Finally! First Gay Marriage In Florida!

If you want to get in a bible quoting competition there's a lot of crazy shit in there I can throw out. I know most conservatives want to forgot about that and focus only on that single leviticus quote but I don't think people should let you.
Difference is Christians actually believe the Bible not just use it to support their sick perversions while otherwise denying God. Idiot.
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?
Too late for that, oldfart made a fool out of himself a long time ago.
If you want to get in a bible quoting competition there's a lot of crazy shit in there I can throw out. I know most conservatives want to forgot about that and focus only on that single leviticus quote but I don't think people should let you.
Difference is Christians actually believe the Bible not just use it to support their sick perversions while otherwise denying God. Idiot.
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

You might want to read the bible.

If you want to get in a bible quoting competition there's a lot of crazy shit in there I can throw out. I know most conservatives want to forgot about that and focus only on that single leviticus quote but I don't think people should let you.
Difference is Christians actually believe the Bible not just use it to support their sick perversions while otherwise denying God. Idiot.
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

Wow so you think homosexuality will send you to hell because of Leviticus, but when Leviticus says you can't eat pork you ignore that. Maybe you should actually read the bible bud. I spent 12 years learning about it. You haven't even read it! :rofl:
The constitution doesn't mention separation of church and state.

Oh, yes it does.

1st amendment to the US Consitutition:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The word "separation" is not there, but the intent is quite obvious, for the very same reason why the pilgrims came to these shores in the first place.
No it doesn't. It says that government shall not enforce religion. Nowhere does it claim seperation of Church and state the way libtards say it does.

The Constitution doesn't say anything about the separation of Church and State:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

It would be that great 'libtard' Thomas Jefferson who first mentioned separation of church and state:

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.

But I can understand why Conservatives wouldn't want to listen to Thomas Jefferson.
If you want to get in a bible quoting competition there's a lot of crazy shit in there I can throw out. I know most conservatives want to forgot about that and focus only on that single leviticus quote but I don't think people should let you.
Difference is Christians actually believe the Bible not just use it to support their sick perversions while otherwise denying God. Idiot.
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?
Liberals deny the existence of Jesus Christ. That's how they do it. Once Christ and the New Testament is denied it's all the old testament.
Difference is Christians actually believe the Bible not just use it to support their sick perversions while otherwise denying God. Idiot.
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?
Too late for that, oldfart made a fool out of himself a long time ago.

Another thumper who hasn't read the bible.
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?
Too late for that, oldfart made a fool out of himself a long time ago.

Another thumper who hasn't read the bible.

Difference is Christians actually believe the Bible not just use it to support their sick perversions while otherwise denying God. Idiot.
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

You might want to read the bible.

I have said it before, those who don't believe in God or God's word are stupid to use it to support their lies.
Difference is Christians actually believe the Bible not just use it to support their sick perversions while otherwise denying God. Idiot.
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

Wow so you think homosexuality will send you to hell because of Leviticus, but when Leviticus says you can't eat pork you ignore that. Maybe you should actually read the bible bud. I spent 12 years learning about it. You haven't even read it! :rofl:

Gee, I hope they know that Isaiah says not to eat mice!
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?
Too late for that, oldfart made a fool out of himself a long time ago.

Another thumper who hasn't read the bible.
Your assumption shows your true colors, you are an ass,
Thomas Jefferson in his letter to the Danbury Baptists was assuring them that they could create a community entirely of Baptists with all other faiths prohibited. The wall of separation between church and state would prevent the federal government from forcing that community to permit others.
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

Wow so you think homosexuality will send you to hell because of Leviticus, but when Leviticus says you can't eat pork you ignore that. Maybe you should actually read the bible bud. I spent 12 years learning about it. You haven't even read it! :rofl:

Gee, I hope they know that Isaiah says not to eat mice!
Prove it, what chapter and verse? Otherwise shut up.
Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?
Too late for that, oldfart made a fool out of himself a long time ago.

Another thumper who hasn't read the bible.

Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

You might want to read the bible.

I have said it before, those who don't believe in God or God's word are stupid to use it to support their lies.

Says the "christian" who doesn't even know what his bible says about eating pork.

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

Wow so you think homosexuality will send you to hell because of Leviticus, but when Leviticus says you can't eat pork you ignore that. Maybe you should actually read the bible bud. I spent 12 years learning about it. You haven't even read it! :rofl:

Gee, I hope they know that Isaiah says not to eat mice!
Prove it, what chapter and verse? Otherwise shut up.

Leviticus 11:7-8
And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Isaiah 66:17
“Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?
Too late for that, oldfart made a fool out of himself a long time ago.

Another thumper who hasn't read the bible.

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

You might want to read the bible.

I have said it before, those who don't believe in God or God's word are stupid to use it to support their lies.

Says the "christian" who doesn't even know what his bible says about eating pork.

Says the idiot who has no idea what he is talking about. IDIOT!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?
Too late for that, oldfart made a fool out of himself a long time ago.

Another thumper who hasn't read the bible.

Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

You might want to read the bible.

I have said it before, those who don't believe in God or God's word are stupid to use it to support their lies.

Says the "christian" who doesn't even know what his bible says about eating pork.

Says the idiot who has no idea what he is talking about. IDIOT!!!!!!!!!
Wow you dig yourself deeper in the hole with every post :rofl:
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

Wow so you think homosexuality will send you to hell because of Leviticus, but when Leviticus says you can't eat pork you ignore that. Maybe you should actually read the bible bud. I spent 12 years learning about it. You haven't even read it! :rofl:

Gee, I hope they know that Isaiah says not to eat mice!
Prove it, what chapter and verse? Otherwise shut up.

Leviticus 11:7-8
And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Isaiah 66:17
“Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.
My Bible says Rats but same meaning. The dietary laws were changed by Jesus. The sin of homosexuality is covered under sexual immorality which Jesus speaks about.
Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

Wow so you think homosexuality will send you to hell because of Leviticus, but when Leviticus says you can't eat pork you ignore that. Maybe you should actually read the bible bud. I spent 12 years learning about it. You haven't even read it! :rofl:

Gee, I hope they know that Isaiah says not to eat mice!
Prove it, what chapter and verse? Otherwise shut up.

Leviticus 11:7-8
And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Isaiah 66:17
“Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.
My Bible says Rats but same meaning. The dietary laws were changed by Jesus. The sin of homosexuality is covered under sexual immorality which Jesus speaks about.
The backpedaling begins :rofl:
Too late for that, oldfart made a fool out of himself a long time ago.

Another thumper who hasn't read the bible.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

You might want to read the bible.

I have said it before, those who don't believe in God or God's word are stupid to use it to support their lies.

Says the "christian" who doesn't even know what his bible says about eating pork.

Says the idiot who has no idea what he is talking about. IDIOT!!!!!!!!!
Wow you dig yourself deeper in the hole with every post :rofl:
Talking to yourself again huh?
Wow so you think homosexuality will send you to hell because of Leviticus, but when Leviticus says you can't eat pork you ignore that. Maybe you should actually read the bible bud. I spent 12 years learning about it. You haven't even read it! :rofl:

Gee, I hope they know that Isaiah says not to eat mice!
Prove it, what chapter and verse? Otherwise shut up.

Leviticus 11:7-8
And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Isaiah 66:17
“Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.
My Bible says Rats but same meaning. The dietary laws were changed by Jesus. The sin of homosexuality is covered under sexual immorality which Jesus speaks about.
The backpedaling begins :rofl:
I am not backpedaling, you are still an idiot.
Gee, I hope they know that Isaiah says not to eat mice!
Prove it, what chapter and verse? Otherwise shut up.

Leviticus 11:7-8
And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Isaiah 66:17
“Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.
My Bible says Rats but same meaning. The dietary laws were changed by Jesus. The sin of homosexuality is covered under sexual immorality which Jesus speaks about.
The backpedaling begins :rofl:
I am not backpedaling, you are still an idiot.
Okay homophobe

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