Finally figured out what the libs are pulling with this Russian hack business.

The poor dumb rubes can't accept the truth that the Russians hacked the DNC. So they have to invent a delusion in which reality and truth are a fantasy.

These tards are fucking schizos.

Who's inventing the fantasy?
All the tards who bleev Obama was born in Kenya. Tards like you who actually needed that spelled out for you.

You're welcome.

Excuse me but when you have evidence I ever said Obama was born in Kenya, do let me know.

Never was a birther.

I don't go in for conspiracy theories.

That's you libs right now with the Russian thing and it's just as lame.

(btw, if you look back, I told the birthers they were unhinged)
The fucking mentalward is about to take over the government and the little nutz that voted it in certainly don't believe in reality.

Up is down and down is up! Come in take me away, hehehe, hahaha,. to the funny farm!

Well wait a minute, if WE voted for Trump then Trump didn't need Russia's help did he?

So, how was this election a hack????

The problem with these tards is they only bleev what chimes with their massive delusional alternate reality. Truth
The poor dumb rubes can't accept the truth that the Russians hacked the DNC. So they have to invent a delusion in which reality and truth are a fantasy.

These tards are fucking schizos.

Who's inventing the fantasy?
All the tards who bleev Obama was born in Kenya. Tards like you who actually needed that spelled out for you.

You're welcome.

Excuse me but when you have evidence I ever said Obama was born in Kenya, do let me know.

Never was a birther.

I don't go in for conspiracy theories.

That's you libs right now with the Russian thing and it's just as lame.

(btw, if you look back, I told the birthers they were unhinged)
I've been simultaneously posting in two tard topics. Yours and a birther one. I edited my post when I realized which one I was in.


All the tards who refuse to accept the Russians interfered in our elections. Tards like you who just needed that spelled out for you.

You're welcome.
The fucking mentalward is about to take over the government and the little nutz that voted it in certainly don't believe in reality.

Up is down and down is up! Come in take me away, hehehe, hahaha,. to the funny farm!

Well wait a minute, if WE voted for Trump then Trump didn't need Russia's help did he?

So, how was this election a hack????

View attachment 104384
Are you now denying the DNC was hacked!?!

The problem with these tards is they only bleev what chimes with their massive delusional alternate reality. Truth
The poor dumb rubes can't accept the truth that the Russians hacked the DNC. So they have to invent a delusion in which reality and truth are a fantasy.

These tards are fucking schizos.

Who's inventing the fantasy?
All the tards who bleev Obama was born in Kenya. Tards like you who actually needed that spelled out for you.

You're welcome.

Excuse me but when you have evidence I ever said Obama was born in Kenya, do let me know.

Never was a birther.

I don't go in for conspiracy theories.

That's you libs right now with the Russian thing and it's just as lame.

(btw, if you look back, I told the birthers they were unhinged)
I've been simultaneously posting in two tard topics. Yours and a birther one. I edited my post when I realized which one I was in.


All the tards who refuse to accept the Russians interfered in our elections. Tards like you who just needed that spelled out for you.

You're welcome.

Who are the "tards" when you stamp your feet and throw tantrums demanding we believing the Russians hacked an election AND YET YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE.

I've been waiting for liberals to post any evidence.

All they have is Obama says so, or Comey says so.


Who's the tard?

Obama Under "Intense Pressure" To Release Evidence Proving Russians Hacked The Election | Zero Hedge
The fucking mentalward is about to take over the government and the little nutz that voted it in certainly don't believe in reality.

Up is down and down is up! Come in take me away, hehehe, hahaha,. to the funny farm!

Well wait a minute, if WE voted for Trump then Trump didn't need Russia's help did he?

So, how was this election a hack????

View attachment 104384
Are you now denying the DNC was hacked!?!


The DNC getting hacked is NOT an election!

Keep trying!

The DNC got hacked because of Hillary's lax email servers.

Now your changing the bar because you know you have no evidence for an election hack.
I recall Reagan's administration shipping weapons to Iran and the whole Iran-Contra affair. There wasn't a smoking gun tied to the election but I'd keep an eye out for favors Trump might be providing Russia if we're looking for history to repeat itself.
I recall Reagan's administration shipping weapons to Iran and the whole Iran-Contra affair. There wasn't a smoking gun tied to the election but I'd keep an eye out for favors Trump might be providing Russia if we're looking for history to repeat itself.

You recall wrong.

Reagan gave some broken down airplane parts to Iran to get some hostages home that had been in Iranian hands for YEARS.;

Everyone wants to forget that part of it, because it shows the real picture.

And it was done after the families of the hostages personally appealed to Reagan to do something about it.

That's the part everyone wants to forget.
The problem with these tards is they only bleev what chimes with their massive delusional alternate reality. Truth
The poor dumb rubes can't accept the truth that the Russians hacked the DNC. So they have to invent a delusion in which reality and truth are a fantasy.

These tards are fucking schizos.

Who's inventing the fantasy?
All the tards who bleev Obama was born in Kenya. Tards like you who actually needed that spelled out for you.

You're welcome.

Excuse me but when you have evidence I ever said Obama was born in Kenya, do let me know.

Never was a birther.

I don't go in for conspiracy theories.

That's you libs right now with the Russian thing and it's just as lame.

(btw, if you look back, I told the birthers they were unhinged)
I've been simultaneously posting in two tard topics. Yours and a birther one. I edited my post when I realized which one I was in.


All the tards who refuse to accept the Russians interfered in our elections. Tards like you who just needed that spelled out for you.

You're welcome.

Who are the "tards" when you stamp your feet and throw tantrums demanding we believing the Russians hacked an election AND YET YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE.

I've been waiting for liberals to post any evidence.

All they have is Obama says so, or Comey says so.


Who's the tard?

Obama Under "Intense Pressure" To Release Evidence Proving Russians Hacked The Election | Zero Hedge
Oh, we need to preserve this post for posterity.

It's going to come back to bite you.

The pseudocons' propaganda sites just have to claim millions of illegals votes, and all the tards line up to drink that piss without a shred of evidence.

Trump can claim the moon is made of cheese, and you tards will bleev it without hesitation.

But our intelligence community shows Trump the classified evidence the Russians interfered in our elections, and you drop to your knees and pop Putin's cock into your mouth.
And so my point has been proven. The tards can't accept the fact the Russians interfered in our election, and so they have to invent a delusion in which reality becomes a fantasy, and their fantasy become reality.

The tard who started this topic actually bragged that he sat down and thunk real hard to come up with a fantasy to fit his denial of reality.

Much back slapping and mutual masturbation then ensued.
The fucking mentalward is about to take over the government and the little nutz that voted it in certainly don't believe in reality.

Up is down and down is up! Come in take me away, hehehe, hahaha,. to the funny farm!

Well wait a minute, if WE voted for Trump then Trump didn't need Russia's help did he?

So, how was this election a hack????

View attachment 104384

Almost 3 million more voted for Hillary. But for exactly how the Russians intervened I suggest you do more than second guess what 17 intelligence agencies investigated, you stupid gerbil.
GRIZZLY STEPPE - Russian Malicious Cyber Activity | US-CERT
The problem with these tards is they only bleev what chimes with their massive delusional alternate reality. Truth
The poor dumb rubes can't accept the truth that the Russians hacked the DNC. So they have to invent a delusion in which reality and truth are a fantasy.

These tards are fucking schizos.

Who's inventing the fantasy?
All the tards who bleev Obama was born in Kenya. Tards like you who actually needed that spelled out for you.

You're welcome.

Excuse me but when you have evidence I ever said Obama was born in Kenya, do let me know.

Never was a birther.

I don't go in for conspiracy theories.

That's you libs right now with the Russian thing and it's just as lame.

(btw, if you look back, I told the birthers they were unhinged)
I've been simultaneously posting in two tard topics. Yours and a birther one. I edited my post when I realized which one I was in.


All the tards who refuse to accept the Russians interfered in our elections. Tards like you who just needed that spelled out for you.

You're welcome.

Who are the "tards" when you stamp your feet and throw tantrums demanding we believing the Russians hacked an election AND YET YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE.

I've been waiting for liberals to post any evidence.

All they have is Obama says so, or Comey says so.


Who's the tard?

Obama Under "Intense Pressure" To Release Evidence Proving Russians Hacked The Election | Zero Hedge

GRIZZLY STEPPE - Russian Malicious Cyber Activity | US-CERT
The claim is now that the Russia hacked the DNC and is responsible for the initial release of the emails (not the podesta emails).

To that I say, thank you Russia! Your did the job that the US media was supposed to do. Uncover corruption...

Unfortunately they were bunch of Hillary heads who interfered with transparent election process, instead banging the drum for their candidate to the point of giving her debate questions in advance and outright telling the people to vote for this candidate.
The problem with these tards is they only bleev what chimes with their massive delusional alternate reality. Truth
Who's inventing the fantasy?
All the tards who bleev Obama was born in Kenya. Tards like you who actually needed that spelled out for you.

You're welcome.

Excuse me but when you have evidence I ever said Obama was born in Kenya, do let me know.

Never was a birther.

I don't go in for conspiracy theories.

That's you libs right now with the Russian thing and it's just as lame.

(btw, if you look back, I told the birthers they were unhinged)
I've been simultaneously posting in two tard topics. Yours and a birther one. I edited my post when I realized which one I was in.


All the tards who refuse to accept the Russians interfered in our elections. Tards like you who just needed that spelled out for you.

You're welcome.

Who are the "tards" when you stamp your feet and throw tantrums demanding we believing the Russians hacked an election AND YET YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE.

I've been waiting for liberals to post any evidence.

All they have is Obama says so, or Comey says so.


Who's the tard?

Obama Under "Intense Pressure" To Release Evidence Proving Russians Hacked The Election | Zero Hedge

GRIZZLY STEPPE - Russian Malicious Cyber Activity | US-CERT

Okay, so how does that prove the election was hacked???

We've known about Russian hackers for a long time.

They ASSURED us before the election that it was IMPOSSIBLE for the Russians to have hacked Hillary email servers or the elections.

Now they have done both?

Where's the evidence?
The fucking mentalward is about to take over the government and the little nutz that voted it in certainly don't believe in reality.

Up is down and down is up! Come in take me away, hehehe, hahaha,. to the funny farm!

Well wait a minute, if WE voted for Trump then Trump didn't need Russia's help did he?

So, how was this election a hack????

View attachment 104384
Are you now denying the DNC was hacked!?!


The DNC getting hacked is NOT an election!

Keep trying!

The DNC got hacked because of Hillary's lax email servers.

Now your changing the bar because you know you have no evidence for an election hack.

Any and every server can be hacked. Doesn't matter who they belong to or what kind of security they have. Every single fucking server in the world is vulnerable.

The question you need to ask is why Assange chose to reveal DNC emails and not the RNC's. Probably has something to do with getting him back to Australia and out of the rape charges against him in Sweden
The claim is now that the Russia hacked the DNC and is responsible for the initial release of the emails (not the podesta emails).

To that I say, thank you Russia! Your did the job that the US media was supposed to do. Uncover corruption...

Unfortunately they were bunch of Hillary heads who interfered with transparent election process, instead banging the drum for their candidate to the point of giving her debate questions in advance and outright telling the people to vote for this candidate.

So our media is supposed to hack and steal emails? WTF is wrong with you?

Russia can have your rancid ass. They like stupid people who can't think. You will fit in perfectly
The fucking mentalward is about to take over the government and the little nutz that voted it in certainly don't believe in reality.

Up is down and down is up! Come in take me away, hehehe, hahaha,. to the funny farm!

Well wait a minute, if WE voted for Trump then Trump didn't need Russia's help did he?

So, how was this election a hack????

View attachment 104384
Are you now denying the DNC was hacked!?!


The DNC getting hacked is NOT an election!

Keep trying!

The DNC got hacked because of Hillary's lax email servers.

Now your changing the bar because you know you have no evidence for an election hack.

Any and every server can be hacked. Doesn't matter who they belong to or what kind of security they have. Every single fucking server in the world is vulnerable.

The question you need to ask is why Assange chose to reveal DNC emails and not the RNC's. Probably has something to do with getting him back to Australia and out of the rape charges against him in Sweden

Can be hacked is not evidence that it HAS been hacked.

Certainly not enough evidence to throw out diplomats and try to impeach a president.

Where is the evidence?
The problem with these tards is they only bleev what chimes with their massive delusional alternate reality. Truth
All the tards who bleev Obama was born in Kenya. Tards like you who actually needed that spelled out for you.

You're welcome.

Excuse me but when you have evidence I ever said Obama was born in Kenya, do let me know.

Never was a birther.

I don't go in for conspiracy theories.

That's you libs right now with the Russian thing and it's just as lame.

(btw, if you look back, I told the birthers they were unhinged)
I've been simultaneously posting in two tard topics. Yours and a birther one. I edited my post when I realized which one I was in.


All the tards who refuse to accept the Russians interfered in our elections. Tards like you who just needed that spelled out for you.

You're welcome.

Who are the "tards" when you stamp your feet and throw tantrums demanding we believing the Russians hacked an election AND YET YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE.

I've been waiting for liberals to post any evidence.

All they have is Obama says so, or Comey says so.


Who's the tard?

Obama Under "Intense Pressure" To Release Evidence Proving Russians Hacked The Election | Zero Hedge

GRIZZLY STEPPE - Russian Malicious Cyber Activity | US-CERT

Okay, so how does that prove the election was hacked???

We've known about Russian hackers for a long time.

They ASSURED us before the election that it was IMPOSSIBLE for the Russians to have hacked Hillary email servers or the elections.

Now they have done both?

Where's the evidence?

Read the PDF dumbass. What can be disclosed to the public is there. Sorry Obama chose not to send you the full information. Don't take it personally

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