Finally! First Gay Marriage In Florida!

Of course God loves Gays. We have been admonished not to judge them. We have also been warned not to engage in such sin. Not to accept that sin as virtue.

Jesus said that remarrying after divorce was adultery- and therefore a sin.

Have you been as opposed to remarriage after divorce- not accepting that sin as a virtue- as you oppose homosexuality?
Of course God loves Gays. We have been admonished not to judge them. We have also been warned not to engage in such sin. Not to accept that sin as virtue.

Jesus said that remarrying after divorce was adultery- and therefore a sin.

Have you been as opposed to remarriage after divorce- not accepting that sin as a virtue- as you oppose homosexuality?

Catholics believe that divorce is a sin and there should be no remarriage. I am not a catholic. I do not quote scripture but the Bible does permit divorce. Moses recognized divorce. Jesus recognized divorce under Mosaic law but said that was not what God originally intended.
I know you just got back, horty, but you know the term, so,no, you don't get "just once more"
Better lay off the bacon.

“And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcasse.” -Deuteronomy 14:8

Watch what you wear too...

You shall not wear a garment of different sorts, such as wool and linen mixed together. (Deuteronomy 22:11)

While you're at it, remember...

Don't do any of the following either....

Shaving – Leviticus 19:27,

Cursing – Ephesians 5:4,

Gossip – Leviticus 19:16,

Football on Saturdays – Exodus 20:8,

Eating Lobster – Leviticus 11:10,

Cotton Polyester Blends – Leviticus 19:19,

Associating with women who are on their period – Leviticus 15-19″
Fine to know but all that shit ain't gonna get you punished like packin' fudge will. Fail.

Tell me how according to the bible that homosexuality is any worse than adultery.
Having practiced neither I wouldn't know.

Well maybe its time you practiced reading the Bible then.
Well then, just what what does the Bible say that you think I missed.?

Pretty much from "In the beginning" to "Amen".
Fine to know but all that shit ain't gonna get you punished like packin' fudge will. Fail.

Tell me how according to the bible that homosexuality is any worse than adultery.
Having practiced neither I wouldn't know.

Well maybe its time you practiced reading the Bible then.
Well then, just what what does the Bible say that you think I missed.?

Pretty much from "In the beginning" to "Amen".
OK, Reverend.
I know you just got back, horty, but you know the term, so,no, you don't get "just once more"
The two words contradict and you know it, Jake.
Marriage's origin is one man and one woman.
To require equality in that definition is impossible unless, of course, you mean that all women have an equal right to marry the man of her which case you're just being silly
Equality means each person gets to marry the consenting adult of his or her choice. Terms redefine, and this is one of those times. I know you don't like it, but you don't have the right to deny happiness to others in matrimony and love.

That it disturbs your sensibility is understood, but your sensibility is not constitutionally protected.
Remember that screwy fundie homophobe in Florida, Anita something or other, shilled orange juice and peeped in windows.

I hope she's still alive to see this.

Congratulations to the happy couples.


LOL, Marriage based "on consent" is the most beep boop socially autistic concept I have ever heard. By that standard, what stops faggots from lobbying to lower the age of consent, as they have a proclivity towards child molestation and pedophilia.

The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex... - PubMed - NCBI

Not to mention your standard would allow bigamy and polygamy. But yea, lets encourage and legitimize anti-social behaviors, after all, they are engaged in by "consenting adults".

JakeStarkey, are you married by chance?
I know you just got back, horty, but you know the term, so,no, you don't get "just once more"
The two words contradict and you know it, Jake.
Marriage's origin is one man and one woman.
To require equality in that definition is impossible unless, of course, you mean that all women have an equal right to marry the man of her which case you're just being silly


"Traditional marriage" has changed repeated through the ages and it will change again. No where in the Constitution does it say "except homosexuals". As long as its between consenting adults, its their business.

If he or she is a consenting adult, who YOU choose to marry is none of my business.

I'm sure the lawyers are jumping up and down.

The lawyers are looking forward to the divorces.

Once a nation starts down the road of depravity and degredation it doesn't stop until the end. We won't either.
Leviticus 18:22

22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

so that's the law of the land?

Yeah, it says so in the Constitution.

Great video that breaks down the scam of the normalization of gay marriage and homosexuality in general.

I'm quite aware of the legality of gay "marriage' (equal protection under the law)
My only protest is the word itself. Call it Domestic Partnership or Civil Union or whatever.
Gays SHOULD have the same right to lose half of their shit in divorce as anyone else.
Just don't put an eraser on a pen and tell me it's a pencil.

I won't address the sin of homosexuality except that we are ALL sinners and fall short of the glory of God
So President Obama stated that he believes marriage is between a man and a woman, and God is in the mix.

Is he a bigot too?
The constitution doesn't mention separation of church and state.

Oh, yes it does.

1st amendment to the US Consitutition:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The word "separation" is not there, but the intent is quite obvious, for the very same reason why the pilgrims came to these shores in the first place.
I'm quite aware of the legality of gay "marriage' (equal protection under the law)
My only protest is the word itself. Call it Domestic Partnership or Civil Union or whatever.
Gays SHOULD have the same right to lose half of their shit in divorce as anyone else.
Just don't put an eraser on a pen and tell me it's a pencil.

I won't address the sin of homosexuality except that we are ALL sinners and fall short of the glory of God

And that is you right as an American , to believe any bat shit nut religion you want, just don't try to legislate it , not every religion belives "we are ALL sinners ". No one is forcing your ilk to do anything

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Equality means each person gets to marry the consenting adult of his or her choice. Terms redefine, and this is one of those times. I know you don't like it, but you don't have the right to deny happiness to others in matrimony and love.

That it disturbs your sensibility is understood, but your sensibility is not constitutionally protected.

Is it a marriage in the eyes of God?

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