love this persons outrage and excuse.

Here, let me help ya---------> No, we don't want our media hacking e-mails.......and why should they.......half the MSM reporters were included on all of the e-mails released.

TRANSLATION----------->the DNC and MSM have been outed as partners in crime as we on the right have always said. The MSM has no sway now; except maybe with you far leftists. Your narrative falls on most of the American publics deaf ears. Doesn't mean you are correct, or not correct. All it means is, either show us the proof to your allegations for EVERYTHING you insist from here forward, or in our nook, it didn't happen since you guys have been so full of crapola; with the MSMs help, for so long, and are now BUSTED!

The new rule for EVERY conservative on this board should be---------->any leftist wants to make a point and use the MSM as a reference link.............BUZZER.........over ruled, not a good enough source! And if the left disagrees, we have PROOF of their collusion, and we go right back there to a place the left can't have people go, namely....the MSM is as phony as the far leftists-)

The left wing media has been caught so many times lying or editing news.

This goes back to the New York Times lying about the Ukranian holocaust carried out by Stalin in the 30s.

I've been aware of this since I saw a speech Reagan gave (as a candidate in 1980) where ABC edited out the applause to make it look as if Reagan's speech wasn't popular with the audience.

Whether it's putting blast caps near the gas tank to make a car look dangerous, faking Bush National Guard records, or editing the George Zimmerman 911 tapes the media has a long history of faking news to get the liberal result they want.

They just got caught again editing a Julian Assange interview. The liberal media lying never stops.

Fake News: Guardian Caught Deceptively Editing Quotes from Julian Assange Interview
Fake News: Guardian Caught Deceptively Editing Quotes from Julian Assange Interview - Breitbart

Agree with your whole post...........but never before has the MSM been caught red handed with their hands in "the election cookie jar," in real time.

The left wants to make it an either/or issue, with the Russians, but I say there is nuance here, and it goes something like this----->

Let us ALL say for the sake of debate, the Russians had EVERYTHING to do with the DNC being hacked, but that has been proven, they did NOT do any changing of votes after they were cast, that is our premise for this post!

1. Did the Russians do something illegal? Yes, absolutely, no doubt about it.

2. Did the Russians know what they were doing was illegal? Yes, no doubt, they knew it!

3. Should Americans be upset that the Russians hacked the DNCs e-mails? I would say, no doubt about it!

4. Should Americans be pissed that the Obama administration has been unable to stop hacks in Washington for the last 6 years at least? Yes, what the hell is going on there anyway? If nothing else, maybe they should make just a government server totally offline.

5. If we as Americans believe that Russia hacked the DNC, know that certainly the Chinese have been shown to hack Washington, should ANYONE with any sense believe that Hillarys private server did NOT get hacked? Ummmmmmmm, how dumb are we? If we are to believe what the leftists are telling us, then of COURSE her server got hacked. To think otherwise and yet to believe the Russians hacked the DNC is total fantasy!

6. So ok............the Russians, the Chinese, and anyone else who hacks our institutions are evil, and the government should have already done something to stop it, and if not, certainly in the immediate future must. Can we all agree! YES, yes, and yes, again!

7. Did the Russian hack of the DNC prove that the DNC was as crooked as the day is long? Yes, yes, yes!

8. Did the Russian hack prove the MSM was as crooked as the day is long also? Yes, yes, yes!

9. Did the Russian hack prove that the MSM and DNC were colluding to steal the election from Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump by unethical means? Yes, yes, and yes again!

10. And so, in the end, while most Americans want this hacking stopped dead in its tracks because of secrecy issues, do we think that MOST Americans......while not happy with the hack.....are happy that WikiLeaks outed the MSM, and especially the DNC? Absolutely! While the information was gotten by illegal methods, it also proved illegal activity.......or certainly UNETHICAL activity by both the DNC, and the MSM. Two wrongs do not make a right, but a bunch of DNC/MSM crooks controlling what Americans think through collusion, does NOT a Republic make!

CONCLUSION---------> Because of their illegal/unethical activity, if the Russians suffer and they did hack, they deserve it! Because the DNC did the same thing along with the MSM, they are getting what they deserve too! They are all 3 a cabal of Socialist entities, and who should feel sorry for any of them because they who are so much alike, screwed each other-) Not me/us!

Yes, but there is a difference between the DNC being hacked and the ELECTION being hacked. The liberals are claiming the Russians hacked the election.

The reason the DNC was hacked is because of Hillary's lax security. I could have hacked the Hillary's email server the way she kept it and I know Zero about hacking.

It's very telling that Hillary set up her email servers this way. It's obvious her worry wasn't foreign hacking but her own government finding out what she was up to.

Further, I have YET to see any liberal deny the information hacked isn't true.

All that proves is Obama is a petulant man child, butthurt over the election.

It's not him saying it. It is on the advice of 17 of your intelligence services. Get with the programme.

Um, 17 intelligence services?

All that came out of that is the DNC servers were hacked. We know that.

Where is the evidence they hacked the election?

And I have YET to see one Democrat deny the truth that came out in those emails. Just fury that their Democrat lies were exposed.
Yes, he is going to do whatever he can to make it more difficult for Trump. Lucky, Putin is a little smarter than that. He's not going to kick any American out. Why should he make Obama's goal easier?

I love how all you Obama haters have shreaded him over the past eight years for being weak. He now shows a spine and suddenly Vlad the Loser/Despot is the poster child for the neocon right in the USA....Too funny...
Trying to fuck things up as much as possible on his way out the door isn't "spine," it's spite.
A cyber attack by a foreign entity is not a liberal or conservative issue.

If it were ISIS, the Trumpster morons here would have the most appropriately hawkish response, and with good reason.

So by that logic, I'm still not failing the traditional Republican standard on this matter. It's that Republicans have truly abandoned me and common sense on this because their tacky hero Donald Trump won.
Reagan did not send Bush to negotiate for the release of the hostages. He was busy napping at the time. Oliver North was in charge during his naps, and he was busy orchestrating an arms deal involving Iran and the Contras.
Yes, he is going to do whatever he can to make it more difficult for Trump. Lucky, Putin is a little smarter than that. He's not going to kick any American out. Why should he make Obama's goal easier?

I love how all you Obama haters have shreaded him over the past eight years for being weak. He now shows a spine and suddenly Vlad the Loser/Despot is the poster child for the neocon right in the USA....Too funny...

What's even funnier is how he didn't have a spine until the Democrat party lost a major election. Now it's a problem.
A cyber attack by a foreign entity is not a liberal or conservative issue.

If it were ISIS, the Trumpster morons here would have the most appropriately hawkish response, and with good reason.

So by that logic, I'm still not failing the traditional Republican standard on this matter. It's that Republicans have truly abandoned me and common sense on this because their tacky hero Donald Trump won.

Common sense is to see proof of an allegation before making judgements on it. For liberals, if Obama says something happened, just accept it as truth.

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